/ / Designation of capacitors: domestic and foreign standards

Designation of capacitors: domestic and foreign standards

The designation of capacitors in accordance with domestic standards and according to foreign standards places significantly different, and in some places - has much in common.

Designation of capacitors.
In any case, such information is of interest only to those who constantly service or repair electronic devices. The rest are ours
compatriots finished their education on this issue in the school course of physics.

What it is?

Before we consider the notationcapacitors, determine what kind of device it is, what it is. It is also known from the school course of physics that a capacitor accumulates an electric charge. It can be compared with a container for filling with water. The latter with such a comparison is a charge. Like the capacitor, the capacitor also has its own unit of measurement. The main one is Farad. But in practice, its derivatives are used with pico attachments (10-12), nano (10-9) and micro (10-6), respectively.

On the diagram

Both domestic and foreignthe designation of capacitors is identical. These are two parallel lengths of 10 mm, which are between each other at a distance of 1.5-2 mm. Also, the alphanumeric designation "CX" should be on the right or above. "C" in this case is the type of the element, that is, the capacitor, and "X" is the serial number of this group of components in the diagram. Domestic State Standard 2.728-74 recommends that they be numbered from top to bottom, from left to right. But this practice is gradually disappearing into oblivion and marking is done in an arbitrary order. If the capacitor is electrolytic, then next to one of the segments is plus (positive contact of the element). The variable is crossed out by the arrow under

Capacitor capacitance designation.
angle of 45 degrees. The trim is indicated in a similar way, but instead of the arrow two segments are used in the form of our letter "T".

Domestic standards

Condensers manufactured by domesticstandards, are designated, for example, K72-83. In this case, K is a constant radio element (CT-tuning, KP-variable), 72-the type of material used (in our case
fluoroplastic). The last component of the marking is the designation of capacitor capacitance. In our case, 83 is 0.083 μF. In this example, it is easy to understand the principle of marking. But this is only true when the part is large enough and you can put numbers and letters on its body.

Designation of imported capacitors.

But if it is very miniature, then we have to use overseas designations, which do not yet have a rigid structure and depend on the manufacturer.

International standards

The designation of imported capacitors on the housings is very complex for today
day. For these purposes, color marking is used, which for each manufacturer can differ significantly. Therefore, immediately it is necessary to study the reference literature and understand the notation. Those who constantly work with such equipment already know by heart their marking and can determine the parameters of the elements "on the fly."

As a result

Within the framework of this article, the notationcapacitors both on the circuit and on the case. If the labeling on the diagram is identical, then the shells differ significantly. This information is of particular interest to professionals who are constantly working in this industry.

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