Labor discipline. How to achieve strict execution by all employees?
Labor discipline is compliance with rules,established in the given working collective, at the enterprise, firm, etc. No leader will doubt the need to observe labor discipline. This is a guarantee of high-quality work of the whole team and achievement of the goals set for it. Do you need all of them? On the overwhelming majority.
The most interesting thing is that in the need to maintainmost employees are interested in labor discipline, even if some of them do not understand this. Labor discipline is, first of all, a set of rules that gives the enterprise stable work, and employees some confidence in the future (a big plus for the emotional state of any person). After all, any uncertainty is always stress.
The concept of labor discipline
Any rule of conduct is always a restriction on the freedom of an individual, but directed towards the benefit of the entire collective. For this rule to work, it must meet two basic requirements.
Every worker should understand the need forimposed restrictions. To do this, it is necessary to carry out periodic explanatory work among employees, so that they consciously go to some restrictions, understanding their relevance and usefulness.
All rules should not have exceptions for eitherwhom and never. One exception, which has not been properly responded by the leader, will lead to an avalanche of such violations. Therefore, some kind of reaction, necessarily firm, should be on any, most innocent violation of discipline.
Who sets the rules?
Each company and every enterprise hasits own document regulating the internal regulations. But this document in any case should not run counter to the current labor legislation, should be understandable for all employees and not allow for a double interpretation of any points. It is clear that even the best document will not solve the problem. To the labor discipline was at the proper level, the manager should be interested in this. And to monitor compliance with all the requirements of the relevant document - its immediate duty.
What kind of discipline is there?
Conditionally, there are two types of restrictions: discipline of coercion (performing) and self-discipline (conscious). The ideal leader gradually transforms the first into the second. By what means? Starting with rigid guidelines, regulating all activities, ending with explanations, beliefs in their own right. Thus, step by step, employees develop a habit aimed at observing labor discipline standards. This habit gradually turns into automatic actions and leads to conscious self-restraint.
Labor discipline and punishment
This is a very interesting point. Without punishment at any, in any case, the stage is indispensable. The main thing here is not to bend the stick. Punishment should be fair and adequate violation. It is not so important whether it will be a financial penalty or some kind of moral impact (in different cases and with different people, the effectiveness may not be the same). It is important that the employee understand that he is punished for the case, and not at the whim of the boss.
In no case should punishment be an end in itself. There is no point in applying serious sanctions to an employee if:
- he is seriously repentant;
- committed a violation for the first time;
- his offense had no serious consequences.
Another thing is if the violation is repeated or elseworse - it becomes a habit. Labor discipline should be in the first place and you need to react immediately, regardless of the value of the employee. In any production, a reliable responsible employee is always better than a good specialist, who can fail at any moment.