/ / Where to complain about housing and communal services? List and quality of housing and communal services

Where to complain about housing and communal services? List and quality of housing and communal services

Provision of public housing services in Russiaoften leaves much to be desired. Tenants often have claims to management companies in this area. But not everyone understands where to apply with a complaint about housing and communal services. What should every citizen know about this process? What are the features of drawing up a document? All this will be discussed later. In fact, it is easier to deal with the question posed than it seems. Just a few simple rules and recommendations will greatly facilitate the procedure for contacting the relevant body.

Complaint is ...

The first step is to understand which document is being discussed. What is a complaint about housing and communal services? When and under what circumstances is it written?

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A complaint is an appeal sent to one or anotherbody in order to protect their own rights and interests. If it is a question of public services, the document will reflect poor-quality rendering of these. In other words, such a paper is asked to correct improper maintenance.

When to complain

Think about where to handle the complainton utilities, is recommended only after a person is 100% sure that he has the right to do so. There are certain situations in which appealing to certain organs takes place.

So when is it allowed to send complaints to the management company and housing services? In practice, the following situations are most often distinguished:

  • inadequate provision of communal and housing services;
  • increased tariffs without justification (too high accounts are coming);
  • absence of these or other housing and communal services without grounds;
  • absence or incorrectly conducted preparation of the house for housing and communal services (usually when heating is connected in winter);
  • violation of the contract with the management company.

In other words, if a citizen is not satisfied with the quality of the services offered or with the invoices for paying them, one can complain.

Types of treatment

There are several types of complaints. Depending on what kind of document is involved, there will be a different method of writing it. Not too big, but there will be differences.

housing inspection

To date, complaints can be:

  • personal;
  • collective.

As practice shows, the second types of calls react more quickly. Personal complaints also occur, but they are considered longer.

Personal appeals are written on behalf of one citizen. And collective - these are papers that express a common opinion. Most often, such documents are found when the Criminal Code does not work properly.

Where to complain about housing and communal services? What advice and recommendations will help to translate the idea into reality?

Document processing

An important role is played by the rules of writing an appeal. What are they? Any document must be drawn up correctly. Only then can we hope for its timely consideration and response from this or that body.

If a citizen thinks about how to complain about the work of housing and communal services, he must first of all learn a few simple rules for processing his application. With their help, the process will not cause trouble.

where to complain about the work of the ZhKH

The rules for processing a complaint can be as follows:

  1. In the right upper part of the sheet write the name of the body to which the document is sent. It is advisable to indicate here the head of the organization.
  2. Below a person publishes information about himself. The information is written in the upper right corner of the page. This is the "cap" of the document.
  3. In the center of the page the word "Complaint" is written. Below is usually placed the clarification of the appeal. For example, "Complaint about the quality of provision of housing and communal services".
  4. The main part of the document follows. This is a kind of story, a description of the situation. Here it is necessary to indicate only important information for the case.
  5. After the main part, the list of documents attached to the application should be listed. They are listed in a numbered order.
  6. The paper ends with the date of writing the complaint and the signatures of unsatisfied tenants.

All these rules and recommendations will helpspecial work to figure out how to write a complaint about housing and communal services. A sample document will be presented later. It will only deal with the main part - the "cap" and the conclusion, as a rule, do not cause difficulties.

Complaints bodies

So, the appeal is ready. Now you need to figure out where to apply for a complaint about housing and communal services. In Russia many bodies work with such documentation. Everything depends on what rights of the citizen or tenants have been violated.

In general, it is proposed to forward their appeals to the following organizations:

  • management companies;
  • utility companies;
  • housing inspectorates;
  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • FAS;
  • HOA;
  • courts;
  • prosecutors;
  • administration of municipalities.

Accordingly, it is impossible to predict exactly which organs to visit. In reality, everything is simpler than it seems.

addresses of management companies

Managing companies and suppliers

Where to complain about the work of housing and communal services? As already mentioned, everything depends on the circumstances and nature of the violations. You can contact the management companies and the providers of these or other services.

When such actions are called justified? If:

  • citizens are provided with substandard services;
  • if you do not agree with the payments;
  • if there are no particular utilities without any basis.

In general, with any claims for housing is recommended to apply first thing to the management company. It is likely that even at this stage it will turn out to settle the issues.


Where to complain about housing and communal services? You can send the document directly to the Federal Antimonopoly Service. Then, based on the data submitted, the organization must organize and conduct an audit.

It is recommended that the FAS complain if there is asuspicion of unreasonable increase in tariffs. The task of the body is to investigate the case. As already mentioned, verification is carried out. In the course of it, it becomes clear how far those or other tariffs meet the standards. If the funds that ask for payment do not find a rationale, the FAS will apply the sanctions provided for by law.

Housing inspections

The Housing Inspectorate is another body in which it is permitted to send claims. Usually it is necessary to come here after the appeal to the Criminal Code or ZhEK did not bring results.

where to turn to the jockey's inactivity

There is a certain list of cases in which it is permitted to send complaints to housing inspectorates. Among them are:

  • failure to comply with the rules for the exploitation of housing;
  • non-observance of the terms of preparation of apartments for the heating season;
  • inappropriate convening of residential property owners;
  • non-fulfillment by the management company of its obligations.

Where to turn to the lack of action of the housing office in this or that case? In housing inspectorates in a particular locality! It is these organizations that will help resolve the issue in a pre-trial order.


But this does not end with the development of events! The thing is that sometimes the violations are more serious. Either without a court to resolve this or that problem does not work.

It has already been said that sometimes you can go to Rospotrebnadzor to protect the rights and interests of owners of residential real estate. As a rule, such appeals are not very often encountered in practice.

where to write a complaint on ZhKH in Moscow

Rospotrebnadzor will help in the following problems:

  • violations of the law "On Protection of Consumer Rights";
  • failure to provide information on the provision of housing services or false data;
  • with an increase in tariffs and doubts about their validity.

There is nothing difficult or special in the procedure. The procedure does not differ from any other organization. Usually, after inactivity of Rospotrebnadzor, citizens file a claim to protect their own interests and rights before management companies.

Cardinal solutions

Housing inspection, HOA, Rospotrebnadzor - allthese are the bodies that work with citizens and their claims in a pre-trial order. It is this type of development that is most often encountered in practice. But sometimes it happens that all appeals did not bring results. In Russia, everyone has the right to defend their position in the face of the law.

Accordingly, you can go other ways. Where to write a complaint about housing in Moscow or any other city? Among the radical solutions of the problem note:

  1. Litigation. Usually they arise when all attempts at a peaceful resolution of the issue have not yielded results. Courts not only restore justice, but also call the culprit to correct the situation.
  2. Transfer of the case to the prosecutor. In practice, cases are extremely rare. The prosecutor's office can write a complaint when it comes to serious violations. For example, in the assignment of the head of the service company money tenants.
  3. Visit to the city administration. Or sending a complaint to the municipality. You can try to protect your rights and interests of other tenants, by writing the studied document and sending it to the city administration. Before doing so, it is recommended that you try to solve the problem peacefully.

In fact, radical methods are not always necessary. In most cases, it's enough just to show persistence - and authorized bodies willingly and quickly deal with the claims.

Sample complaint

And what will the complaint look like? Suppose a citizen decided to look at the addresses of the management companies of the housing and communal services, find their own CC and refer to it with the relevant document. Which template will help form the original claim?

how to write a complaint about a sample

For example, it might look like this:

I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, (passport data),living at the address: St. Petersburg, Dmitry Donskogo St., house 5, apartment 33, I ask to conduct an audit of charges for utility bills for March 2005. I received receipts, in which the debt "for light" is registered - 5,000 rubles. All the time I paid regularly. In the service company to give an answer to a similar situation refused. Payments and checks for payment of utility services are included.

There is nothing difficult or special in this. Here is a small complaint about housing and communal services. HOA can also consider such cases. But in practice, people either work with the Criminal Code, or act through the courts, or turn to housing inspectorates.

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