/ / Types of simulators - description and application

Types of simulators - description and application

In our time, young people are more and more interested inbodybuilding and fitness. Hollywood actors and actresses, as well as stars of athleticism with tightened bodies, become idols for many newcomers who want to make themselves an ideal of male / female beauty. Unlike the last century, when they were skeptical about building their bodies, and many types of simulators existed only in cellars and a few gyms, today every person can buy a subscription to the nearest fitness club, and numerous supplements of sports nutrition and the availability of experienced trainers will help to achieve the desired result at the earliest possible time.

Types of simulators

In all gyms you have the opportunitytry all kinds of simulators. As a rule, all of them are divided into 2 groups: power and cardiovascular equipment. Each has its own purpose and tasks, more about which are below.

As the name suggests, powerhouses exist to increase the athlete's strengths and build muscle. There are also types of power simulators. We select 3:

1) Simulators using their weight, which include horizontal bars and bars (however often the athletes are pulled up and squeezed on the bars with weighting).

2) Simulators with free weights, which include dumbbells, pancakes, a bench with a bar (Smith's machine refers to the following form).

Types of power simulators

3) Simulators with built-in weight, that is, where the weight is adjusted according to clearly defined frames (crossover, butterfly, thrust of the lower and upper blocks and the like).

Here such classification. The first kind is usually used at the beginning or at the end of the workout, when the muscles need to be warmed up or stretched. The second type includes basic exercises that are considered to be the most important for increasing muscle volume and strength. The third kind combines peripheral exercises, which also add volume to the muscles and add strength, but are less effective than the base ones.

As mentioned above, there are other typessimulators are cardiovascular equipment. They are designed to warm up the whole body before training, replacing a full workout, for the development of maximum endurance or for burning subcutaneous fat. In each hall you can see cardiovascular equipment with a different set of functions and specifications. The most common are the simulator-bicycle and treadmills, on which you can set the mode "for yourself." Well, the last kind of this category is the orbitreki. They are a kind of combination of steppers (simulators, walking walking on the stairs) and racetracks.

Exercise bike

Well, the types of simulators listed above were listed above. However, with an active lifestyle, not everyone has enough time to visit gyms. But here no one should have any significant problems. The fact is that today there are a large number of shops where different sports equipment is offered for any, as they say, taste and color. To save your money, we offer whole fitness stations, that is, a set of several simulators in one.

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