Diuretics for pregnant women
With edema during child bearingevery second pregnant woman collides. Usually, they are caused by overworked organs such as the kidneys and the heart. This condition is not only unpleasant and uncomfortable, but it is dangerous both for a woman and for a baby, so it is necessary to take measures to combat swelling.
Very many diuretics thatallowed in pregnancy, made on the basis of authorized and safe herbs. For their application, as a rule, there are no restrictions, unless this plant causes heartburn or stomach pain in a future mother. Here are some of them:
- "Kaneferon", which includes a gold-plow, a grass root lovage and rosemary. This diuretic for pregnant women is available in tablets, it perfectly removes puffiness and inflammation;
- usually doctors still prescribe diuretics forpregnant women, who are made on a natural basis without the admixture of chemicals, so-called diuretics. As a rule, this is "Phytosylin", which has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance of this drug. so gynecologists use it without any fear;
- another diuretic for pregnant women -"Furosemide" - effectively removes swelling, but the presence of side effects makes doctors treat him with some caution and prescribe only in the most extreme cases. The decision to use this drug should be made only by a gynecologist who can carefully weigh all the risks;
- "Eufillin" has diuretic properties,However, when it is taken, pregnant women may experience dizziness or bowel disturbances. This drug is contraindicated in hypertension, epilepsy and heart disease.
As a rule, today many women expecting the appearance of a baby prefer not to use diuretics for pregnant women, regardless of whether they are made on vegetable basis or not.
In pharmacies, herbal preparations are sold, which will effectively help with swelling, without causing harm to the child.
Which diuretics for pregnant women are the safest and most effective?
How else can fluid be removed from the body? What folk ways can I use?
To begin with, a woman should completely eliminate salt from her diet, or at least reduce her use to a minimum.
Such a berry, like cranberries, diuretic actionwhich is known since ancient times, is now cultivated and grows almost in every garden. From it you can prepare a healthy and tasty drink - mors. To do this, just rub it with sugar and add water, and then drink throughout the day.
Not bad helps and brewed cowberry leaf, but it is not recommended to use it in large quantities.
Other diuretics for pregnant women are leaves of bearberry, birch, orthosiphon, field horsetail, etc.
However, it must be remembered that the woman who waitschild, you can not drink any herb that is diuretic and helps ordinary people to remove fluid from the body. Plants such as juniper, parsley, strawberry, can cause a reduction in the uterus, so pregnant women are contraindicated.
Very many experts believe that the application ofa diuretic tea during pregnancy is undesirable, since it disrupts water-salt metabolism in the body of a woman, removing from it not only liquid, but also useful calcium, potassium and other macro- and microelements.
However, if a woman had problems with kidneys before pregnancy, which worsened in the process of expecting the child, then doctors often prescribe kidney teas.
As a rule, the onset of edema is onlya symptom that says that there are certain problems in the pregnant woman's body. But it is impossible to solve them independently with the help of diuretics. It is necessary to contact a doctor who, after careful examination and conducting the necessary tests, will decide which diuretics for pregnant women will suit the expectant mother.