/ Types of bicycles. How to choose the right bike by type of destination? Sports bicycles: the price. Children's bicycles

Types of bicycles. How to choose the right bike by type of destination? Sports bicycles: the price. Children's bicycles

Bicycles are quite interestingmeans of transportation of a person. In many countries, they are used by people with different monetary wealth, and it pleases. The models can be used on a wide variety of coatings. Thus, the manufacturers have long faced the task of optimizing the design for comfortable movement on any surface.

It's no secret that the developments in thissphere are still going on. The change in the various structural elements in bicycles has led to their separation. However, two main types can be distinguished, namely road and off-road models. The first view of many further divided into utilitarian and sports modifications.

Off-road bicycles can be mountainous,hybrid or cyclocross. However, the classification of models does not end there. Additionally, the separation takes place by transmission, drive and design. Given all this diversity, one can understand why a person has many questions before buying a bicycle. In order to understand everything, it is necessary to get acquainted with the strengths and weaknesses of one or another type in more detail.

bicycles prices

Features of utilitarian models

These types of bicycles are mostly equippedbaskets, and the frames in them are open type. Urban modifications of the utilitarian kind are rather cumbersome and weakly maneuverable. Also note the high rigidity of the plug. Freight models are quite common. The carriage in them is connected directly to the frame. Folding types of utilitarian bicycles can be seen on the street rarely. The damper systems are not installed in them.

Sport bicycles: subspecies and their features

These types of bicycles are usually ruddersare equipped with a bar-shaped species. For high speed, the front frames are rigid. They are often used in a closed type. As a result, high strength of the structure is achieved. Speed ​​transmission systems are installed double. Pipes for the frame can be found from a wide variety of alloys.

If we consider road modifications, then therebattled models are used. Are such sports bicycles (market price) in the area of ​​13 thousand rubles. They are very simple and capable of withstanding heavy loads. Track bicycles are known for their maneuverability. Their frames are designed in such a way as to successfully cope with the cyclical stress that it turns out to be. There are such sports bicycles (market price) about 15 thousand rubles. In turn, the cutting models are very simple in design. Pipes are often found in them in a circular section. In the long run, this gives them sufficient rigidity.

bicycle with handle

Also among sports models are allocated touring. They refer to special bicycles, which are used for racing solely on asphalt roads. The frames in them are often closed type. The average weight of bicycles is small due to the small diameter of the pipes. The last type of sports bicycles is considered to be highway hybrids. Rudders they have only direct. The luggage bicycles are rarely equipped. Also it should be noted that they have brake systems installed only for the rear fork.

Off-road type

These types of bikes are distinguished by the availabilityamortization forks, and tires for riding are used with a special protector. Transmissions are most commonly used in the transmission type. By type of suspension, off-road bicycles can be rigid or hardtailors. The first subtype differs in that the bushing is rather stiff, while the hardtailors are more versatile.

The suspension is set with a medium bushstiffness on the rear fork. Bicycles with two grinders are rare. Some singles out softtails, which are equipped with special feathers. Thanks to them, small bumps on the road are not felt.

Mountain bikes

These types of bicycles are designed forrough terrain. Some people call such models Mautinbikes. A distinctive feature of them is the reinforced frame. The average diameter of the tire varies around 25 inches. The most common subspecies of mountain bicycles are considered to be Ashbayiki. Frames in them are installed only in a closed type. On stability they are pretty good due to the wide front fork.

The blocks of the rear sprockets are closeto each other. Thus, the compactness of such bicycles is good. Another subspecies of mountain bikes is cross-country. These models are equipped with a long fork. In general, they are more intended for cross-country races. Average cross-country bike in 20 thousand rubles will cost. Another interesting subspecies of mountain bikes is considered to be Niner. They differ from other modifications in that they are equipped with wheels of different diameters.

What are the interesting hybrids?

This type of frame bike usually hasopen type. They are made by many manufacturers of carbon fiber. Used hybrids more for travel on ground surfaces. High stability of the bicycle is ensured in them due to the "dual control" system. It is in the rapid switching speeds. In this case, the asterisk is never skipped. Drives in hybrids, as a rule, are installed in a tandem type. The front sprockets are located behind the transfer clutch.

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Cyclocross bicycles

This type is quite similar in design withroad models. Frames are usually open. They are made mainly of aluminum. Tires in bicycles are used toothed type, and brake systems can be installed the most diverse. To date, the most common are cantilever modifications. The traction drive is located on the steering wheel. Forks in bicycles are of medium rigidity. The speed is switched via a coin.

How to choose a model for a child?

First of all, it should be understood that bicyclesfor children should be safe. In this case, aluminum frames are best suited. Front forks on bicycles for children are selected based on the environment of use. For skating on the asphalt surface, it is important to select mechanisms with a flexible front hub. It will allow the bicycle to be more stable on the road with small bumps.

best bicycles

As an option, some advise to considerfolding models. In this case, the strength of the frame will be low. If we talk about bicycles for cross-country trips, it is important to give preference to modifications with a depreciation system. To date, the most common are spring-oil types. It is an average child's bicycle around 9 thousand rubles.

Buying a bicycle for bicycle race

For cycling it is very important to choosemulti-speed model. Drives, as a rule, are mounted on belt bicycles. You should also pay attention to the depreciation system. For sports bicycles, air-oil modifications are considered to be the most qualitative. They are suitable only for two-crown forks. They can withstand quite a lot of pressure. Frames can be found open and closed type.

Pipes are generally available with a circular section. In this case, the thickness of the metal in different areas may differ. As a result, the bicycle is able to withstand high static stress. Modifications with rear-wheel drive are quite rare. This is due to the fact that the maneuverability of such a bicycle will be low.

Bicycles for tourist trips

For tourist trips it is very important to chooseA rugged bike with a reliable transmission. In this case, folding modifications are considered by some in the first place. Drives most often choose a chain type. However, today the market is ready to offer and various belt modifications. The strongest stars are those made of magnesium alloy.

The plug must be made fromcarbon steel. It will be rather expensive to cost such a bicycle, but it will last long. For switching the speed, rotary mechanisms are most often used. However, you can find bicycles with triggers, in which two coins are installed.

Sports bike "Start-highway"

Bicycle "Start-highway" from Kharkovbicycle plant (HVZ) is characterized by its high-speed characteristics. The frame has an open type. The plug is set rather high, and its rigidity is at an average level. Wheels in the standard model include the presence of 32 spokes. The front and rear rims of the bicycle are absolutely identical. A frame is produced from the "Start-highway" entirely of aluminum.

The wear-resistant parameters are quite good. The cross-section of the pipes near the bicycle is round. In addition, it should be noted that the thickness of their walls at all sites is the same. With a shallow vibration, the bike can be controlled by the damping system. Smooth running is ensured by rapid switching of speeds. It is worth this bicycle HVZ on the market about 15 thousand rubles.

Bicycle "Tourist HVZ"

Bicycle "Tourist" is one time very activewas used in road racing. Its standard configuration implies the use of a frame with a front drive. The weight of a bicycle is insignificant due to thin walls of pipes. In the lower part, it is reinforced by the oval section. Static stress can withstand the "Tourist" bicycles in the limit of the norm. "Start-highway" in general is quite similar to this model.

The steering is adjusted usingrotary mechanism with a lock. The front bushing is reliably protected from dirt. Batton type frames were used quite rarely. In the early modifications, the seatpads were connected directly to the carriage. It is worth a bicycle "Tourist" an average of 14 thousand rubles.

Sports model "Sputnik HVZ"

Bicycle "Sputnik" is distinguished by a small helmsmancolumn. The connection of the front plug is provided screw. The frame in this case is designed for one connector. A whole chain of hinges is used for the bicycle shock-absorbing system. Pipes in this modification come with variable section thickness. Static tension this bicycle XHZ stands quite large. Connection with the glass is provided for welding.

The back of the triangle consists of two pairspipes. The carriage is connected directly to the seat hub. The details in this bike are mostly made of magnesium alloy. The chain itself consists partly of carbon fiber, the rear sprockets are cassette type. The clutch to the surface in this bike is good. At the same time, the smoothness of the stroke is ensured by the grinder. There is a bicycle "Sputnik" about 15 thousand rubles.

Folding bicycles for trips

Models of this type are considered quitepopular. Use a folding bike for both adults and children. Frames on it most often can be found open type. Due to this compactness of the bicycle increases several times. Rope drives are installed mainly on the handlebars. As a material for frames, a molybdenum alloy is used. It is absolutely non-corrosive and tolerates extremely low temperatures.

In this case, the fatigue of the metal will be low. Some modifications of folding bicycles were developed with the rear wheel drive. In this case, the blocks of sprockets were located only in the front part. Models with amortization systems are quite rare. In this case, the front forks are mainly single-corona ones. Smooth running of bicycles is provided at the expense of a coin. Front bushings are located on bearings of different diameters. Direct connection of parts is provided screw. An average good folding bicycle will cost about 12 thousand rubles.

Bicycle for children with a handle "Turbo Trayq M53"

A bicycle with a handle is very convenient, andthe drive is mounted in a chain type. A frame is made of aluminum alloy. Directly the handle is made of alloy steel. There are no plastic parts in this bike. On stability this model is pretty good. The asterisks in this case are installed in the front part, for smooth motion there is a grinder. To change the speed, use the rotary switch.

The control system in a bicycle is used "dualThe front fork for greater stabilization is made wider.The front and rear wheels are set to the same diameter.The cross section of the pipes in this case is round.The height of the handle can be adjusted with a special mechanism with a lock, or you do not need the keys. Also, the child can easily put the steering wheel in size. This bicycle with a handle on the market costs 12 thousand rubles.

bicycles for children

Bicycles company "Stealth"

Bicycles "Stealth" are famous for their excellenttransmissions. Switching the speed on them is pretty quick and convenient. In this case, the slipping of the chain occurs rarely. Of mountain bikes, it should be noted models with open frames. Brake systems in them are installed on two drives. Connection to the steering column - screw. The road bikes of this company are equipped with an additional set of bearings to increase the speed characteristics.

It should also be noted that many modelsare made with straight rudders. Frames, in turn, are of an open type. Recently, the trademark has presented utilitarian models for consumers. For freight traffic, they fit well. Frames in them are of battled type.

The thickness of the walls varies at differentsites. The damper systems are usually fitted with a spring-and-oil type, with a special valve system. Due to this, the plug becomes mobile and the uneven surface does not cause problems. Average utility bicycles "Stealth" in the region of 14 thousand rubles.

4-wheeled bicycles for adults

4-wheel bike is produced, as a rule, onchrome-molybdenum frame. Additionally, aluminum and titanium alloys can be used. The damper systems are of an air-oil type. For their effective operation, special cartridges are required. Thanks to the seat pins, the static load is high. Drives can be found both belt and chain type.

Brake systems are also installedvarious. A distinctive feature of these bicycles is good adhesion to the surface. This is achieved through the use of grinders. They greatly extend the life of bearings, removing the load from them. Coins for switching speeds are used rarely. It is an average of a bicycle of this type in the area of ​​21 thousand rubles.

sport bicycles price

Bicycles "Stroller" for children (from one year to three)

Company "Stroller" children's bicycles (from yearup to three) produces the most diverse. The most popular for today are three-wheeled modifications. First of all, they are distinguished by convenient connections. On all sides they are pretty much protected and the child will be very comfortable in the bike.

The depreciation system is usually installedusual - spring type. In turn, the drives can be selected between belt and chain types. The brake system is mainly installed at the rear of the frame near the ratchet. Carriages, as a rule, have a reliable connection and can last for a long time.

Features of highway hybrids

The main for highway hybrids is smoothnesscourse. Cassettes and ratchets are not suitable for such purposes. The best bicycles producers produce with grinders. The front switches are located at the bottom of the frame. Steering columns can be very diverse, but the most common are direct modifications. Rims in these bikes are set to 23 inches.

Frames exist both open and closedtype. Saddle locks are installed above the verbs. The connection to the frame takes place by means of a seat clip. The front sprocket block is usually very compact. Take-away for this type of bike is made insignificant. In this situation, it significantly increases the sensitivity of the steering column. It is an average highway hybrid in the area of ​​18 thousand rubles.

How to choose a teenage bike?

For teens it makes sense to choose a bicycleamong mountain modifications. They are capable of withstanding heavy loads, and an off-road protector allows you to move without problems on the ground surface. Frame for such purposes is best to choose an open type. The sprockets must be made of carbon steel. Connecting rods before buying is important to check for strength. In addition, you should inspect the pedals.

types of bikes

They should not deviate from the frame. Otherwise, the carriage will be damaged and the bike will quickly break. Lastly, the seat clips, as well as the steering column, are inspected - plastic parts should not be used here. Brake handles are required to freely profit without any effort. Are standing on average for a teenager mountain bikes (market prices) in the 13 thousand rubles.

Bicycles with planetary gear

Models with planetary gear are the bestbicycles for cross-country driving. The steering knees are, as a rule, provided in a helical type. Frames are made mainly open. Connection with the glass is carried out by welding. The carriage in bicycles is set rather modest in size. Mounting the sleeve is carried out beyond the thicket.

Feathers in this case are installed only on therear fork. While the hinges should be on the front of the frame. The weight of a bicycle of this type is insignificant. This is achieved through the use of a special aluminum alloy. However, manufacturers in the market provide a choice among steel modifications. They will be cheaper for the consumer. Double battoning for the frame is used quite rarely. In the section, the pipe is of a circular shape. In turn, oval modifications are used only in professional models.

The traction drive is installed in the steeringcolumn, and the switching of speeds occurs with the help of a coin. Shlifteri in this case are not used. Shock-absorbing forks are found as single-corona, and two-crown. Are standing on average of this type of bikes (market prices) in the region of 15 thousand rubles.

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