What is dangerous for a child's heat stroke? Treatment and symptomatology
Thermal shock occurs due to overheatingbodies are subject to the condition of people of different ages, but in particular kids up to a year old. This is due to the immaturity of the thermoregulation system. As a result of overwork and prolonged exposure to the sun without a headdress, a child suffers a heat stroke. Treatment must be carried out immediately, otherwise it can cause irreversible processes in the structure of the brain.
Lack of fluid in the body of children instantlymakes itself felt, because the children have a higher water content than adults. According to medical data, in 30% of cases a lethal outcome is observed with a strong overheating of the baby. If the child was not given an ambulance, then in his body with a heat stroke there is a disturbance of metabolic processes and accumulation of toxic substances that poison vital internal organs (heart, kidneys and brain).
Main reasons
First of all, the effect of high temperatureair causes a heat stroke in the child. The treatment is aimed at cooling the body: the baby must be transferred to a cool place and the ice wrapped in cloth should be placed on large vessels. Another reason is wearing a synthetic or too warm (not in the weather) clothes, which interferes with the penetration of air and natural heat exchange. This is also facilitated by a long stay in a very humid and stuffy room.
Symptoms of a child's heat stroke
Heat stroke can occur in light, medium andextremely severe form. The mild form is manifested by general weakness, dizziness, nausea, headache and rapid breathing. At moderate severity, there is vomiting, an increase in temperature to 40C, as well as severe pain in the temples, fainting and impaired motor activity. A severe degree occurs suddenly. The child loses consciousness, sharply turns pale, hallucinations and convulsions are noted. Serious danger is the heat stroke in the child. Treatment is carried out in specialized medical centers, but first aid should be given immediately.
First of all, an adult will needunbutton the collar of clothes, wrap the child in a cold cloth, put an icy compress on the forehead, under the head - a roller. To bring to mind helps ammonia. Treatment of heat stroke in children is aimed at eliminating the cause. All these primary activities can be carried out before an ambulance arrives. If the baby does not regain consciousness, it is necessary to do artificial respiration with direct heart massage.
How to prevent a child's heat stroke?
Treatment can be prescribed only by a doctor, but notbring to this state, you need to adhere to simple rules. In hot weather, walk with the baby in the shade and until 11 am. Buy clothes from natural materials, so that it allows the child's body to breathe and does not constrain movement. Protect your head from scorching rays will help a light panama or cap.
Be sure to take water with you for a walk. Do not wrap your baby in warm clothes, try not to be close to the air conditioning system. In the child's room should be a comfortable temperature, ventilate the room more often to avoid negative consequences.