/ / Angelfish


Angelfish (Pomacanthidae) refers to the same family of marine bone, a group of perciform fish. The family includes nine genera and seventy-four species.

Angelfish is easily identifiable by a flat body,bright, motley color and large strips. Having a flat body, it easily hides in corals from predators. As a means of protection, there are also bands. Due to their presence, the head of fish-angel predators is seen in the last place.

In addition to these characteristics, representativesThis family is distinguished by the presence of a powerful, backward-directed spike. It is located on the lower part of the gills. In this case, the spike has a slightly different coloration than the whole body.

Angelfish fish in length can be from six tosixty centimeters. The smallest representatives of the family include centropig. The length of these dwarf angelfish is no more than ten centimeters. Some species have a very large mouth. When an angel fish with such a mouth swims over the coral, it sucks food like a vacuum cleaner.

Young individuals are painted quite differently fromadult representatives. It should be said that the differences are so obvious that youngsters used to be referred to separate species for a long time. These differences are used for camouflage. In addition, a different coloration helps young individuals to avoid aggression from adult fish. Due to this feature, young people live quietly in the territory of adults. While the fish do not grow, they do not run out.

Typically, at the age of one or two coloring of fishbegins to change. This indicates that young individuals become adults. From that moment they take their place in the community. Some angelfish have a very vivid pattern in their youth, in adulthood, however, they are not so beautiful. For all young individuals, a banded pattern is characteristic.

Fish angels are considered a real beauty - suchincredible combinations of colors there is not a single inhabitant of the underwater world. There are hundreds of varieties of color. The most popular striped pattern, but sometimes angelfish fish disguise themselves as butterflies. In this case, several rather large color spots appear on their bodies.

Angelfish habitat - tropical watersIndian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans. As a rule, they live in coastal waters and prefer to inhabit areas of coral reefs at different depths (from three to sixty meters).

Among the representatives of the family there are omnivorescopies. They eat completely different food, from small animals to algae. There are also individuals, vegetarians. These feed only on algae and sponges (such as carp fish).

These representatives of percussion - veryaggressive beings in relation to their kindred. For them, personal territory is very important. Characteristic is the division of habitat. Large fish inhabit and defend from rivals territory of about a thousand square meters. In this case, dwarf representatives can count only on one coral colony.

It should be noted that angelfish rarely formlarge clusters. As a rule, they form long-term pairs or small harem groups, which consist of several females and one male. These "harems" and couples can exist for life. Family very aggressively defend their territories, driving out strangers.

Fish angels, like butterflies, make up the basic composition of coral aquariums. At the same time, the first of them get along badly with their relatives.

It should be noted that the maintenance of fishes in domesticconditions requires certain knowledge about this or that kind. As a rule, fighting and fights happen because of the territory. And even, at first glance, peace-loving species of freshwater fish (scaly or discus) can manifest aggression towards each other.

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