/ / How to remove fat from such a site of the body as the inner thighs

How to remove fat from such a site of the body as the inner thighs

About an ideal figure, almost every woman dreams. Some of the girls have good proportions from nature. Thin waist, high chest, rounded hips - and all the men turn around after the passing beauty. And what about women, whom nature has deprived of such virtues? Work, work and once again work on your figure! Unfortunately, there is no other way to return and preserve the beautiful forms. But if everything is done correctly, if you take care of your body regularly, the result will not be long in coming. In this article I want to talk about the most, in my opinion, problematic part of the female figure. This is the inside of the thighs. After all, this zone is very difficult to correct. In order to remove excess fat from the inside of the thighs, an integrated approach is needed. This method includes performing special physical exercises to strengthen the thigh muscles, and adherence to a certain diet. A good result can also be given by an intensive massage of the problem areas.

How to remove the ears from the inside of the thighs

inner thighs

If you want to adjust your figure in thator some other part of it, you should clearly understand that this will be possible only with a general loss of body weight. That is, it is unlikely that you will be able to remove excess fat tissue only in a certain place. In order for this to happen, you need to lose weight well. The surest and fastest way to lose weight is with a balanced diet. Be sure to include in your diet plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, and sweet, flour, salted and smoked it is desirable to completely eliminate it. With extra pounds, fatigue, poor health and discontent will take its toll. And the inner thighs will noticeably decrease in volume and will be tightened.

Effective set of exercises for the hips

ears from the inside of the thighs

Diet and nutrition are notthe only methods to get rid of extra inches at the waist and hips. In order for the slimming effect to be more noticeable, you need to perform special physical exercises aimed at maintaining muscle tone. If we are talking about such a part of the body as the inner part of the thighs, then we need training to strengthen this part:

  1. Semi-squats. Legs at shoulder level. The back is straight. Hands forward. We bend the legs in the knees and squat not to the stop, that is, not completely bending the limb.
  2. Mixing and breeding of bent legs, lying on the floor.
  3. Have
    the inside of the thigh is thinner
    the practice of "bicycle". Lying on the floor on the back, bend and unbend alternately the right, then the left leg, performing rotational movements.
  4. Exercise "scissors". Lie on your back. Raise straight legs 45˚ above the floor, spread them to the sides and cross, imitating the movement with scissors.
  5. Strength exercises on simulators with reduction and dilution of legs.

All exercises need to be done 20-30 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.

Massage as an effective method for losing weight

Massage - this is the method with which you canaffect the fat deposits in some particular part of the body. It can be applied with success on such a hard-to-correct area as the outer side of the thighs. But it is not recommended to do it on sensitive areas of the body. The internal part of the thigh belongs to such zones. Lose weight, doing physical exercises and following a diet, can be very quickly. But if you supplement these methods with self-massage using anti-cellulite oils, creams and sprays, the effect will be more noticeable.

Thus, in order for the inner partthighs were tightened, and the line of legs - smooth, you need a comprehensive approach, which includes physical exercises, diet and massage. If you follow the recommendations in this article, a noticeable effect can be observed after 3 weeks of regular classes.

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