/ / Tachycardia: treatment and prevention

Tachycardia: treatment and prevention

Tachycardia in the people is often called increasedpalpitation, and indeed, its main symptom are frequent cardiac contractions. For a healthy person who is at rest, the norm is 60-100 beats per minute. With tachycardia, these strokes become too frequent.

Not always an increased heartbeat isa sign of tachycardia - it can be a reaction of the body to physical stress, a stressful situation, or even just a similar phenomenon due to taking any medications or even caused by the stuffiness in the room. But if the failures in the rhythm of the heart are accompanied by feelings of unreasonable fear, constant anxiety, insomnia and increased sweating, it is most likely a tachycardia. Treatment, carried out in a timely manner, will quickly eliminate this unpleasant problem.

Unfortunately, many people refer to tachycardialightly, especially since the heart itself can not be sick at all. There are cases when tachycardia occurs at all unnoticeably for a person and is detected by accident during an ECG procedure. When a disease is detected, you should find out what the tachycardia provoked. Treatment should be, first of all, aimed at eradicating the cause of the disease, and not at fighting its symptoms. Most often, tachycardia is caused by an unsystematic way of life, mental and nervous tension, alcohol abuse, sedentary work indoors. In this case, treatment is reduced to a simple ordering of life: a strict daily routine, charging, frequent walks in the fresh air will quickly do their job and return the shaken health.

However, sometimes under the symptoms of this conditionmask other dangerous diseases, for example, heart disease. In such cases, pills for tachycardia do not help, the disease requires more extensive treatment. On the other hand, advanced tachycardia itself can lead to the development of serious diseases, increases the risk of stroke and death from sudden cardiac arrest.

In recent times, cases have increased whenTendency of puberty in adolescents develops tachycardia. Treatment in this case is reduced to helping the heart to withstand the stresses associated with changes taking place in the body: reduce the load in school, the child should walk more in nature and generally breathe air. If the teenage tachycardia is launched, she will later be diagnosed with serious heart disease.

Another group of risk are pregnantwomen. An increasing burden on all the internal organs of a woman leads to heart problems. The pressure on the vessels can provoke the fact that the future mother develops a tachycardia. Treatment during pregnancy should be carried out with the utmost care, so as not to damage the fetus. In general, prescribe treatment exclusively with herbs.

Sometimes people notice that an increased heart ratecomes after eating. If you have a tachycardia after a meal, then you need to divide the intake of food into smaller and more frequent doses, do not overeat, avoid fatty foods, exclude sweet and salty foods from your diet, reduce alcohol consumption, minimize coffee and green tea, quit smoking. In addition, you need to clearly adhere to the daily routine, learn how to properly treat stressful situations, do exercises, often breathe fresh air.

Traditional medicine has developed several simplerecipes to combat increased heart rate. You can drink hot or chilled tea with peppermint or a decoction from motherwort and valerian. Good help with tachycardia decoctions turnips and viburnum, as well as a mixture of honey, lemon juice and chopped garlic. But if the folk treatment of symptoms of tachycardia does not recede, you should see a doctor.

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