Intuition is the inner sight
The concept of "intuition" is quite firmly embedded in oureveryday life, but becoming ordinary and all familiar word, it has a huge number of interpretations. If you look into the dictionary, it becomes known that the concept of "intuition" appeared even at a time when Plato in ancient Athens expounded his teaching to the disciples. And the etymology of this word in some way reveals the meaning embedded in it, and it turns out that the "sixth sense", or, as it is also called, intuition is contemplation, from the Latin word "intuitio". Or "instantly comprehend", if the beginning of the word is taken from the Latin verb intueri. In the modern world, the interpretation of the "sixth sense" is based mainly on the concept of a specific function of the human brain, which has nothing to do with logical and rational thinking. Many philosophers write that intuition is a certain way of knowing a person the world, a kind of thinking. Their reasoning is in many respects consonant with the interpretation of the concept of "intuition" by mystical people who claim that intuition is one of the foundations of the world that is necessary and vital for human existence.
Scientists in their studies have determined thatit is the right hemisphere of the human brain that is responsible for insight, imagination and imaginative thinking. In modern textbooks, the following interpretation of this concept can be found: intuition is not a comprehension of truth based on logical analysis, which is based on empathy, imagination and human life experience. And depending on which hemisphere of his brain the person developed in childhood, he is dominated by either intuitive or logical thinking, and depending on these factors, his perception of the surrounding world is formed.
People who excel in the work of the brainright hemisphere, perceive the world from a creative point of view, they like to dream and dream. Their world is colored in bright tones of living imagination, it is such people who become writers, artists and composers. But they are lost in the world of numbers, and can not sometimes cope with the solution of economic problems, and they find it difficult to obey any rules established elsewhere. People who are dominated by the left hemisphere, think rationally, any manifestations of their feelings are subjected to critical analysis and do not notice all shades of human relations and subtle manifestations of their surrounding nature.
To achieve harmony in the perception of the environmentpeace and it is normal to exist in it, a person needs to develop in himself both types of thinking. According to Descartes, intuition is an inborn gift of every person, and any individual, if he so desires, has the opportunity to develop intuition. For this, there are only a few rules, the most important of which is belief in yourself and the ability to hear your inner sensations. A special type of thinking is intuition. How to develop this amazing possibility of the human brain? There are many methods, but they all boil down to one rule - not to ignore your feelings, your mood and your feelings.