/ / What is PPP, its subordination

What is PPP, its subordination

State order is one of the foundationsbuilding a modern civilized society. In this case, society is seen as an identity to the country. After all, the state is primarily a politico-legal structure of social orientation, the key element of which is precisely a person. Nevertheless, society as a set of a large number of individuals requires universal regulation. Otherwise, the activity of such a large and powerful organization will get out of control and lead to negative consequences. Therefore, in each state there are special bodies that deal with ensuring public order, as well as protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens.

Speaking specifically about the Russian Federation,then in our country the main law enforcement agency is the police. At the same time, individual departments of this body are engaged in ensuring public order. This is the patrol police service. This structural element of the executive body exists long ago, which proves its effectiveness in the field of law enforcement. At the same time, the patrol service, or the PPS, has many organizational and functional features that will be described later.

what is PPP

Police of Russia

In order to answer the question, what is PPP,It is necessary to understand the very essence and direction of such an organ as the police. This organization is a structural element of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The main objectives of the body are to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens, to maintain public order, to fight crime, to protect property from any kind of assault, etc. The President of the Russian Federation coordinates the activities of the police. At the same time, the police structure is an extensive network of various units and services. An example is the main department for ensuring the protection of public order. The subdivision is also structured. One of the elements of its system is PPP.

Office of Public Order Management

It should be noted that the said unit is an important element in the structure of the police, since it is entrusted with serious functions. The main tasks of the management are:

  • implementation of policies in the public order sector;
  • regulatory and legal regulation;
  • coordinating the activities of public security units.

The structural subdivision of the department is the patrol police service. But, in addition to the presented element, the department has departments of a different specialization.

PPP staff

What is PPP?

Thus, taking into account all the abovemoments, the question arises of what the patrol and guard service is. PPP is a type of special activity of the police that is aimed at protecting and ensuring law and order in public places, as well as directly implementing the fight against crime. To implement the tasks, a whole set of different apparatuses, subunits and units enter the structure of the patrol service. It should be noted that the police force of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a highly mobile unit. It carries out its activities in close relationship with other services that are part of the Russian police. At the same time, the structure has a long history, which is perpetuated by a significant date. Thus, September 2 is the day of the PPS.

Principles of PPP activities

The work of any law enforcement agency is carried out on fundamental principles of general legal and special nature.

police ppt

The patrol and post service, along with other similar organizations, conducts its activities in accordance with the following principles:

  • legality;
  • ensuring human freedoms, rights;
  • publicity, openness and impartiality;
  • interaction;
  • cooperation;
  • using the latest achievements of science.

Thus, the work of the PPP has a certain theoretical and legal framework, which directly affects the practical sphere of the functioning of the service.

Normative base of the teaching staff

The existence of the principle of legality indicatesThe fact that the patrol and post service works within the framework in which it is set by the rules of the current legislation. But what provisions of normative acts are used in the process of PPP activities? The regulatory framework of the service consists of the following official documents:

  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation;
    ppt day
  • FZ "On the Police";
  • Acts of the President, the Government and the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

In general, the management of publicsecurity, PPP, police in general function on the basis of the same regulatory framework. However, the patrol and guard service, in addition to these acts, uses the provisions of a special document, namely: the Charter of the patrol service, introduced by order No. 80 of 2008.

PPP tasks

Each and every power department mustto realize certain tasks. The range of goals shows the functionality and scope of the structure. In fact, in order to fully work out the question of what a PPP is, it is necessary to analyze the key tasks, the implementation of which it is engaged in.

  1. Providing law and order in transport, on the streets and other public places.
  2. The suppression of criminally punishable crimes.
  3. Identifying and suppressing administrative offenses.
  4. Ensuring the security regime of the individual.
  5. Detection and detention of wanted persons.
  6. Providing assistance to operational police units.

It should be noted that the range of tasks can be expanded by the corresponding normative acts.

work in PPP

Functions of patrol and guard service

Work in the PPP is accompanied by a needcertain functions. In this case, the legal regime of employees in this case is of a dual nature. On the one hand, they are entrusted with general police functions, on the other hand special, patrol-guards. Among the latter can be attributed a whole system of directions of work mentioned in the article of the power organization:

  1. Protection of rights, freedoms and, of course, the health of ordinary citizens.
  2. Assistance to all citizens who suffered for one reason or another, for example, became a victim of a crime, an accident, were in a life-threatening condition, etc.
  3. Preventing the commission of crimes and offenses of a different kind by any available means within the framework of the current legislation.
  4. Help in capturing criminals hot on the trail.
  5. Maintaining the rule of law during various mass events.
  6. If necessary, provide first aid to those in need.
  7. Participation in special events, the purpose of which is the prevention of the commission of criminal acts.
  8. Participation in the conduct of counter-terrorist operations.

As we can see, the range of tasks performed by the service is quite extensive. This testifies to the multifaceted work of the unit.

PPP is

Structure of the patrol and guard service

Scientific analysis of any law enforcement agencyIt is impossible without a detailed description of the structure of formation. Earlier in the article, we found out that the patrol and checkpoint service is an element of the administration for ensuring the protection of public order and coordination of interaction with executive authorities. However, as part of this agency, the PPS has the status of service. This fact largely determines its multi-element system. The organization of the patrol and inspection service is carried out according to the hierarchy principle, "from top to bottom". Thus, the structure of the unit includes a certain number of different apparatuses and formations of a different kind, in which police officers work in certain positions. It should be noted that the PPP system is based on two significant facts.

  • First, the nature of the functions and tasks being implemented is taken into account.
  • Secondly, the administrative-territorial division of Russia is also taken into account.

Thanks to these aspects, the structure of the PPP hasinteresting enough features. In accordance with the fact that the unit is a drill, its system is divided into regiments, battalions, companies and platoons. At the level of territorial bodies, the patrol police service of Russia acts as part of the mouth.

The staff of this structural subdivision of the PPSconsists of a commander, deputies in the educational, personnel and technical units, platoon commanders, detachments, inspectors and directly policemen. In their work, each company uses a variety of technical means, cars, dogs, etc. That is, all conditions are created for the most effective solution of functional problems.

Employee of PPP: legal status

In the patrol and guard service there are police officers,because the agency refers to the same power structure. At the same time, all employees of the PPS enjoy the rights and duties of their immediate colleagues. They undergo special training. The employees of the teaching staff carry out their activity in the form on which the breastplate with an oval shape is located. In accordance with the current legislation regulating the service in the police, all employees of the patrol and guard service have the appropriate rights and responsibilities, which also apply to the police of other services.

It should be noted that the easiest way tobodies, with all the functionality of the unit, is precisely the PPP. Jobs are constantly replenished, since not every person copes with the load, which is characterized by such work. Therefore, if there is a dream to become a policeman, you can get to the bodies on the patrol and guard path.



Thus, we tried to find out what isPPP. In conclusion, it should be noted that the service is performing quite important functional tasks. In the field of public security, PPP is the most effective means. Therefore, the service needs to be modernized and developed.

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