Regulation on the certification of teachers. Rules for attestation of teachers
In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, workerseducational organizations can undergo certification in a mandatory or voluntary manner. In this regard, the provisions of new sources of law should be adopted. Which ones? What are the features of the procedure for assessing the qualifications of the staff of the educational institution?
Regulations on the certification of employees of educational institutions: innovations in legislation
The new order of attestation of pedagogicalworkers was established by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 276, which was issued on 07.04.2014. This normative act was adopted with a view to implementing the provisions of Federal Law No. 273 of December 29, 2012. According to the legislation in force in educational institutions, to approve such a document as the Regulation on the certification of teachers. Under the new legal act, this source of law is not necessary, but it can be replaced by similar ones. For example, the Regulations on the Attestation Commission (we will study its specifics further in the article).
Now the concept of the Statute of Attestation is most often considered in the context of the Rules of Attestation approved by Order No. 276.
Let's consider the key provisions of the corresponding source of law in more detail.
New order of attestation: general provisions
First of all, we study the general provisions of the document,which is in question. The new procedure for attestation of pedagogical workers extends to employees of educational organizations, as well as heads of relevant institutions (including those performing part-time or part-time jobs). The essence of the appraisal procedure in accordance with Order No. 276 is:
- in confirming the compliance of qualifications of employees of educational institutions with the requirements that are established for their posts;
- in certifying the fact that a person has experience that allows him to obtain a higher qualification.
In the general case, attestation confirmingcompliance with the position, must be carried out necessarily. Volunteer it is those professionals who want to upgrade the qualification category, but it is necessary to pass it to teachers who belong to the category of faculty.
The rules for attestation of pedagogical workers, fixed in order No. 276, establish the following tasks characterizing this procedure:
- stimulating the growth of the qualifications of the employees of the educational institution, their professional development;
- improving the quality of education;
- adaptation of the work of the education sector staff to the specificity of the current standards, which regulate the organization of the activities of educational institutions;
- ensuring the distribution of funds for wage payment in accordance with principles based on the ratio of the skill level of employees.
The key principles of attestation of employees of educational institutions in accordance with Russian legislation are collegiality, openness, ensuring publicity, objectivity.
Let's study now what's new in attestationpedagogical workers, which characterizes the procedure for confirming the fact that the qualification of a person corresponds to the position held by him. In this case it is a question of compulsory assessment of the competence of an employee of an educational institution.
The order of obligatory certification of employees of educational institutions: preparation
The procedure for assessing the qualifications of training staffinstitutions is carried out once in 5 years. The main role in it is played by special attestation commissions, which are formed from the number of employees of the educational institution. These structures are established on the basis of the order of the head of the educational organization. Their activities, as we noted above, can be regulated by separate provisions, which are also accepted by the management of the institution.
The commission consists of the chairman, hisdeputy, secretary, as well as rank-and-file participants. The new rules for attestation of pedagogical workers presuppose the connection of the representative of the trade union to the work of the commission in question, if the corresponding organization is established.
Directly the qualification evaluation procedureemployees of the educational organization is conducted in accordance with a separate executive order. Workers who will undergo certification should be familiarized with the relevant local act 30 days prior to the procedure according to the planned schedule.
The next most important document in the preparation of attestation is presentation. Let's study its features.
Mandatory attestation of employees of educational institutions: representation
New in the certification of teachersconsists in the special order of drawing up for each employee of the educational organization of representation - the document in which a number of data on the worker is fixed. Namely:
- FULL NAME. employee;
- position occupied by an employee of an educational institution;
- the date of signing the labor agreement by the specialist;
- the level of qualification of the employee;
- information about the specialist's additional professional training;
- results of attestations carried out earlier, if they took place;
- a motivated assessment of the performance of the employee, his professional as well as business qualities.
The management of the institution shouldemployee with an appropriate submission for signature. This should be done no later than 30 days before the certification. The employee can initiate the submission of other information if desired. If the employee of an educational institution refuses to sign the document, he must be certified by the employer, as well as by two or more competent persons.
We will now study how the certification of pedagogical workers is directly carried out, which is regarded as mandatory.
Assessment of the qualifications of the school staff: mandatory certification procedure
The procedure is carried out in the processmeeting of the commission, which we mentioned above, in the presence of an employee who is certified. It is considered eligible if at least two-thirds of the total number of participants of the certification commission are present.
If an employee can not take part in thecorresponding to the procedure directly on the day of certification for a good reason, it may be postponed to a different date. If a person does not come to the certification without a good reason, the commission has the right to assess the qualification of a specialist without his participation.
During the meeting,formalized by the management of the employee of the educational institution, other information about the employee, which allows you to evaluate his professional activities. Based on the results of attestation, the commission decides whether it corresponds to the position held or not. It is adopted in the absence of an attested staff member by means of an open vote. At the same time, if at least half of the members of the commission speak out for recognizing the employee in the relevant position, a positive decision is made.
The result of the employee's attestation is reported to himafter the results of consideration of the question of the qualification of a specialist are summed up. We will study in more detail what actions should be taken after the certification of teachers for the job is completed.
Procedure after mandatory certification
The results of this procedure should beare fixed in the protocol, which is signed by the members of the commission. This document is kept by the employer along with representations and other sources (if any) that characterize the level of professional training of the employee.
Within 2 days after the certification inIf the employee has passed it, the commission secretary prepares an extract from the protocol for him. It reflects the personal data of the attestee, information about the relevant procedure, its results. The institution acquaints the employee with this statement for signature within 3 days after its formation. This extract is then included in the personal file of the employee of the educational organization.
It happens that an employee of an educational institution does notI agree with the result of the certification of teachers. The conclusion of the commission may not suit him. In this case, a person has the right to appeal the result of the procedure in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Having studied howthe organization of attestation of pedagogical workers, we will consider the specifics of the norms of Order No. 276, which determine which categories of employees of an educational institution are entitled not to pass attestation.
Who has the right not to pass mandatory certification?
The procedure for assessing qualifications may not take place:
- employees who already have qualification categories;
- employees of the educational institution, who have worked in it for less than 2 years;
- pregnant women, as well as employees of the educational institution, who are in the decree;
- employees who were absent from work more than 4 months because of the disease.
The procedure for attesting certain categories of employees in educational institutions from those indicated above is determined by separate provisions of the law.
The purpose of attestation of pedagogical workers can bealso consist in obtaining a person of higher qualification. In this case, the corresponding procedure is voluntary, if it is not about the activities of the faculty. Let's study its specifics in more detail.
Attestation for advanced training: nuances
This attestation, therefore, in the general caseis voluntary. As a result of its conduct, a person is assigned the first or highest qualification category. It is set for 5 years and can not be renewed.
If the attestation of pedagogicalemployees of educational institutions that are accountable to federal authorities, special commissions are established to implement the procedure for assessing the qualifications of a specialist. They are, therefore, established at the federal level. In turn, if the educational institution is accountable to regional or municipal structures, commissions with the participation of regional or local authorities are initiated to conduct certification of their staff. It can be noted that the composition of these structures, as in the case of mandatory certifications, should include a representative of the trade union.
Employees who wish to upgrade their qualifications,should send to the relevant commission an application for the certification of pedagogical workers. This document can be sent to competent persons by mail or via the Internet. The application can also be brought and handed to the commission personally. It will be useful to consider the specifics of this document in more detail.
Application for certification: what are its features?
Application for attestation of pedagogical workersIt should contain information about those qualification categories or positions for which the employee claims. The corresponding document can be transferred to the commission regardless of the period of work of the person in the educational institution, including during the period of maternity leave. But if a person qualifies for the highest category within a given post for the first time, then the application can be transferred to the commission only after 2 years from the moment of receiving the first category for this position. If the validity period of the higher qualification assessment has expired, this does not restrict the employee's right to subsequently send a re-qualification application within the relevant post.
The considered applications are examined by the commissions within 30 days from the moment of their receipt. During this time, competent persons must be in time:
- determine the terms of attestation for an employee of an educational institution, taking into account the validity period of his previous qualification category;
- in writing to notify the employees of the educational institution of the performance of their certification.
We will now study how the regulation on the certification of pedagogical workers is regulated by order No. 276 to improve the qualification of an employee of an educational organization.
Conducting attestation for professional development
The total duration of theattestation should not exceed 60 days from the time it was held and until the commission makes a competent decision to assign a qualification to a person. As in the case of mandatory certification, at least two-thirds of its participants should attend the commission meeting. A pedagogical worker may at the same time either attend it or not. In the second case, his attestation is also possible.
A person is assigned the first category if:
- it is established that his students successfully masterthe programs taught by him based on the results of monitoring, which are carried out by the educational organization, as well as studies that are carried out in accordance with the procedure established by law;
- his students were able to develop their abilities in terms of scientific and intellectual activity, in creativity, in achieving sports results;
- found that the person made a significantpersonal contribution to improving the quality of the educational process, improving approaches to learning, actively participated in the activities of methodological associations of employees of the educational institution.
Regulations on the certification of teachers determine that the highest category is assigned to the employee if:
- found that the students show a positivethe dynamics of mastering the training programs based on the results of monitoring conducted by the educational organization, or in the manner prescribed by law;
- the students achieved high results in the field of science, creativity, sports and this is confirmed by their participation in the Olympiads, competitions;
- It is established that the person made a significant personal contribution to improving the quality of the educational process, the introduction of new technologies in training;
- people actively participated in methodical work, in professional competitions.
Direct evaluation of the work of teachersis carried out on the basis of studying the results of their work, provided that the basic labor duties of employees are related to the relevant areas of activity. The Regulation on certification of pedagogical workers establishes that the commission can, having studied documents and information about the work of a specialist, make a decision:
- establish the first or the highest category for an employee of an educational institution;
- to deny a person this.
As in the case of mandatory certification, thisthe decision is made in the absence of an employee by open vote. The results of the relevant procedure are reported to the employee of the educational institution and recorded in the protocol. If a person has the first category and he could not get a second one, then the current level of his qualification is preserved until the end of his term.
Regulation on the certification of teachersby order No. 276, as in the case of an obligatory procedure, entitles the employee of the educational organization to appeal against the results of assessing his qualifications.
It can be noted that the first and highest categories,issued in one Russian region, also operate in another constituent entity of the Russian Federation. At the same time, federal legislation regulating certification for employees of educational organizations is, in practice, implemented taking into account regional features of the educational process. Let's study this aspect in more detail.
Certification of employees of educational institutions in the regions: nuances
Indeed, the presence of high-qualityregulatory provisions at the federal level - a significant aspect of improving the quality of education. But no less important is how effectively these norms are implemented in the regions. So, in the course of solving various issues of professional development of teachers, various educational institutions can cooperate with each other. Among those structures that take the most active part in the corresponding interaction is the Academy of Social Management, or ASOU. Certification of pedagogical workers in various institutions of the Moscow region can be carried out in the process of interaction of the leadership of these organizations or teachers working in them with the competent structures of ASOU. What, for example?
So, in ASOU attestation of pedagogical workersmay be in the competence of the Regional Scientific and Methodological Center at the Academy. This structure was established in order to assist employees of educational organizations of the Moscow Region in passing qualification assessments. At the same time, the number of issues to be addressed by the center is the certification of leading pedagogical workers. Increasing the competence of the management of educational institutions is the most important aspect of improving the educational process.
So, we learned how it goesAssessment of the qualifications of employees of Russian educational institutions. The purpose of attestation of pedagogical workers can consist in obligatory confirmation of qualification or voluntary increase of it. The main role in the relevant evaluation is carried out by a special commission.
Manuals of educational institutions publishorders on certification of pedagogical workers, make presentations on them and in other ways they are facilitated by the procedure for assessing qualifications. In the event that attestation is carried out by institutions subordinate to federal, regional or municipal structures, the commission shall be established by them.
Certification of leading teachersand ordinary employees of educational organizations are governed by the same rules of law at the federal level. Many regional training centers have training programs for the relevant procedures for assessing their qualifications.