When do you take oath in the army after conscription? How is the taking of the oath by the soldiers of the Russian Army
Russia is one of the few countries in the world wherethe phenomenon of military service on conscription is preserved. The young people aged 18-27 must give their debt to the Motherland in our country. And one of the most solemn events of this, of course, is the taking of the oath by the soldiers of the Russian army. Not all recruits have a clear idea of the procedure, its meaning, timing and other nuances. We in this article will try to answer all questions and dispel the myths about taking the oath.
What is an oath?
A military oath is called ceremonialan oath that is given by a citizen at the call or admission to the armed forces of his state. In other words, it is a solemn oath of allegiance to the Fatherland. From this point on, the rookie becomes a soldier with all the duties and rights attached to him. A young man receives the official status of a serviceman (which is recorded in his military ticket) and from now on, any day, can become a weapon for the defense of the Motherland.
Oath in the Russian Army is not an exclusive customour state. The soldier's oath of allegiance to the Fatherland has very ancient roots - written testimonies preserved information about the text of the oath of the ancient Greeks, the Romans. For sure, the age of oral vows, passed down from generation to generation, is even greater. The tradition of swearing in the military unit today is alive in countries such as Belarus, Ukraine, Israel, Germany, Poland, the United States, and so on.
For the newly-made soldier, the day of the oath isstill solemn, exciting event, and, incidentally, an additional day off. On this day there is a chance to meet with family and friends, to celebrate this event within the framework of propriety.
The text of the oath
Throughout Russia's history, the contentthe military oath was rewritten many times - to please the rulers, based on the nature of the state system, changing values. However, the meaning remained the same: a solemn oath of loyalty to the state.
The modern text of the oath is short andI solemnly swear allegiance to my homeland - the Russian Federation, I vow to respect the Constitution of the Russian Federation, strictly observe the requirements of military regulations, orders of commanders and commanders. "I swear worthily to fulfill my military duty, bravely defend freedom, independence, the constitutional system of Russia, the people and the Fatherland. "
Approved this speech art. 40 FZ "On Military Duties and Service" in 1998. Prior to this, the text of the presidential decree in 1992 was used in the history of the Russian Federation. It was more common: it contained words about the non-use of weapons against their authority and people, their readiness to perform military service both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.
History of the Russian oath
There were also differences in the content of the oath of different epochs in Russian history:
- The Imperial Army. Servicemen swore on the Gospel in front ofGod, Fatherland and His Imperial Majesty. In conclusion, they kissed the Crucifixion. The text was not small, but its essence was in one thing - the soldiers swore allegiance to the emperor. If they gave the "Mohammedians" oath, they held their right hand on the Koran and repeated the words of the oath for the clergyman. Rituals for followers of Judaism, Catholic, Lutheran faith were defined.
- The Provisional Government. Soldiers and officers swore the new government and the Russian state. They confirmed their words with the baptismal sign.
- Red Army. The soldiers swore allegiance to the Workers 'and Peasants'To the government, they pledged to protect the people's property, to study military affairs, to be to the last drop of blood to the loyal Motherland. Violation of the vow was punishable by law, "contempt and hatred of the working people".
- the USSR. Oath of the soldier of the Soviet army in many respectsrepeated the previous one, but was more common. The soldier undertook to keep military and state secrets, to boldly endure all difficulties, to be ready to fight only until victory or death.
What is the importance of the oath?
Oath in the army of the Navy, Air Force, Airborne Forces and other troopspasses through the same order and is of great importance. Many recruits consider it a formal solemn event, but this is not so. After all, before the draftee did not utter the words of the oath, he is not a full-fledged serviceman:
- It is impossible to fix a unit of weapons and military equipment behind it.
- A soldier can not step on duty, take part in the settlement of a military conflict, and eliminate the consequences of an emergency situation.
- The recruit is not authorized to arrest the military police, to judge the tribunal.
This is an interesting fact: automatic weapons, which are kept in the hands of recruits during the taking of the oath, are "drawn", officially not assigned to them.
How do you take the oath in the army?
The ritual of taking the oath in all parts is one and solemn:
- On the appointed day and hour, servicemen are on foot in order. Dress uniform is in the hands of a gun. Those who have to deliver the text of the oath are in the first rows.
- The state flag of the Russian Federation, a battle flag, is carried to the site. There is a military band.
- The event begins with a brief speech by the commander of the military unit: he recalls the importance and exclusivity of the event.
- How is the oath in the army? The serviceman is called out of order, after which he reads the words of the military oath. Then he signs in a special list next to his surname and returns to service.
- After all the soldiers swore allegianceFatherland, the commander congratulates them on this significant event. Sometimes veterans, officials, parents of recruits, who came to the ceremony, join him.
- In conclusion, the orchestra plays the anthem of the Russian Federation. To the music, the military unit marches on the parade ground with a solemn march.
There is also a tradition to take an oath near the monuments of military glory, the places of heroic battles.
Formal ceremony?
Many former servicemen will tell you thatThe taking of the oath is a formal rehearsed performance for officials, relatives and close recruits who came to this solemn and exciting event from afar. In part, they are right: in many parts at the time of the ceremony the recruits are already full-fledged soldiers. After all, all the necessary documents they have already signed the day before.
So when take the oath in the army after the conscription? This happens in the evening before the official ceremony. The soldier signs in the form opposite to his name. This is done for a reason. For many recruits, a solemn ceremony, where their relatives will be, new comrades, respected people is an extremely exciting event. Therefore, in such an environment, nothing is worth spoiling the document, putting a signature wrong. In order that such incidents do not happen, the signing of the documentation is transferred to a more peaceful environment.
When do you take oath in the army after conscription?
Oath is not taken immediately by the soldierafter he is identified in a particular military unit. Before the oath of allegiance, he must, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, pass the "Young Fighter's Course," that is, initial military training. Its duration is 60 days.
Hence the way of the serviceman is as follows: from the call-up point he is sent to the training department, where for 2 months he learns the basics of soldier science. Only then he arrives in the military unit, where this ceremony will take place.
The exact time of the oath in the army for a specific call can not be said, since in different parts the guys arrive at different times. But there is a landmark - no more than 60 days after the draft.
Refusal of the oath
Can we not swear an oath in the army? A lot of conscripts are interested in this issue. Moreover, young people are studying the Constitution, the Military Charter and other legislative acts in order to find a legal basis for such a refusal. However, in no official document today can not find a clause that would allow the soldier to withdraw from the oath. This is one of the duties of a draftee.
Laws ascribe only one thing: on the eve of the ceremony, the unit commander should ask the soldiers if their religious views allow them to keep arms in their hands during the oath. As a rule, there are very few guys willing to set off a solemn vow without an automaton.
How to properly read the swear test?
Along with the question "when take the oath inarmy after the conscription? "Future recruits care about how to pronounce the words of the oath.We should note that after the fighter arrives from the training unit to the military one, he will have about a week of time to get used to the new situation, learn the words of the oath and the hymn The Russian Federation.
The training process is closely monitored - successessoldiers in this case are checked every day. With "failure" may threaten a march-throw or other penalty. The measures really are of use, therefore, by the day of the ceremony, the children know the text in a snatch. In this case, the event is rehearsed more than once, why the oath is usually not overshadowed by curiosities.
For a particular fighter, the procedure will look like this:
- After the commander calls him by his surname, the serviceman leaves the line.
- His way lies to the table with a red folder - in it the text of the oath is written.
- At the stand "quietly", looking straight ahead, the soldier clearly utters an oath. If something is forgotten, he has a chance to spy on the folder.
- After that, a signature is put in the document (if it is not already done), the soldier loudly says: "I serve the Russian Federation!".
- Then you have to go to the end of the line. And after the ceremony - accept congratulations on taking oath in the army from friends and relatives.
It is important to know!
We bring to your attention a few more points that will be useful to the young fighter:
- We already answered when taking the oath in the armyafter the draft, - not earlier than in 2 months. So do not believe the rumors claiming that the ceremony will take place exactly one month after the draft. This contradicts the Federal Law "On Military Service and Military Obligations".
- Once again, we note the inability to abandonoath. In the army, there is a rule: the order of the commander is first executed, and only then is discussed. The ceremony itself is officially called the "Ritual of swearing". It follows that the soldier is not asked about his desire, but leads to execution.
- After the celebration - free time, which is alreadya real soldier can spend time with his relatives who came to the solemn event. Usually dismissal is granted for the next two days.
- Who can you invite to take the oath? In some parts everything is very strict - only the parents of the recruit, as well as the persons accompanying them. That is, your favorite girl, friends should unite with your relatives to contemplate you on taking the oath. By the way, guests are required to have a passport with them.
- Remember one more sad nuance - if your parents were not at the ceremony, then 2 days of dismissal are not waiting for you. You have to spend the weekend in a part.
- Foreigners who are drafted on a contract forservice in the Armed Forces of, do not give the oath to our country. The only thing is that they sign the obligation to observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation and carry out the orders of the commanders.
Legal Aspect
In conclusion, we will acquaint you with the legal aspect of the issue under consideration - the adoption of the oath. Its following legislative acts regulate:
- Art. 40 of the Federal Law "On Military Service". Contains the text of the oath.
- Art. 41 of the Federal Law "On Military Service". Prescribes that the taking of the oath takes place only after the full passage by the recruit of the "Course of the Young Fighter". As well as conscripts, cadets of military professional training institutions take the oath (at the 1st and 2nd year of training), students of military departments of civilian universities, officers, for the first time aimed at training (military training).
- Art. 2 FZ "On the status of a serviceman". The conscript is considered a soldier with all his rights and duties not from the solemn vow, but upon arrival in the military unit (on the ship) from the collecting point. At this point, he is no longer a civilian subject, but military legislation and is responsible for committing already military offenses.
- Art. 41 of the Federal Law "On Military Service", in addition to the previous paragraph, gives the soldier a number of duties after taking the oath: securing military weapons, participating in combat operations, carrying out guard duties and so on.
- Comments to the Federal Law "On Military Service" do not allow the soldier to refuse the oath. But there is no criminal or other responsibility for such a solution.
- If the service in the army contradicts religiousviews of the recruit or his other world view, then, according to Art. 59 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, he has the right to replace this debt with the Motherland for alternative service. This is a more reasonable decision than the rejection of the oath.
Summarizing, once again we will say that the oath -obligatory solemn ceremony for each draftee. To this exciting event in part are prepared in advance, conduct rehearsals, pre-arrange matters with important documents. Therefore, there are no reasons to worry about him at the recruit.