/ / Becoming a person at the time of puberty and throughout life

Becoming a person at the time of puberty and throughout life

What is the formation of personality? This formation of the individual's self-awareness and development of his consciousness. Various factors influence these changes. But in adolescence and adolescence, everything happens, mainly because of the hormonal adjustment of the growing body. Changes begin on a psychological level: a person becomes more receptive to what is happening, learns life lessons, accumulates experience and, of course, forms a certain system of values. In general, the individual becomes a person.

formation of personality

Everyone goes through becomingpersonality. In fact, this process lasts a lifetime, but the basic human qualities are formed at a certain age. But it is also not very well defined and varies according to different data in the interval from 13 to 19 years.

However, the whole life of a person is divided into stagesformation of personality. The first of these is infancy. This period begins when the fetus is in the womb and lasts up to 1-2 years. Approximately from 3 to 8 years the child realizes himself as a part of a huge world, tries to interact with him in different ways. It is at this age that the strongest childish curiosity manifests itself: the emerging personality wants to learn as much as possible about the world in which he lives. At the age of 8-13 the individual is already clearly aware of his needs. Together with this, he faces the presence in society of moral values ​​and foundations, as well as certain prohibitions. During this period, the emergence of personality manifests itself in identifying itself with the world.

And now, from the age of 12-13, when the sexualmaturation, a person begins to overcome contradictions. He no longer wants to be a part of the society in which he lives, and therefore tries to differentiate himself, show his individuality and uniqueness. It is this age - the age of revolts "against the system," large and not very, but always having place to be.

professional development of personality

In 15-16 years parents, school, televisionpush the teenager to decide, finally, with the future profession. As a rule, the teenager resists, especially since his choice is often not liked by the elders. Young people in this period is difficult, because the professional development of personality will begin later - when the person directly begins to work. Although the preparation for this direction in becoming one way or another begins from a very early age. From the moment of commencement of work until the moment of retirement, the person permanently strengthens in the professional activity chosen by her. Often a person can never realize himself in a career, which can cause a large number of complexes.

stages of the formation of personality

Becoming a person is a very complicated process.multifaceted. In different situations there is socialization, as well as adaptation of the individual. He tries on a lot of social roles. Often a person encounters unacceptable phenomena for him, and therefore he always faces the question of how to proceed: to adopt a particular rule or to follow his own path of development. This is how the personality is formed - by a constant choice, overcoming the complexities and contradictions between the inner world and the world around.

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