/ High reading speed. What is needed and how to develop it?

High reading speed. What is needed and how to develop it?

Even in school years, students of lower gradesread the lyrics for speed. What is it for? To test the child's reading technique, which characterizes the pace of development of the student. It checks not only the number of words read per minute, but also the awareness of the material read. However, all speed reading training ends within the junior high school. Adult people decide whether they need to have such skills or not.

Average reading speed of a normal adultthe person is 120-180 words per minute. Reading books and other literature at this pace is characterized by a thorough understanding of the text read. Speed ​​reading is 3-4 times higher than the average is called speed reading. There are a number of techniques that help increase the rate of reading a person at times with the preservation of the process and the perception of the necessary amount of information.

Reading speed

What does the possession of fast reading technology?

Currently, information is playinga fundamental role in human life. More informed people are making great strides in their lives. Reading the text at an average pace does not give a proper result. Therefore, many people want to increase the speed of reading, using a variety of technologies. The main thing, having a technique of fast reading, to keep the level of perception of information when reading texts of different subjects. The ability to quickly read helps in study and work, allowing for a shorter time to study the necessary material.

Speed ​​of reading not only provides an opportunityto perceive a greater amount of information in a short time, but characterizes the active pace of life of modern man. The technique of rapid reading was enjoyed by many great people of our country and famous people of the world. It is worth pondering that speed reading was one of the reasons for their success and worldwide recognition. It causes the nerve endings to perceive information much more quickly, due to this the person becomes more erudite, the level of intelligence increases. And all the acquired information helps to move professionally and achieve new goals.

Average reading speed

How to learn to read faster yourself?

Reading speed can be increased independently. To do this, you must follow the following rules while reading the literature.

Increase reading speed

  • It is necessary to direct all your attention only to reading, to minimize all distractions. To read it is necessary in complete silence, under normal illumination and in a quiet internal state.
  • First, you need to read the table of contents tounderstand what the book will be about, what it is important to pay attention to, and what can be missed. You can skim through the text briefly before proceeding to the concentrated, attentive reading.
  • You need to read it to yourself, without repeating the individual phrases or parts of the text aloud.
  • It is better to read entire phrases, rather than stand-alone words of the text, using the features of your vision.
  • It is important to avoid rereading and going back. It is necessary to learn to perceive the material from the first time.
  • The reading speed becomes higher if you use a special pointer, for example, ruler, pencil, finger and so on.
  • To read it is necessary often and much, then in due course speed reading becomes the constant companion and will open new possibilities of mastering of the information.
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