/ / Can I create a logo myself?

Can I create a logo myself?

Each company has its own brand,which should contain the essence of the organization, its goals, mission. The totality of all this is a logo. You can create it using graphic programs. This article will reveal some secrets that help to develop the most successful logo. You can make it yourself in Adobe Photoshop ("Photoshop").

logo create

A logo is needed to enable the buyer toto allocate in the consciousness of the goods of the certain firm. According to psychologists, the visual information of the trademark affects the decision-making by the person. It communicates the essence of business and emphasizes the image of the company.

Now let's see how to create a company logo. First of all, one should think about the idea of ​​such a symbol, because it is created once and for all. Otherwise, the buyer will consider the organization to be inconstant and lose credibility to it. To have an idea of ​​the logo, you can consider trademarks on products in the supermarket or on those that are at home. For a more successful result, it is necessary to establish the type of the firm's activity and to study its environment, to explore competitors: to identify their strengths, which will contain the logo. It should be created taking into account the following requirements:

- conciseness;

- clarity (simplicity);

- quality (if you change the size, the style is not lost);

- in the monochromatic color scale its semantic value is not lost.

Now you can sketch severaloptions that can encourage new ideas. After this begins responsible creative work on the design: the form of the text, a combination of colors and various details that can contain a logo.

how to create a company logo

You can create this trade symbol withhelp modern graphics programs. For example, with the help of Corel Draw or Adobe Photoshop. They allow you to approach this responsible procedure with maximum convenience and provide space for the implementation of the imagination of developers. Let's look at the instructions for creating a logo in Photoshop (Adobe Photoshop).

Step # 1. Run the program.

Step number 2. We open a new document. To do this, click "Create" in the "File" menu and select the size of the future page - 400x200 or 600x200. The extension should be specified 72, set a transparent background and write the file name.

Step # 3. In the toolbar, click on the "text" (the letter "T") and select "Horizontal Text".

Step # 4. On the panel with a choice of fonts we establish the liked kind, bold. Note that when writing Russian text, not all options work. The size is 12 pt.

Step # 5. Now we write the text of the logo. Then click the mouse on the "Text" tool and with the help of "Moving" (the pointer, which has a cross-shaped arrow) we move the inscription to a convenient position.

Step # 6. You can change the color of the letters. To do this, click on "Text" and highlight the cursor with the written text. Then from the color palette in the tab "Samples" choose the most liked option. If the choice does not suit you, then you can choose the shade yourself. To do this, under the vertical toolbar, click on the square with the reflected color.

Step # 7. The style of the inscription. You can make the text volumetric or with an internal glow, give it a shadow at any angle. You can impose a texture, gloss, apply a gradient. To do this, in the right pane, in the "Layers" tab, double-click on the layer on which the text is located.

Step # 7. If desired, you can make a curved logo. To create an inscription in the form of an arc or to give a convexity the following action will help: we press on the tool "Text", we find in the top panel the tool "Creates the deformed text" (the letter "T" over an arc) and choose any shape you like in the opened window.

how to create a logo in Photoshop

Step # 8. Crop unnecessary fields with the combination of "Image" - "Trimming". The "Move" tool must be installed.

Step number 9. Save the document: "File" - "Save As."

You can add a shape using the tool"Rectangle" (click on the right mouse button to select a circle, an oval or a rectangle), fill out the shape with the "Fill" tool. The "Style" section on the top toolbar will make a believable button. If you want to really create a cute emblem.

Each logo is created individually for the company, so copying it is strictly prohibited. A successfully developed sign inspires confidence and creates a positive attitude.

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