/ / If there is a category "B", how to get "A"? Open category "A" - price

If there is a category "B", how to get "A"? Open category "A" - price

Many drivers of cars after a whileafter acquiring the rights they purchase motorcycles and want to open the category "A", which will give them the right to manage this vehicle. If there is a category "B", how to get "A" in a short time and with minimal time and effort? What documents will be required and what exams will have to be taken?

if there is a category B how to get A

Transportation categories

Existing driver categories in Russiaare divided into 6 types. Each category has a designation in Latin letters and allows you to control a certain type of vehicles. The list of categories of vehicles for which the certificate is issued is approved by the Rules of passing the qualification examinations and issuing driving licenses dated December 15, 1999, as amended:

  1. Category "A". Motorcycles (motorcycles, scooters).
  2. Category "B" (however, in the people it is often called the Russian letter - "B"). Vehicles with a maximum mass of 3,500 kg and a seating capacity of not more than 8.
  3. Category "C". Cars whose mass exceeds 3,500 kg, not intended for the transport of people.
  4. Category "D". Cars with more than 8 seats and specially designed for the transport of people.
  5. Category "E". Compositions of vehicles with a tractor.
  6. Category "M". This is a completely new category, introduced since November 5, 2013. Easy two-wheeled motor-technics - mopeds, electromeds, tricycles, scooters, light quad bikes up to 50 cubes.

Category "A"

The rights of category "A" give the right to managementmotocycles. This is mainly a two-wheeled mechanical transport, but this category also includes three- and four-wheel light vehicles, weighing not more than 400 kg. Motorcycles can be with a stroller, with or without a trailer. The age from which you can get a driving license for the right to drive a motor-vehicle is 16 years.

driving categories

Category "B" ("B")

This category allows you to manage carscars and small minibuses, the maximum weight of which is 3500 kg, and the number of seats does not exceed eight. Driver's seat in this case does not count.

Also in this category is heavy motor transport, whose weight exceeds 400 kg.

A trailer with a mass not exceeding 750 kg can also be attached to such cars. If this weight is exceeded, you can control this tool only if the following conditions are met:

  • weight of the trailer does not exceed the mass of the car;
  • The total weight of the "car plus trailer" composition does not exceed the authorized 3,500 kg.

category A

What it is necessary to know and be able to do to pass to the category "A"?

What exams do you need to pass if there is a category "B"? How to get "A", what to look for when taking exams?

In order to obtain rights, it is necessary to pass a theoretical and practical exam.


Examination tickets for traffic rules consist of 20 questions. In order to pass the exam, you must answer 18 of them.

Preparing for exams is better online, with the help ofThe Internet. The fact is that changes in the traffic rules are made often enough, approximately 1-2 times a year, and you may get caught in a situation where the rules were changed quite recently.

If you undergo a theoretical part training indriving school, the questions should already be adapted to the new legislation. If you pass the theory while studying paper carriers, pay attention to the period of their publication and require separately changes and additions made to the legislation (later period).

The questions in the examination tickets for driver's license categories "A" and "B" completely coincide.


Practical examinations are held at the circuit, whereyou have to pass three sets of exercises. Note that in the case of category "B", the list of exercises is not subject to change (with the delivery of "B" there are three versions of the complexes, the driver's category "A" assumes only one complex).

Often, auto inspectors allow you to try the whole complex before passing the exam. We advise you to use this offer, especially if you are not sure of your abilities.

Complexes consist of the following exercises:

  1. The overall corridor, the dimensional semicircle, the scheme "Acceleration-braking".
  2. Snake, ridge, control at low speed.
  3. The overall eight.

You can surrender to the rights as on a motorcycledriving schools, and on your own. Just note that it is up to the other driver who has the rights to deliver your motorcycle to the place of passing the exam and back. In addition, the motorcycle must be equipped with a complete package of documents. You must have a certificate of registration and insurance with your name inscribed in it.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the motorcycle. On a motorcycle with a sidecar it is almost impossible to drive the standard "eight" and "snake", in addition, the easier it is for motorcycles, the easier it will be for you to pass the exams.

Delivery to the category "A" does not imply practical driving in the city, in contrast to the surrender of the rights to "B".

driver's category A

How to open the category "A", if there is already "B" ("B")

If you already have a category "B" and you successfully passed the theoretical exam no more than 3 months ago, you do not need to re-submit the theory.

If more than 3 months have passed, the theoryhave to hand over again. There will be no changes in it, the tickets will fully correspond to those to which you prepared earlier (unless new amendments and amendments to the traffic regulations were adopted).

The category "A" is opened in this case with the complete surrender of both examinations - theoretical and practical.

Why again surrender the theory?

Of course, many drivers are indignant about the thesis that it is necessary to take the theoretical part again. And if there is a category "B", how to get "A" without re-passing the exam?

Since 2013, this possibility no longer exists. Theoretical part will have to be resubmitted if more than 3 months have passed since the previous change.

Well, then, if you have already positively passed the theory, then the re-examination should not be afraid. After all, if you are a confident driver and know the traffic rules for "excellent", again to pass the exam for you will not be difficult.

On the other hand, experienced drivers say that from time to time it is worth refreshing your knowledge of the Rules. First of all, for the sake of their safety and the safety of others.

First, sooner or later, some things weforget, especially if we do not face them in everyday life. For example, many drivers forget that they are obliged to skip anywhere on the road a person with a white cane, even if he is not at a pedestrian crossing. Many drivers with 10-15-year-old experience wonder - why? According to the traffic rules, a person with a white cane is blind, and he may simply not see where the pedestrian crossing is, therefore, in relation to such pedestrians, it is necessary to be as attentive as possible.

Secondly, the Rules are constantly amended (up to two times a year), to track which sometimes is not possible.

obtaining category A

Required documents

In order to obtain the rights of category "A", you must provide the following documents:

  • application form (it is issued on the spot or you can download the form on the Internet);
  • the document proving the identity;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • document on the end of the driving school (original and copy);
  • medical certificate of the established sample (original and copy).

If you already have a category "B", you will need your driver's license.

Still such nuance: if you receive a medical certificate from a private center, you must also confirm that the center is licensed and has the right to inspect the drivers. Usually private companies that provide services for medical and driver's commissions also attach a confirmation sheet to your reference - a certified copy of the permit or other document that allows them to work in the market of medical services. Some organizations (especially in large cities) provide their data directly to the traffic police, and then such confirmation is not required.

With these documents it is necessary to apply to the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate at the place of your residence or place of actual residence.

Differences between categories "A" and "M"

In connection with the constantly changing legislation,many drivers often have confusion between category "A" and the newest category "M". Some citizens believe that if they purchased a moped, it is necessary to obtain the category "A". In fact, for those vehicles that fall into the category "M", the opening of additional categories is not required (if there is already "A" or "B" - any of them). At the same time, it is required to pass only a theoretical examination, it is not required to take the driving test. Both driving categories are obtained from 16 years.

Traffic regulations category A

Training in a driving school or self-study?

There used to be an opportunityprepare for the exams on theory and driving and only come for the exam itself. Currently, the laws of the Russian Federation are prohibited. Pass examinations externally, as it was possible before, now also impossible. In any case, you will have to give money for new training in a driving school.

Question price

Getting rights is not a cheap pleasure. What will the whole procedure for registration and receipt of the coveted ID result?

The state fee for obtaining rights is 800rubles, for the rights of the international sample - 1000 rubles. If you retake the theoretical examination, you will have to pay another 60 rubles, if you did not pass the practice - 100 rubles.

Passage of medical examination depending on the place of your residence and the organization to which you apply, will cost you from 500 to 3000 rubles.

Learning to ride a motorcycle is also different,that not all driving schools can pass it. There are few organizations that are engaged in such training, in addition, it is often held only "in season". Its cost is from 7 to 20 thousand rubles. Retraining takes 1-2 weeks.


category A rights

In the future, not to think about such athe question: if there is a category "B", how to get "A" - we advise immediately to take on both categories or open "A" within three months from the receipt of "B". The fact is that the results of the theoretical examination are preserved and are valid only during this period. So you not only save your time, but also save money.

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