Chorion biopsy: the nature and characteristics of this survey
Chorion biopsy is a study that can detect congenital and hereditary pathologies in early pregnancy. With it, samples of the chorion are taken, which subsequently forms the placenta.
There are 2 main types of this manipulation:
• Vaginal chorionic villus biopsy - conductedin the interval between 8 and 12 weeks of bearing the fetus. Under the control of ultrasound through the vagina, a special instrument is inserted into the uterus, which is placed between the endometrium and the chorion (it is the fruit membrane). With this manipulation, the villi on the chorion are cut off or sucked. Later they are subject to laboratory research. This procedure is absolutely painless.
• Abdominal biopsy of villi chorion - donebetween 9 and 11 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes this manipulation can be used in the second and third trimester, because it allows you to quickly get results, especially in cases when there is little amniotic fluid, so amniopuncture is impossible. To carry out manipulation, the patient lies on her back. The doctor using the ultrasound machine determines the position of the placenta, the uterine walls, and also determines the future of the safe puncture site. To take the necessary material with one needle, a puncture of the abdominal and uterine walls is carried out, the other - a sample of cells is taken for further investigation. It is worth noting that the puncture site is necessarily treated with a local anesthetic with good analgesic properties.
Chorionic biopsy is most often prescribedpregnant women who have a higher risk of having a child with genetic disorders, although any woman, if she wants, can undergo this examination while carrying the fetus.
It is worth noting the important advantage of thisdiagnosis - it can be used much earlier than amniocentesis (already at the 10th week of pregnancy). In addition, the results can be obtained fairly quickly - in most cases in the first week after the survey.
I must say that a chorionic biopsy can also reveal placental mosaicism, when some cells have a normal chromosomal set, while others have formed with certain anomalies.
After examination, masticatoryspotting and cramping pain in the abdomen. Also, amniotic fluid (in a small amount) can be released from the vagina. When any unusual symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor who is pregnant.