Mediko-social institute, St.-Petersburg: specialties, photo and reviews
In the Russian Federation, there are manyeducational institutions, where you can get higher medical education. One of them is the medical and social institute (St. Petersburg). He is a non-state educational organization. However, the training in it is no different from the study, which is conducted in public universities. Students also attend lectures, practice. As a result, they receive a state-recognized diploma and get a job on the received specialties.
Basic information about the university
The named institution is youngeducational organization in the city. In 2004, a medical and social institute (St. Petersburg) was established. The photo of the university is presented below. Since the creation of the task, the educational organization has been involved in the training of medical personnel. The Institute is currently functioning. He offers quality education. At his disposal are:
- modern computers, technical means necessary in the learning process;
- medical phantoms, imitation models for better study of anatomy, practical skills training;
- medical instruments, supplies.
About 1 thousand students study at the institute. They are not only citizens of Russia. There are many foreigners among the students. Some of them do not know Russian well, so the educational process for them is built in English. At the initial courses, foreign students improve their knowledge of the Russian language. This is necessary, because training in the future begins to be carried out only on it.

Documents of the educational organization
Applicants on admission are interested, there areDo the St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute all the necessary documents. In 2015, the educational organization was given a license that allows to provide services in the field of education.
The certificate of state organization wasat the university. It was issued in 2015. In this document, the areas of training for which the medical and social institution (St. Petersburg) could carry out its activities were listed.
In 2016, in accordance with the orderRosobrnadzor, the institute was deprived of accreditation. The checks revealed inconsistencies in the documents. One student was found when looking at the passport, the name mismatch in the student's record book. Because of this and other violations, the university was banned from accepting students in 2017. At the institute, they reacted to this decision calmly. Employees noted that they had previously been barred from admission, and later reinstated accreditation. The university decided to go to court to resolve the disputed situation.

Structure of the educational organization
St. Petersburg Medical and Social Institute,like any educational institution, has a certain structure. It is divided into 10 departments. Each of them unites certain disciplines that are taught to students (for example, the Department of Natural Sciences, Internal Medicine, Gynecology and Obstetrics, etc.).
The institute also has faculties in its structure. They consist of departments and train students in certain areas. The Medical-Social Institute (St. Petersburg) faculty has the following:
- medical;
- additional vocational education.

Read more about the medical faculty
Those applicants who wish to obtain higher educationmedical education in the medical and social institute of St. Petersburg, must choose a medical faculty. He, in accordance with federal state educational standards, conducts training in two only specialties in the educational institution - in medical practice and in dentistry.
The Faculty of Medicine not only deals with the education of students. He also carries out scientific and research activities:
- conducts research and development work commissioned by regional and federal government bodies, various companies;
- attracts students to research work;
- conducts inter-departmental scientific research.

Acquaintance with the faculty of additional vocational education
This structural unit, which is part of themedico-social institute, is engaged in professional retraining and advanced training. Thanks to this faculty, specialists update theoretical and practical knowledge, receive additional knowledge and skills.
The Institute for Advanced Studies offers 5 additional professional educational programs:
- "Resuscitation and anesthesiology."
- "Neurology".
- "Ergotherapy."
- "Psychiatry".
- "Problems in modern higher education".

Specialty "Medical business"
Medico-Social Institute (St. Petersburg)specialty offers such as "Medical business" and "Stomatology". In the "Medical case" at the end of the training the students receive the qualification of a general practitioner. This is a popular specialty. It allows after receiving a diploma of a specialist to get postgraduate education and become a doctor in a narrower field (for example, therapist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, neuropathologist, oncologist).
On specialty "Medical business" study 6 years onfull-time department. A wide list of disciplines studied allows you to acquire many different skills and abilities necessary for further work. Here is their list:
- medical care in various situations;
- diagnostics of diseases and pathologies;
- the purpose of appropriate treatment;
- conducting medical examinations;
- performing surgical operations;
- carrying out rehabilitation measures;
- prevention of diseases;
- maintenance of medical records;
- work with drugs, medical equipment, equipment and tools.

Specialty "Stomatology"
At the Faculty of Dentistry, medical and socialInstitute (St. Petersburg) teaches students also 6 years on the full-time department. The schedule (in contrast to the curative case) initially includes special disciplines. Students study oral diseases, cariesology, implantology, clinical dentistry, etc. If the educational program is successfully mastered at the end of the training, the qualification of a dentist general practitioner is assigned.
It is worth noting that the medical and social institute not only provides theoretical knowledge. The university teaches:
- Dental examination of adults and children;
- give advice on oral care;
- conduct anesthesia of the oral cavity;
- professional hygiene of the oral cavity;
- carry out the necessary therapeutic, aesthetic procedures.
Contact Information
Before entering the university you need to find out all the important contact information about it:
- where is the medical-social institution (St. Petersburg): address - Kondratievsky prospect, 72a, lit. E;
- on what schedule works (the educational organization operates from Monday to Friday from 10 to 18 hours);
- on which number you can call the university and ask questions (the phone for information can be found on the official website).

Mediko-social Institute (St. Petersburg): reviews
About the St. Petersburg Medical and Social Instituterespond in a negative and neutral manner. Some people do not advise entering this university. They point to the low quality of education and the fact that graduates are not in demand. Diplomas issued by the Institute are not listed. Also in the reviews write that all the advantages that the university indicates on its website are not true. They serve as an advertisement to attract the attention of applicants.
Those people who speak about St. Petersburginstitute in a neutral way, did not study in this university, they are not familiar with the essence of the educational process and the peculiarity of conducting classes. However, despite this, they are trying to keep the entrants from making the wrong step in their lives - they write that most nonstate institutions do not trust, they allegedly provide poor-quality education, they are only trying to earn money on students. Most likely, everything is explained by the fact that doctors are preparing a private educational institution.
In conclusion, it should be noted that at the momentthe Medical and Social Institute (St. Petersburg) can not accept willing entrants to study. This situation can change after applying to a court. If the court meets the requirements of the institution, the reception will be resumed. To enter here or not is a question, the answer to which will be found for each entrant. It is only when deciding to pay attention to the fact that the medical and social institute (St. Petersburg) has lost accreditation and the reviews have not only a positive plan.