/ / Preparation "Mildronate": indications for use, instructions, characteristics

The drug "Mildronate": indications for use, instructions, characteristics

Metabolic processes - one of the mostcomplex and unstable in the human body. Equilibrium can be affected by a variety of factors. At the disposal of modern medicine there are preparations not only eliminating the causes of imbalance, but also restoring normal metabolism. Drugs of this type include "Mildronate". Indications for the use of the drug are always determined by the doctor, but we are going to describe the properties of this useful powder in this publication. The article can not be regarded as an appeal to the use of the drug, since it refers to medicines. The authors proposed the publication of an information character for general acquaintance with Mildronate.

Description and properties of the tool

The drug refers to prescription drugs,is issued in the form of capsules and a solution of a crystalline, white powder with a specific flavor. From the point of view of chemists, the drug is a quaternary ammonium substance. It dissolves easily in distilled water, but retains crystallization in alcohol. Capsules white soft, sealed in blisters.

Sell ​​medicine in cardboard packs with an inscription"Mildronate." Indications for use are due to the properties of the active substance. It helps to normalize the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in tissues, has a vasodilating effect, activates metabolic processes. The exact mechanism of influence on the human body is wide enough, the description of it can take more than one page, so we decided not to describe it within the framework of this article. "Mildronate" is a medicinal preparation inhibitor, it promotes the development of certain substances, it is used in the treatment of serious disorders. In addition, the property to increase work capacity has long been used in the therapy of weakened patients.

Mildronate: indications for use

The agent is prescribed for detection in patients:

  • chronic heart failure;
  • decrease in efficiency, the appearance of weakness;
  • cardialgia;
  • violation in the blood supply to the brain;
  • abstinence syndrome;
  • in ophthalmology with various hemorrhages and other diseases.

In addition, the drug is actively used by athletes with increased loads.

Contraindications and negative influence of "Mildronate"

Indications for use are limited onlymarked sensitivity to the components of the remedy, as well as the presence of the patient's organic lesions of the central nervous system. It is not recommended to prescribe medication before the age of 12, pregnant and lactating patients, and also in the presence of high intracranial pressure.

In the course of the study, tests and practice of application the following negative effects of the drug were revealed:

  • allergic itching;
  • tachycardia;
  • dyspepsia;
  • excitation;
  • changes in blood pressure.

In addition, allergic reactions manifested itself in the form of rash, edema, and hyperemia.

Special recommendations and caveats

The drug has the property of increasing strengtheffects of antianginal agents, cardiac glycosides, as well as antihypertensive drugs. It can be used with anticoagulants, bronchodilators, diuretics, antiarrhythmics and antiplatelet agents. Experts warn that with the joint use of peripheral vasodilators, as well as antihypertensive medications, the patient may develop tachycardia. Particular care should be given to elderly patients, as they tend to develop various cardiac disorders.

Store the medication separately from foodproducts and chemicals. Do not expose the medicine to the action of elevated or lowered temperatures, as well as their differences. "Mildronate" loses its useful properties in the influence of moisture. It is not recommended to use after the expiry date.

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