/ / What is ambition? Origin, meaning, examples

What is ambition? Origin, meaning, examples

Today, let's talk about what an ambition is and how it is so unpleasant, and also give examples illustrating the meaning of the word, and synonyms.

Werewolf Word

what is ambition

As soon as the word appeared, it had a positivea shade and meant "honor", "dignity". But this option is currently considered obsolete, and if someone "praise" this way, then there can be embarrassment. Now, when they say "a man with an ambition," it means that he is a narcissist, arrogant and arrogant.

The origin of the object of our studyforeign. The source is the Latin word honor. It is translated as "honor" and "dignity". But in the course of the historical development of language the word "gonor" changed the pole. He was luckier than coffee, which now has not only a male, but also a middle-class. Therefore, it could be worse.

Why is the word "ambition", the meaning of which weexplore, so annoying? It's pretty simple to explain. The fact is that gonor is the brother of snobbery. And as Andrew Sinyavsky remarked: "Snobbery is an attempt to soar without sufficient reason." Is someone who has real achievements behind his back, someone can blame for excessive self-conceit? Never! Annoying only pretentiousness, rooted in the absolute powerlessness of supporting words with deeds, but at the same time such a subject believes that he is better than others.


Did the reader understand what an ambition is? If so, it's good, but no, it does not matter. Semantic analogies will correct the matter. We have already used them, but now we will present them a single extended list. Honor is:

  • megalomania;
  • pride;
  • arrogance;
  • swaggering;
  • arrogance;
  • conceit;
  • arrogance;
  • self-conceit;
  • arrogance;
  • star fever.

The list clearly tells us that there is no ambitionnothing good. What is the evidence of this quality of man? The fact that he is not very confident in himself. Imagine if a person who, in fact, has achieved much and moved forward against a general background, to focus his attention on this and emphasize his dignity in the presence of others? Of course not! What is ambition? Emptiness multiplied by eternity.

Fletcher Reed as an example of a man with ambition

ambiguous meaning of the word

It's nice when the scoundrel is punished on the screen, and he is defeated like a hunter Gaston in the movie "Beauty and the Beast" (1991), but it's even better when the same villain is reborn.

The hero of Jim Carrey in the movie "Liar, liar" (1997),of course, can not be called a villain in the full sense of the word. He's just a bad man: he lies to everyone, turns around, fancies in front of his superiors, hoping to get a managerial position. He seems to like his son, but he does not do it at all. At the same time, he looks down on others, considering himself better than many, if not all. Are you tormented by the question, what is an ambition? Remember this film and breathe a sigh of relief, because Fletcher Reed is an embodied self-conceit.

But then with an unscrupulous lawyer happensa true spiritual rebirth, worthy of the pen of Leo Tolstoy. There is a reassessment of values, and everything ends well. And we are happy, because we have a suitable example for illustration.

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