/ What is personalized accounting? Personalized accounting system

What is a personalized account? Personalized accounting system

There is always something new, oldis improving and there is still unprecedented. Therefore, there is a genuine interest: and what is a personalized account? What advantages does it give? What is it for?

general information

personalized accounting
If there is a desire to receive from the state infuture and accumulative, and insurance pensions, then it is necessary to be on the personified account of pension rights of citizens. This has been implemented since 2002. The system of individual personalized accounting is more commonly known as compulsory pension insurance. What is the principle of its operation? The basis of the system is the same as for insurance companies. That is, it is stipulated that the citizen regularly makes contributions (paid for it by employers) throughout his working life. They are transferred to the Pension Fund, and he already disposes of them within the program. If there are no contributions in the system of personalized accounting, then there is no insurance and funded pensions.

More details about the basic points

individual personalized accounting
Individual (personalized) accountingis a system of organization and record keeping within the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where information on insurance premiums of individual citizens is collected. To become a member, you need to register in it and have the number of an individual account known as SNILS. A series of data is attached to it, which in the future will be used to designate, recalculate and pay pensions, namely:

  1. Experience.
  2. Periods of work and place of work.
  3. Insurance premiums that were received by the Pension Fund.
  4. Number of earned points.

And it turns out that wherever a citizen works, everythingdata comes in one place - in the Pension Fund. But this is only if the salary is not gray or black. All individual information about a person is stored on his SNILS. By the way, this abbreviation was not deciphered. SNILS is the insurance number of an individual personal account.

Important points

personalized pension accounting
All information that the individual haspersonalized accounting, is confidential and stored according to the established requirements, that are advanced to the data and their security. By the way, gradually compulsory pension insurance is spreading, and now even children and adolescents fall under it. After the person has been registered, the Pension Fund opens the account to the citizen and appropriates to him the SNILS. The latter is used as a personal data identifier. Thanks to it, citizens' registers are formed, which have the right to receive state services and benefits, as well as an independent request by the departments of the necessary documents. All this allows to significantly save time when interacting with government agencies.

What opportunities does SNLLS provide?

The insurance number of the individual account allows you to identify the user on the portal of public services, where you can get:

  1. Information and forms for obtaining a passport.
  2. Data on social assistance.
  3. Information about taxes.
  4. Data on fines in the traffic police.
  5. An extract from your personal account in the Russian Federation.

And many other pleasant moments. Also, the personalized accounting information allows you to find out whether all the data is correct. So, a person can look at his own:

  1. Surname, name, fatherland.
  2. Floor.
  3. Date and place of birth.

SNILS is unique, so you will not be able to access the data of another person.

Risks and Frauds

personalized accounting system
As the program of the personifiedaccounting is becoming more relevant, there are many negative aspects. Quite often there is a situation when very persistent and intrusive people offer to switch to a non-government pension fund. And it's good if there is enough information about it. It is necessary to monitor the safety of its SNILS, otherwise it may be that a person after a considerable time learns that he has replaced the Russian Federation's Pension Fund at the "Horn and Hoof" NPF. Alas, such abuses are quite common.

As such structures acquiremany banking institutions, one should also take care when signing various documents. We must always and everywhere read all the papers, even if they hurry. It is better to refuse to sign, rather than agree on what is unknown. Although a simple transfer of account maintenance and all funds to another company without the knowledge of a person is still the smallest possible problem. APF can go bankrupt, and then people will be without secured old age. For the sake of justice, it should be noted that the state very tightly controls these structures and such a scenario is unlikely. We should not exclude meetings with ordinary scammers who want to transfer funds to a front organization - and then look for winds in the field. Therefore, one should be very cautious, because the security in old age depends on this.

Reason for implementation

Personal account information
Why is a personalized pensionaccounting? Well, that's a good question. Previously, on the territory of the entire Soviet Union, there was a solidary pension system, the essence of which was that the workers kept the elderly. While the number of young people was growing steadily, she justified herself. But now our country is going through a time of severe demographic crisis. And it became clear that this system can not be used in the future. It was necessary to change it. And gradually the slogan "Everyone in the answer for his pension" was elected. In fact, this means that each person should deal with his old age on his own. We can choose a non-state pension fund, where appropriate contributions will be paid to our security in the future. However, if a person does not want to work in the legal field and according to established rules, he will not receive support in his old age. And it will be exclusively his problem.

And what does legislation say

personalized accounting system
The principles of organization and legal basis are available inFederal Law 27-FZ of 01.04.1996 "On Individual (Personalized) Accounting in the Mandatory Pension Insurance System". They stipulate that all information is provided in the order approved by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. In addition, mention should be made of the resolution of the Board of the Russian Federation Fund "On approval of the form" Information on insured persons "dated February 1, 2016 No. 86p. It is here that an instruction is given that the employer must provide monthly data on people who work for him.

And that in other countries

Is there a SNITION? In general and in general - yes. Or at least something similar. So, on the territory of the USA it is stipulated that a person independently engages in his own pension and old age. Although here, too, you can not say that everything is transferred directly to people. So, when Obama was a program was launched to support the poor. In addition, some support is provided for former officials. Although there are quite a few specific moments here. Most of the situation in Russia is similar to that of the former USSR. So, for example, Ukraine is developing this way. In general, we can now confidently say that the state of affairs in general is moving toward Western models of building a pension system.


personalized accounting program
It should be noted that such an idea isextremely useful and quite necessary. Although the speed of implementation of the idea, as well as some moments cause a certain sadness. Thus, a full-fledged transition will take place over several decades. Why so long? The fact is that many people used to work with the expectation that they will be kept in the future by the next generation. But there was a change in the paradigm of development, and all their developments burned down. Therefore, it was decided that only those who were born after 1967 will work with the insurance pension. All the rest will receive payments on a solidary basis. But such an approach in the future will be harder to fall on the budget.

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