/ / Modern holiday in the Crimea by savages

Modern rest in the Crimea by savages

All those who went to the Crimea to rest with a tent,they used to be called "savages". Today, more often we hear the notion of "ecotourists". It is foolish to think that such a vacation is chosen only from savings. True, it actually costs a lot less than a rented apartment or boarding house.

rest in the Crimea by savages

Although, rather, it's different. To change your apartment for a month of vacation for a similar situation in a rented "corner" or a Crimean boarding house will seem like a boring idea to many. Especially if you are healthy, young and energetic.

The cities of the Crimea - these are inflated prices, hustle and bustle,service of low level. Another thing - rest in the Crimea savages: a minimum of the people, only friends and acquaintances, around only the pristine nature. This can be compared with an expedition of archaeologists or geologists - a test familiar to students since the complete absence of civilization. He has to be overcome by a man with songs with a guitar by the fire, pilaf with raps, and a marathon on the rocks. Back home, you come with a spiritual closeness with nature, and with an incredible desire to take a shower.

Rest in Crimea by savages is possible in campsites andtent camps that are scattered all over the coast. In addition to the sea, the beach and the sun, other entertainments are often assumed there. For example, walking free excursions to the nearest attractions, they are conducted mainly by experienced residents of the town.

Nevertheless, rest in Crimea by savages is a test. In this article you will find tips that you will definitely need.

Rest in Crimea 2013 savages possible with your beloveda girl or together with the whole family, and also alone, because you will always make friends on the spot. Here you can go in your car, or you can just go with one backpack.

rest in the Crimea by 2013 savages

It seems that there are not many places left here, inwhich did not reach civilization yet. It happens that today there is a pristine nature, tomorrow crowds of tourists will pour in there, after which piles of garbage are provided. But rest in Crimea by savages is possible.

So, in the area of ​​Sevastopol, the coast is denseis dotted with capes and coves. Consequently, after capturing the tent, you can go to Cape Khersones or Lyubimovka. Also there is Cape Fiolent, which became a real mecca of divers.

In the area of ​​Balaklava is also possible to rest in the Crimeasavages, the prices for which please many, regardless of their financial situation. But it must be taken into account that these places are far from civilization, hence the drinking water and foodstuffs must be stockpiled in advance.

Its natural outlines have also been preserved by the bayLaspi. Although it is necessary to walk to it from the road about 5 km. Here the places are incredibly beautiful, around the bay there are high mountains, while the juniper forest approaches the shore.

Fox Bay occupies a place of honor among seatsfor a quiet wild rest, this is a favorite holiday destination for non-informals, naturists and other free-thinking people. It is located near Koktebel, and all the nearby hills and hills throughout the season are strewn with tents.

rest in the Crimea savages prices

On the South Coast in summer camps are oftenare organized by businessmen coming here, at the same time breaking them into the coast in attractive places, sometimes they agree with local authorities, and sometimes they do not.

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