/ Rostov State Economic University: address

Rostov State Economic University: address

Several years ago many applicants inRostov-on-Don entered the Russian State University of Trade and Economics (Rostov Institute). In 2014 there was a reorganization. The educational institution in Rostov-on-Don became a branch of the Russian Academy of Economics. GV Plekhanov. However, in 2016 the university was liquidated on the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Part of the students agreed to continue their studies in the Rostov state. economic university.

The abbreviated name of the said trainingInstitutions - FGBOU IN RGEU (RIHE). This is a fairly large Russian university. It has 10 branches. They are located in such cities as Azov, Makhachkala, Gukovo, Millerovo, Volgodonsk, Cherkessk, Georgievsk, Taganrog, Yeisk, Kislovodsk. The total number of students in the head university and branches is about 25 thousand people.

Rostov State Economic University

Creation of educational institutions in the city: historical information

On the establishment of an educational institution of economicprofile in Rostov-on-Don began to reflect in the late XIX century. The city in connection with the rapid development of the economy needed the appropriate staff. In the 1890's. it was planned to open a commercial academy. However, these plans were implemented later and only partially.

Educational institution of the economic profilefunctioned in Rostov-on-Don in 1900. It was not an academy, but a commercial men's school. Since 1907 a women's department has been working here. Evening courses were also created. Then, in connection with the outbreak of the world war in Rostov-on-Don, the Warsaw University was evacuated. Since 1917, it was called the Don, and since 1925 - the North Caucasus.

The emergence of RSEU in Rostov-on-Don

In 1926-1927 years. at the North Caucasian University was organized by the economist. faculty. It was on its basis that the Rostov Financial and Economic Institute (RFEI) later appeared. In 1964 the RFEI was renamed the Institute of National Economy. RHEH is the abbreviated name of this educational institution, which is still used today.

In the following years, the university changed statuses, names. In 1994 the school became an academy. After 6 years, the university became a university. In the future, the status did not change. Rostov State Economic University, RINH (INN - 6163022805, OGRN - 1026103165538) - the current name of the university.

School buildings

The buildings of the university are located in several districts of Rostov-on-Don:

  • Rostov State Economic University (RINH), address of the first academic building - st. Bolshaya Sadovaya, 69.
  • The second educational building - trans. Ostrowsky, 62.
  • The third educational building - st. M. Gorky, 166.

The main building of the Rostov state. economic university - the cultural and historical object of the country. That is why the educational institution regularly and qualitatively carried out repair work, reconstruction is carried out. The condition of other buildings is also drawn attention.

Rostov State University of Economics Rynh address

University facilities

In the university special attention is paid toimprovement of the material and technical base. Multimedia audiences are modern. They are equipped with new computers. Regularly the university acquires software products, which are necessary for the organization of a quality educational process.

Rostov State EconomicThe university widely uses the videoconference format. To conduct such events, the necessary equipment was purchased and installed. A structured cabling system is also installed to provide the entire university with Internet. Special attention is paid to the problems of the security of the educational institution. To solve them, a through system is introduced, special equipment is bought and installed.

Rostov State University of Economics to the entrant

Educational activity of the university

Rostov State Economic University is considered one of the leading higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation. Educational activities are conducted in several major areas:

  • Social sciencies;
  • computer science and informatics;
  • economy;
  • humanities and others.

Within the framework of all directions, a fairlya large number of bachelor's, specialist, master's, secondary vocational education programs. In the Rostov state. Economic University also has postgraduate and doctoral studies, advanced training and retraining of personnel.

Activities in the international sphere

Rostov State EconomicThe university actively develops cooperation with foreign universities. RSEU has foreign partners in the CIS, Western Europe, South-Eastern Europe, and Asia. It should be noted that the university has a double degree program. This is an excellent chance for students, allowing for the years of study to receive two documents on higher education:

  • Diploma of the RSEU (RIHE);
  • diploma of a foreign university.

In the double diploma programEuropean University (EU). Business Administration is a specialty that is offered to students. Each student improves his / her knowledge of English, because almost all subjects are taught on it. Students of the III, IV and V courses of economic specialties can choose a double degree program. The term of study in the EU is 1 year, that is, 2 semesters. At the first semester of the joint program, students study at the RSEU, and at the second - in the EU. At the end of the training, the final qualification work is protected in English.

Rostov State Economic University

Information for applicants

Applicants wishing to enroll in Rostovstate economic university, you need to visit the university during the admission process, write an application and file a package of necessary documents. However, it is initially necessary to determine in advance the direction of preparation.

Some areas of training at the university and a list of entrance tests
Level of education

Specialty / direction of training

Examinations required for admission
Bachelor's programEconomyMathematics, Russian. language and social studies
Business Informatics
Personnel Management
Commodity studies
Trading business
Software EngineeringPhysics, rus. language and mathematics
Information Security
Quality control
Applied InformaticsMathematics, ICT, rus. language
Information systems and technologies
JurisprudenceSocial Studies, rus. language, history
Public Relations and Advertising
JournalismLiterature, rus. language. Interview and creative examination are also conducted
SpecialtyCustomsRus. language, social studies, foreign language
Forensic examinationHistory, rus. language and social studies
Economic securityMathematics, Russian. language, social studies

With a Bachelor's or specialist's diploma, you canto enter the magistracy. The RSEU offers a huge number of directions and training programs. Training in the Master's program allows people to become well-educated professionals who can engage in consulting, teaching, analytical or research activities.

Rostov State Economic University address

Information for students

Rostov State EconomicUniversity, whose address is known to all residents of the city, works from 8:30 am. It was at this time that the first classes began at the university. The duration of steam is 1 hour 30 minutes, and the change is 10 minutes. You can find out the schedule of couples in the university or on its official website. It almost does not change, since it is designed for even and odd weeks. Only occasionally small adjustments are made to it.

People who study at the university canengage in science, because there is a student bureau. It helps everyone to find their niche in research activities. Student bureau informs about annual competitions of scientific works, assists in organization of business trips to various exhibitions and events.

Information for graduates

SEI HPE "Rostov State Economic University" (RINH) assists graduates. In the university there is a department for employment. This unit of the educational institution:

  • offers vacancies for graduates (if vacancies were reported to the institution by employers);
  • advises on how to properly write a resume;
  • organizes career events;
  • assists in obtaining temporary employment.

Gou vpo Rostov State University of Economics Rinh

The educational institution also has an association of graduates. It is a voluntary association of people who have graduated from the university once. The Association carries out the following work:

  • organizes alumni meetings;
  • assists in finding a job;
  • informs graduates about changes and developments taking place at the university;
  • is engaged in professional training of students.

Reviews about the educational institution

Rostov State Economicuniversity (RHEH) entrant can take a liking to the presence of a huge number of positive feedback. Graduates and students note that studying at a university gives the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Excellent quality of education is due to the high professional level of the faculty. Here there are doctors of sciences, candidates of science, and associate professors.

Students and graduates in a positive waytalk about sports life in the university. RSEU boasts a sports complex, which includes 4 sports halls. The first one is equipped for various games, the second one for shaping, the third one for training on modern simulators, the fourth for classes with medical special groups. The university also rented 2 swimming pools.

fbbow vpostov state economic university rynkh

FGBOU VPO "Rostov StateEconomic University "(RINH) is a high school where you can find your destiny in life, open your way to a successful career. In order to enter here, you need to contact the educational institution at 69 Bolshaya Sadovaya Street. in the offices 108, 106, 101.

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