/ / Drawing up and drawing up of an act: a sample, rules and features

Registration and drawing up of the act: a sample, rules and features

In the broad sense, the act is understood as a categorydocuments that have a normative meaning (legal force) and are drawn up according to established rules. This term is widely used in the legal sphere to refer to decisions, actions, orders. However, this is by no means the only field of activity in which an act is needed. The form of the document is widely used in accounting, reporting, financial and other areas.

compilation of an act

Specificity of the concept

As mentioned above, the concept of "act" is usedin the legal sphere. In this area the term does not appear as a designation of a species, but as a generic definition of a group of documents. For example, the Constitution, Decrees of the President, Decrees of the Government and other bodies of state, regional, municipal authorities are referred to legislative acts. In the field of civil legal relations, this group of documents is also used. For example, acts confirm certain events - death, birth, marriage, change of last name, name, adoption. In accordance with this, citizens are given certificates on their applications. In international practice, acts are also used. They are agreements, conventions, treaties, etc.

Organizational and administrative activities

In its framework, it is often drafting of acts and other documents. Responsible for this may be several persons (as part of a special commission) or one subject with authority. Usually, compilation of an act due to the need to fix this or thatother event or fact. In a number of cases, the document is documented by an inspector or auditor. For example, during an industrial accident investigation drawing up an act of inspection. The document can be drawn up based on the results of testing a new product or sample, upon acceptance and transfer, establishing a list of securities subject to destruction, and so on.

rules of drawing up an act


Due to the fact that the act is being compiledwhen fixing various aspects of the activities of officials and enterprises, documenting actions and events in different sectors, there is no single universal blank. The document is drawn up taking into account specific circumstances. For some situations, unified forms are provided. They are considered standard and can not be changed by an organization or an official.

Procedure for drafting acts

Despite the fact that the documents are used indifferent spheres and can have their own specifics, they are presented with a number of general requirements. Rules for drawing up an act oblige the entity responsible for registration to include the following requisites in the form:

  1. The name of the parent organization (if any).
  2. The name of the enterprise where the document is drawn up.
  3. The name of the form of the form (in this case, the "Act"). Depending on the event or fact, a short description is added to the name. For example, it can be implemented drawing up an act of work performed, acceptance-transfer and so on.
  4. Place of registration.
  5. Text.
  6. A reference to the presence of an application (if it exists).
  7. Signature and date of issue.
  8. Registration index.

procedure for drafting acts

In some cases, the document must contain other requisites. For example, drawing up an act of inspection involves the inclusion in the form of information about thechecking persons, their signatures, marks on acquaintance. On some documents there should be a stamp of approval or approval, a seal of the enterprise or the responsible person.

Specificity of the design

Drawing up an act (in the absence of a unified form)is carried out on sheet A4. The title is a brief description of the recorded events or facts. Strict requirements to it, the legislation does not impose. When designing, you need to monitor the consistency of words. It is possible to formulate a title using the verbal noun (prepositional case) and the preposition "o". For example, acts of / about:

  1. Lose and destroy certificates and passes.
  2. Investigation of industrial accident.
  3. Normalization of labor.
  4. The equipment of educational institutions.

drawing up an act of work performed

In other cases, the title can beverbal noun, put in the genitive case. For example, acts of acceptance of work, issuance of documentation, verification of the performance of a collective agreement, readiness of design estimates and so on can be drawn up.


As a rule, the act includes the introductory and stating parts. The first indicate:

  1. The grounds under which the compilation of an act. Here are the details of the administrative or regulatory document, the verbal instruction of the chief is given. The planned task can serve as the basis.
  2. Composition of the commission. In this part it is necessary to indicate the names of posts, the full name of the chairman and members of the working group. In some cases, the commission may include representatives of outside enterprises. In this case, next to the indication of the post, the name of the organization on whose behalf they act is prescribed.

drawing up an act of inspection

Separate lines in the introductory part indicateName of the entities that participated in the drafting of the act. The words "Commission members", "Founding", "Chairman", "Present", etc. are written with a capital letter from the beginning of the left margin of the form and remain open.

The ascertaining part

It outlines the tasks and objectives of documenting,character and description of the activities performed, methods, time spent on it. In stating the facts that were established in the process of implementing the planned activity are also recorded. If it is necessary to document several events, then the text is divided into the corresponding number of points. If necessary, according to established facts, conclusions are presented, as well as proposals on the revealed facts. If they are given in the administrative form, the act must contain an indication of the deadlines for the fulfillment of the prescribed requirements. If such a document is drawn up by an authorized person of a third-party organization (for example, a control body), it is provided to the head of the inspected enterprise for inspection under the signature.

drafting of agreements


Finally, the verifying part indicatesnumber of copies of the act. Their number is determined by practical necessity or normative documents. For example, the drawing up of an act on the issuance of cases for temporary use is carried out in 2 copies, on the non-discovery of materials whose search paths have been exhausted, at enterprises obliged to transfer papers for state storage - in 2, not transmitting - m copies. If you need to draw applications, the document is linked to them.


The author and the persons who participatedin the formulation of the act. If the fact-finding was carried out by the commission, then in the "signature" props, not the posts of its members should be indicated, but the distribution of their duties within the working group. The chairman puts the signature first. After it, members of the commission are signed in alphabetical order. If anyone has comments on the design of the document, they put a corresponding note. Immediately, the conclusions are set out on a separate form. If the comments are small in scope, they can be written into the act. In conclusion, put the date. The time of drawing up the act may be different. Legislation does not contain general instructions to this effect. Some documents are drawn up directly at the time of revealing the facts. It takes several days to compose other acts. Nevertheless, the document puts a calendar number in which the design was completed.

drawing up a survey act


For some types of acts, it iscompulsory. The approval is carried out by the management of this or a higher organization, the administrative document of which became the basis for processing the paper. The corresponding bar is necessary in the acts prescribing the commission of certain actions. It is put on the first sheet, in the corner on the right. As a rule, the neck looks like this: "I approve". Next to this word is the signature of the official.

Final provisions

As an additional props givingdocument legal action, advocates printing. For some acts, it is mandatory, for others it is recommended. However, in practice, printing is usually present on almost all forms issued by the enterprise. Its presence avoids various problems, including those related to the authenticity of the document. The certificate of acceptance of the executed works, the objects completed by construction, and so on are certified. In the documents that must pass approval from a higher-ranking official, the impression is placed on the fretboard. Legislation obliges persons who participated in registration to familiarize themselves with the act. At the same time, they put their lists next to the appropriate mark, their decoding and date.

drawing up an act


The preparation of the act is thus carried out inaccordance with the established general rules of record keeping. In Russia, there are state standards, in which a list of requisites that must be present on all official documents is established. Additional marks, lines, inscriptions, vultures are placed depending on the specifics of the event to be fixed, the features of the industry and the scope of the organization. As a rule, there is a clerical office at the enterprise. Its employees are authorized to execute the registration of documents, acceptance and dispatch of papers, verification of their correctness. The drafting of acts, however, is not the exclusive prerogative of internal service. Registration of such documents can be carried out by third-party organizations. For example, it could be a tax or other control inspection. Meanwhile, regardless of who draws up the acts, the documents must meet the general requirements established by the norms. In the absence of any of the mandatory details, the paper will be deemed void, which has no legal effect.

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