Classification of fires
Every person has the word "fire" that causes horror. A fire is an absolutely uncontrollable phenomenon, destroying everything in its path. Therefore, people need to know about it as much as possible, in order not only to resist it, but also to be able to prevent it. So, let's see what the classification of fires is.
There are several types of classifications:
1. Fires are divided in rank. It should be said that such a division is simply necessary. This is necessary in order to correctly calculate the right number of equipment and people at the critical moment. There are basically six types of fires:
• If there is a smoke signal, two cars leave the place of the call. In the event that the fire was confirmed, the firemen proceed directly to extinguish. This is type 1.
• In case the fire intensifies, two additional machines are called to the place of the tragedy. And already at the site of the accident there are 4 offices. This type is 1BIS
• Two additional cars leave if the area of ignition increases, and there is no source of water nearby. So, if you call 6 offices - this is rank number 2.
• If the situation becomes even more heated, and ten branches are involved in extinguishing - this is already rank No. 3.
• In the case of type 4 fire, 13 compartments operate on the site of the fire.
• If the situation is tense to the limit, and there are 15 offices on call, this is rank # 5.
2. There is also a classification of fires according to the type of place of ignition:
• If the fire occurred on the production sites, warehouses or plant - it is an industrial type.
• A fire occurred in the apartment - a household.
• And, of course, if forests are burning, steppes and swamps are a natural type.
3. There is a classification of fires according to the density of the building on the site of ignition:
• If a separate building burns, and the density of the building does not exceed the safe one (20%) - this is the so-called separate type of fire.
• If the fire covers a territory that is built up by 20% or 30%, it is a solid type.
• If the building density is more than 30%, the fire has a colorful name - "a terrible fire storm".
• And the last type is decay.
4. Another classification of fires, depending on what substances are burning:
Class "A" - solids:
• coal is burning or smoldering, textiles - A1;
• Lights, but does not smolder plastic - A2.
Class "B" - liquid substances:
• Gasoline, ether and oil products are burning, that is, those substances that do not dissolve in water - B1;
• alcohol or glycerin burns, that is, substances that are soluble in water.
Class "C" - ignition of gas, for example, propane.
Class "D" - metals are burning:
• light metals - D1;
• Alkaline - D2;
• connections that contain metal - D3.
Class "E" - fire damaged electrical installations.
Class "F" - radioactive waste is burning.
5. Another classification reflects the types of fires depending on the depth of ignition:
• Fire in transport.
• Fire of fields or steppes.
• Fire at depth, in a mine or mine.
• The buildings are burning.
The causes of fires are varied. The main of them is careless handling of fire. Also, the most common reasons include non-compliance with fire safety, self-ignition of substances, lightning, arson, improper use of household appliances, etc.
The fight against fire consists of two parts: prevention and immediate action during a fire. The main methods of prevention: periodic testing of electrical wiring (sockets, adapters, etc.), timely replacement of old appliances, caution in handling electricity, etc. In order to defeat the fire, you must first eliminate the fire itself, and then extinguish the remaining flame. The most accessible means of extinguishing the fire should always be nearby. These include sand and fire extinguisher. Water, various canvas covers or clothes are also used.
Remember, very often a fire takes the lives of innocent people, be careful with fire!