/ / How to calculate a subsidy for housing and utilities: a step-by-step instruction

How to calculate a subsidy for housing and communal services: a step-by-step instruction

Subsidies for housing and communal services canbe provided to certain categories of citizens who reside on the territory of the Russian Federation. Such actions are carried out in strict accordance with the law. To be more precise, the rights to subsidies are available in Article 159 of the Housing Code of our country. This amount is most often given in the event that spending on utilities exceeds twenty-two percent of the total income of the whole family that lives in the apartment. About that, to whom payment is supposed and how to calculate the subsidy for housing and communal services, we will talk below. So, more in detail.

Conditions for receiving subsidies in the housing and communal services

This amount is usually provided to needy types of families under certain conditions. Although the law provides for a number of cases when it is not issued at all.

how to calculate the subsidy for the housing

Refusal of subsidies occurs in the event that:

  • A citizen who seeks to get one,has debts for the production of payment for services in the housing and communal sector. An exception in this case may be an agreement with the management company. In this paper, all conditions for repayment of the formed debt should be prescribed.
  • A person who needs a subsidy,acts as a citizen of another state. And the agreement of our legislation does not provide that such a person can receive this money in the territory of Russia. How to calculate the subsidy for housing, interesting to many.

Subsidies can not be issued only in the above cases. In other circumstances, it is allowed to receive financial assistance without any problems.

Cases of the delivery of funds

Cash will be issued if:

  • A person wishing to receive them uses a dwelling that refers to a state-owned housing fund.
  • A citizen removes an apartment that is listed in a private fund.
  • People who live in the premises act as active participants in housing cooperatives.
  • Citizens who live in the premises are its immediate owners.

These are the basic rules. So, how to calculate the subsidy for housing and communal services? In order.

how to calculate the subsidy for payment

How is the subsidy calculated for housing and communal services?

The amount of direct payment must beis determined depending on the formula calculation, which is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, this indicator should be calculated monthly.

Nevertheless, the size of the subsidy can not exceedthe value that goes to pay for the available housing and communal services. Compensation for rent is carried out in special organs of state significance.

As part of the calculation, the authorized person takes into accountAll regional standards, which are typical for certain residential premises. Just these factors affect the size of subsidies, the cost of housing and communal services and the maximum part of the costs of people that can be spent in order to pay off debts for housing and communal services. In principle, nothing complicated. How to calculate the subsidy for housing and communal services correctly?

calculate the amount of the subsidy


The existing standards of regional types also do not arise simply. Calculation of subsidies for housing and communal services can be made based on such indicators as:

  • the total amount to be paid to persons living in living quarters;
  • degree of improvement of living space;
  • individual characteristics and parameters of a residential building that are related to a constructive and technical kind;
  • the total amount that the citizen pays for housing and communal services, taking into account the costs of maintaining and repairing the premises;
  • a minimum contribution that is collected for capital repairs of the premises;
  • tariffs that are set in the house for the use of communal resources. How to calculate the subsidy for housing and communal services in Moscow?

Background information

To properly calculate the subsidy for housing and communal services, you first need to find out some basic information.

calculate the amount of the subsidy for payment of

  • The profit that members receive each monthfamilies. Such an indicator can be obtained as a result of adding together the allowance, the entire pension and wages, and then divide it all by the number of people in a particular family.
  • The value of the subsistence minimum, which is established by the state and depends directly on the region of the country.
  • The coefficient, which is calculated by dividing the average income by the cost of living.
  • The amount of public services, which is calculated according to the standard type and is characteristic of the region. This value can be found on the Internet. It changes along with the tariffs.
  • The percentage value that expresses a portion of utility payments from the total income amount.
  • The maximum fee that is transferred in order to pay utility bills.

When you have all the necessary information on hand, you can start calculating the size of subsidies for utilities. What to do? How to calculate the subsidy for housing and communal services, so that there will be no difficulties in the future? We'll figure it out.

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Calculation of the volume of subsidies for housing and communal services

So. To calculate the subsidies of housing and communal services can be completely independent through a variety of costing programs.

To produce independent and competentcalculation, it is necessary to use the following formula: С = ССЖКУр × n- (МДДр / 100) × Д. In this scheme, "C" is a general picture of the amount of subsidies that citizens claim. "SZHZKUR" is the norm for the cost of a regional species, which refers to one person in the household. "N" is the total number of citizens who live in a particular residential area. That is, in other words, the number of the family. "MDDr" expresses the norm of the percentage of the regional type, which is taken from the rent for an apartment, falling on the overall family budget. In its turn, the indicator "D" is the income that each family receives in general, taking into account all the personal incomes of individual members. What else needs to be considered in order to calculate the size of the subsidy of housing and communal services?

Taking into account the norm of valuehousing and communal services per capita, which is equal to 1,660 rubles, the number of family members in the number of six citizens along with the maximum share of the rent for an apartment at the rate of eighteen percent plus the total family income of thirty-seven thousand rubles, we get an example: 1600 x 6 - 18/100 x 37000 = 2940. The resulting result is the volume of the subsidy. It will be charged monthly. It turns out that the calculation of the subsidy for housing and communal services is not as complicated as it is. You will manage without difficulty.

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Calculate the size of the subsidy for housing and communal services is quite simple. But there are all the same nuances.

How to calculate a subsidy for utilities: possible pitfalls

An important point. Programs for regional subsidies are often directly related to large queues, which may not come to an end for years, and maybe even for decades. Thus, it turns out that if the program is relevant to large families, it may turn out that by the time a particular applicant approaches the queue, children in the family will already be of age, and this cell of society will automatically lose the status of having many children due to these changes. Such situations, unfortunately, in the Russian Federation - a thing far from being rare, and therefore wise people experience advising everyone to advance in the queue. That is, when it comes to the above situation, take your place immediately, as soon as children are born. A utility company can calculate the subsidy for housing and communal services to a pensioner.

Federal programs

Federal programs also have somefeatures. For example, when a citizen gets a piece of land at the expense of the parent's capital, it is safe to forget about the possibility of obtaining such an allotment in the future. Get an additional plot of land in the other programs is unlikely to work, as it is strictly prohibited by law. In cases where it is found that a person has late payments, but he gives good reasons as an explanation, payments on subsidies can be renewed again.

how to calculate a subsidy for the housing in Moscow

Thus, we arrive at the following conclusion. A subsidy is a useful thing, which is invented by the state for good purposes for its people. But, like any corresponding program, such a measure is associated with a number of bureaucratic difficulties.


Nevertheless, this is not at all an excuse to give upassistance, which is carried out monthly. All that is required to do is competently approach this issue and, of course, it is important to know how the subsidy for the housing and communal services is calculated. Attention should be focused directly on the computer part. How to calculate if a subsidy is allocated for housing and communal services to a person? We answered this question.

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