/ / Morganatic marriage

morganatic marriage

Everyone has long known that traditional marriagecalled a marriage in which a husband and wife not only live together, raise their children and have a common household, but also do not commit changes in relation to each other. And it does not matter if such a marriage is registered or not. The main thing is that two people should be satisfied with the form of existence in which they live. A happy marriage is a marriage where everyone is equally happy. But are these criteria applicable to a morganatic marriage? Let's try to figure it out.

First you need to find out, and what about yourselfis a morganatic marriage? Morganic marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman who have different social situations, in which one of the spouses does not increase his low social position when entering into marriage.

Examples of such marriages are many. However, it is worth remembering that the concept of a morganatic marriage only applied to the upper classes. Thus, for example, in Russia there was a law on the succession of the Russian Empire, according to which a person who wore an imperial family could not occupy the throne when entering into such a marriage, as well as all his descendants. An example of a morganatic marriage can be considered the wedding of Empress Catherine II with the general-adjutant Potemkin in 1775, as well as the wedding of Emperor Alexander II and Catherine Mikhailovna Yuryevskaya (Dolgorukova), which took place on July 6, 1880. But it was a long time ago.

In the modern world, a morganatic marriage is notsuch a rarity. Let us recall at least the wedding of the Japanese princess Sayako with the commoner Yoshiki Kuroda, which was held in 2005. Punishment of the princess for her inconsistency with monarchical laws was the deprivation of her title of princess. In this case, not only she, but her children will not be able to sit in the imperial chair of Japan.

For the first time the concept of a morganatic marriage appeared inGerman-speaking countries and the Russian Empire in the XVII and XIX centuries. At that time noble persons and members of their families could marry only with equal titled individuals. If this did not happen, then they lost the right to the legacy of the throne. Many monarchs to solve this problem chose their own wife as an equal person, and the one that was dear to the heart, they wrote to their mistresses. At that time, there was a ban on morganatic marriage, as such, because it could lead to the destruction of the royal ancestry. In this way, according to historians, the dynasty of the Romanov dynasty was destroyed.

But by the beginning of the twentieth century the situationhas changed. Thus, modern Europe, which for many years regulated this issue, abolished the law. Many direct descendants of the throne from Holland, Spain, Norway and Denmark have long been married to girls who do not have royal blood, but still their children will not suffer from it at all and will ascend to the throne without problems. But along with those who refused such a cruel law, there are those who honor the traditions and have kept this legislation to this day. One such country is Sweden.

So why is it considered that very badCrown princess or prince to marry the one or the one to whom you have real feelings, even though they have the "blue blood" of the aristocracy in their veins and do not flow? After all, first of all, happy marriages are spiritual marriages. The newlyweds should feel each other, love each other with all their heart. Modern aristocrats no longer want to consider themselves different, they want to be like everyone else. But if you look at it from different angles, you can find both positive moments and negative ones. Entering into a morganatic marriage, many monarchs stop picking up their nose, they lose their arrogance and arrogance. But together with this there is the problem of the disappearance of the monarchy, as such. Newly-bred offspring do not want to follow what was so close to their ancestors. They just dream of being like all ordinary people. Whether this is right or not, time will judge. But up to now, individuals of royal blood are trying to get closer to ordinary people and, meeting a beautiful, educated, but not having a "blue blood" girl, without hesitation, give themselves to their feelings.

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