/ / Analysis: Block, "Poems about the Beautiful Lady." Poetry of Alexander Blok

Analysis: Block, "Poems about the Beautiful Lady." Poetry of Alexander Blok

Lyrics - this is a layer of literature thattouches the inner world of a person: what he feels, what he experiences, what circumstances his thoughts and impressions occupy. Lyrical works convey the state of the author at certain moments in his life. Many classics of literature have worked in this field. Lovers of poetry know Alexander Blok, a famous poet of the early twentieth century.

Poetic heritage of the Bloc

A. Blok is a bright personality of Russian poetry. His poems always aroused the interest of the reading public. They were waited with impatience, read and re-read, because they traced the soul of the poet against the backdrop of the tragic events of time. Blossoming on the basis of the terrible events of the era, Blok's poetry was the embodiment of the catastrophe of the individual and society. Block managed to convey in the poems of mental turmoil, catching only the most piercing look. His poems are his thoughts, these are the colors and sounds of life.

Any poem by A. Blok is comparable to a dewdrop on the grass, reflecting in the light of the rising sun all the beauty of nature. So are the poems: in them the whole truth of life seen by the poet, in them all life.

One of the most capacious in the life planpoems of the poet is permeated with a sense of despair and at the same time of hope for happiness. Hopes for waiting for something beautiful in that terrible world when the poet lived.

Block. Poems. Analysis

Singer of the Revolution

Alexander Blok was born into an intelligent family: his father was a lawyer, his mother was the daughter of a famous rector of St. Petersburg University. Parent family broke up early. Nevertheless, Blok received a good education: a gymnasium, then a university. Blok's wife was L.D. Mendeleev, the daughter of a famous chemist.

Cycle Poems about the Beautiful Lady

With it, he traveled to Italy, where he was createda cycle of poems that brought him fame in the poetic circles. Block took part in the events of the First World War, the revolution of 1917. He refused emigration, considered it an escape. He wrote poems in which the war was reflected. Known in this regard is the poem "Twelve", which reflects the events of the revolution. Blok also works in the field of the theory of literature, his article "On the appointment of a poet" can serve as an example. Heavy military times affected the health of A. Blok, and in 1921 he died of heart disease.

Block Symbolist

This modernist trend in literature is brightis represented in the works of A. Blok. Symbols that are signs of a real artistic image are widely used by the poet. They help him to uncover the idea of ​​the poem, to feel what is not visible to the ordinary glance. The poet uses his inner vision and finds a correspondence between the phenomena of the real and the unreal world. Noteworthy in this regard is the cycle "Poems about the Beautiful Lady." Here the idea that love for a woman develops into love for the universe is embodied. As a result, the love of the Beautiful Lady is seen as a love of beauty, an ideal. After reading the poems, it is easy to conduct this analysis. Block, "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" are episodes of the personal biography of the poet, reinterpreted in the lines of his writings.

The beginning of the creative path

As a poet-symbolist entered the literature AlexanderBlock. "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" - this is the first collection, a book of mystical verses. The severity of real life led the poet to mystical religious distances. This is the collection.

Alexander Blok. Poems about the Beautiful Lady

The cycle was released in 1904. Anxiety, a sense of a near disaster shows a textual analysis. Block "Poems of the Beautiful Lady" suggested, as an adult's view of life. It is the embodiment of cold, ruined life, death in poetry.

The collection includes poems about love, the general tonalityits - an inconspicuousness, mysteriousness. Each poem feels a creative beginning, capable of transforming the surrounding. The theme of each poem follows from the deep sensations of the poet.

The cycle "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" is dedicated to Lyubov Mendeleeva, who will later become his wife.


Wonderful dream is facing dirtyby reality. The narration is so lyrical and melodious, and at the same time as real and cruel as it can only be in A. Blok's symbolist lyrics. It shows a deep poetic analysis. Block - "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" - "Stranger".

Collection of poems about the Beautiful Lady
This is he, the ideal of beauty, about which Block wrotebefore. Only against the backdrop of this beautiful one can see the whole tragedy of modernity. This ideal can expel everything ugly from life, it can “re-create” it, as Blok wrote. The Beautiful Stranger, alone, is among a crowd of drunk and screaming people. This contrast suggests that the Russian people deserve a better fate.

The unit understands that it’s impossible to leave the dream world whenaround hunger and devastation. Religious dreams fade into the background, in the soul of the poet an interest is aroused in the fate of the Motherland, the fate of the Russian people. The collection "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" is devoted to this very topic: the Universe and Eternal Beauty are inseparable.

In search of new ways to reorganize life Blockredefines its own position. All his life he was looking for the perfect man. The cult of the Beautiful Lady is just that form of non-recognition of the horrors of the modern Bloc of life. Alexander Blok, "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" is amazing, every poem of this collection is filled with a premonition of change.

The value of Blok's poetry

Blok lived at the turn of two centuries. He had a premonition of terrible events to come and showed it in his early works. This is indicated by the "Poems about the Beautiful Lady". "Stranger" draws a lyrical hero belonging to two worlds. On the one hand, this is the world of illusion, poetry, where everything is shrouded in mystery, and the poet is the keeper of this mystery. On the other - a vulgar world that turns out to be stronger. After all, the Stranger dissolves into a haze, and the lyrical hero returns to a terrible reality.

Poems about the Beautiful Lady. Stranger

If we consider the poetry of Blok as a whole, then sheis presented as a lyrical confession of the poet, in which the analysis comes first. Block, "Poems about the Beautiful Lady" - is a whole world of man, who is shocked by social contradictions.

He has always been talked about and will always talk about, because this is one of the top of the best pages of our poetry. His work fills his readers with feelings of love and faith in the victory of a bright and pure world.

Alexander Blok called his poems the diary of life. By virtue of talent, he belongs to those artists who make up our pride and glory.

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