/ / What to do in Moscow? Where to go with the children?

What to do in Moscow? Where to go with the children?

In the development of each child comes a stage whenhe leaves the stroller, and to get enough food for thought he no longer has the usual walks. Moreover, the need for communication with parents grows very much. It is important not to miss this moment. Because right now, at this small age, the foundation is laid for friendly relations with the mother and father. In order for communication to be mutually interesting, it is necessary to have common themes. And the shortest way to fill the common space with such is through purposeful campaigns to various curious places. And then, of course, many parents may have a question: "Where can I go with a child in Moscow?".

Answering it, it is necessary to take into account the agethe kid. Since the task of an adult is not just to spend time with your offspring, namely, to awaken in him an interest in the world. Even a very inquisitive kid, getting information above the level of his training, quickly get bored. Therefore, deciding what to do in Moscow, do not forget who we are with this time.

If the child is not yet six, a good ideaperiodically take him to children's plays. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is necessary to study the feedback of parents about how the children reacted to this or that setting. Another point - it is worth paying attention to the length of the performance. At this age, it is not recommended that presentations lasting more than an hour. The theater is useful not only as a beautiful spectacle. He teaches the child to understand their emotions and communicate them to others. Developing elements are necessarily laid down in a good children's play.

Choosing what to do in Moscow with a smallchild, do not forget about the beneficial impact of children's contact with the animal world. It is really possible to make a series of thematic walks. Of course, the first thing worth visiting is the zoo. Well, if you can not just wander there and look at the animals, but visit a full-fledged excursion, where the child will be able to learn a lot of interesting things about the animal world. If the trip to the zoo caused a deep interest, it will be natural to wonder where to go to Moscow with the child for such impressions yet. Without a doubt, this is the Moscow Zoo dolphinarium. Some parents combine acquaintance with animals and dolphinarium in one visit, but the child may experience a lot of impressions. So it is better to divide it into two. Dolphinarium programs are interesting even for the youngest, and one more plus - their duration is only about half an hour. So a lot of positive emotions and no fatigue will be obtained.

In the continuation of the topic of what to do in Moscow withkids, it is strongly recommended to visit the Zoological Museum. Here the kid will receive the first knowledge about evolution in such an exciting form that over time and at school will show interest in learning in this area. And for adults this trip will be very informative.

As the child grows up, theto expand his interests. And once again deciding what to do in Moscow, you can pay attention to other museums of the capital, the direction of which will be available to the growing up child. Unconditional interest will be caused by a visit to the planetarium. This institution does not have a regular schedule, so before you plan a trip, you need to clarify all the details. The greatest enthusiasm for both children and adults is the modern technology of demonstrating the full dome. Thanks to it, the effect of full immersion in the surrounding picture is achieved, for some time you become a part of it.

Of course, this is not the entire list of notable places that are in Moscow. Knowing the interests of your child, parents can easily find the ideal option for a joint pastime.

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