/ / Are they taking the army with psoriasis or are they giving a respite?

Are they taking the army with psoriasis or are they giving a respite?

Because of such an unpleasant and dangerous ailment aspsoriasis, the life of any person is complicated. Doctors testify that this disease affects even healthy people. Exacerbations appear because of a strong physical or emotional load. Therefore, many are wondering whether they are taking the army with psoriasis. It is necessary to consider this topic in more detail.

Whether take in army with a psoriasis in Russia

Medical conclusion

Are they taking nails or another with the psoriasis?form of the disease, the doctor determines. To begin the medical examination, the conscript receives a summons from the district military commissariat, where it is necessary to appear. After the examination, a conclusion is issued.

whether they take the army with psoriasis

If psoriasis has been identified earlier, then it is necessarytake with them documents confirming this fact. These include papers from the attending physician from the dermatovenerologic dispensary, where observation and treatment were performed. The decision on the service is affected by:

  • form of the disease;
  • area of ​​inflammation;
  • duration of remission;
  • frequency of exacerbations.

Whether the army is taking psoriasis in Belarus is also determined by the medical commission. Doctors at the general meeting approve the degree of suitability for the service.

Danger of disease

Psoriasis, or squamous lice, is a diseasepeople of different ages. The disease is not contagious, but it is an abnormal reaction of the body to irritants. Skin cells die and are updated in a short time, which causes the following symptoms:

  • redness, itching, peeling;
  • formation of plaques with liquid;
  • cracking and bleeding of the skin;
  • high sensitivity.

Whether take in army with a psoriasis of a pilar part of a head

Acute illness can bring a lotinconveniences to a person, some of its species, for example generalized pustular, are considered dangerous for life. Sometimes exacerbation causes inflammation, which is accompanied by fever. The person is poisoned by the organism due to the products of tissue decay. And whether they take the army with psoriasis, depends on many factors.

Origin of psoriasis

In modern medicine, the disease is consideredhereditary, because it develops under the genetic factor. But a squamous lichen appears also in a person who has no similar phenomena in the genus. The main cause of psoriasis is considered to be disorders of the immune system. And the factors include:

  • constant stress;
  • infections and chronic ailments;
  • eating disorders, bad habits;
  • taking certain medicines;
  • hormonal failures.

The appearance of ailment can be connected with timeof the year. And since there are many factors for the appearance of the disease, it is often observed in conscripts. Whether taking the army with psoriasis, this is determined by various factors. Usually, doctors prescribe a second examination.

Do they admit to the army?

Identify the disease and establish treatment canonly a dermatologist. For complex types of psoriasis, it is important for a patient to always be under the supervision of a doctor. Completely eliminate the disease will not work, because in time it can appear again. And whether they take the army with psoriasis, is determined by the degree of the ailment. Often use a postponement or refuse from service.

Whether take in army with a psoriasis of fingernails or nails

Where are the rules prescribed?

The main document, where the species are prescribeddiseases for postponement, is the government decree. The list is regularly updated. Experts noticed a reduction in the list of ailments, because of which it was possible to skip the service or take a respite. For example, it was previously forbidden to call epileptic patients, as well as the ailments of the nervous system, now this restriction does not work. The service is not suspended due to bronchial asthma and flat feet of the 2nd degree.

whether they take the army with psoriasis in Belarus

With regard to the question of whether they are takingpsoriasis in Russia, then in the document you can find the answer. An illness is on the list of diseases, when there is a challenge, restriction or postponement. But even this does not give full confidence, since there are many nuances in this question.


During recruitment, each recruit is assigned a specific category. Based on this indicator, you can determine whether psoriasis is taken to the army in 2016.

  • Category "D" means unsuitable for the army, butit is appropriated only for difficulties in treating the form of the disease. This is confirmed by repeated treatment in the hospital, as well as inefficiency of therapy. In this case, the conscript in the military ticket will have the mark "Absolute unsuitability". And in the passport there will be a stamp. In the army, such a person will not be taken even in the war period.
  • Category "B" assumes limited shelf lifeto military service. The draftee has a lot of plaques on his body, which indicates a common form of psoriasis. In this case, a person is released from service, but is enrolled in the reserve. With military mobilization, he has the opportunity to be called.
  • Category "G" means temporary disrepair: it is given to the draftee, whose psoriasis was found some time before the draft. In this case, apply a delay of up to a year, after which it is necessary to pass a second commission. When the disease is not re-confirmed, then you will have to serve in the army.
  • Quite often there is another category - "B-3"which is prescribed in psoriasis with persistent remission. In this case, the draftee is sent to the service, but only to internal troops, to chemical and anti-aircraft missile units, and also by the driver of armored vehicles. Often this category is designated as "D".

Therefore, whether the psoriasis of the scalp is taken into the army depends on the degree of the ailment. The decision on the suitability of a person for service is taken by the medical board.

Socio-psychological complexity

In the army of young people with psoriasis do not callalso because of psychological discomfort. The disease is safe for people, because it is not transmitted. But the patient attracts attention, because of what it is difficult for him to lead a habitual way of life.

Often, the surrounding spots cause disgust,It is difficult to sustain a patient psychologically. And this leads to nervous breakdowns. The attitude of people to the patient plays a huge role. When you serve in the army, you will not be inconspicuous. Healthy people are much easier to serve.

Also, skin ailments are the cause ofdiabetes, hypertension, heart defects. This is due to the patient's feelings about the appearance. Again, a special ointment will help to find a healthy appearance. But in any case, all medicines should be prescribed by a doctor.

What to do with psoriasis conscript?

If the army is not taken because of the presence of psoriasis, then it is necessary to continue treatment. This is done by a dermatologist. He will write out a suitable ointment, and also fill out documentation about further treatment.

Whether take with a psoriasis in army 2016

All patients with psoriasis should be listed in thedermatovenerologic dispensary. The institution independently broadcasts information about patients, including the military commissariat. If the disease does not go through a long period, the draftee does not even need to collect certificates.

During the medical examination in the military registration and enlistment office it is not necessaryto deceive, because then a disadvantageous decision can be made for a young man. Moreover, doctors will still be able to identify the disease. If the disease was discovered recently, then for medical examination in the military registration and enlistment office it is necessary to take documents from a dermatologist. With psoriasis, there is a possibility of non-admission to military service.

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