/ / The most interesting facts about the autumn

The most interesting facts about the autumn

Interesting facts about the fall will come in handy for parents,who wish to introduce the children to natural riddles. This time of year, repeatedly exalted by writers and poets, causes people different emotions - from boredom and longing to admiration. What do you need to know about the mysterious period, the source of the name is the verb "osenenyat", speaking of the arrival of the Twilight?

The most interesting facts about the autumn

Yellowing, falling leaves - one of thecharacteristic features of the season that precedes winter. Many interesting facts about the fall are connected with this phenomenon. The "summer" green color, which is acquired by tree decorations, is due to the increased concentration of chlorophyll. Farewell to sunny days is accompanied by the slow destruction of this substance. As a result, the leaves acquire shades supported by xanthophyll and carotene: yellow, orange.

interesting facts about the fall

Facts about autumn confirm interdependenceall natural phenomena. The deciduous "carpet", which gradually covers the earth, positively affects the condition of the soil, prevents the destruction of the roots of trees.

When Autumn Comes

Those who are delighted with the beauty of landscapes,characteristic for this time of year, is categorically contraindicated to settle on the equator. Also, do not choose to live in the central part of the planet, the inhabitants of this territory are not familiar with this magical time period.

facts about autumn

Interesting facts about the fall read that the date of itsThe offense directly depends on where the person is. If September is the traditional time of her arrival in the northern hemisphere, then the inhabitants of the southern part enjoy the period between summer and winter in March.

The Irish did not agree to celebratethe approach of autumn in September. Celebration of the harvest inhabitants of the country throughout the centuries celebrate the first of August. It is on this day that they solemnly part with the summer.

Safety regulations

Some interesting facts about the fall will come in handyOwners of vehicles caring about their lives. Also they should be remembered by carefree people who do not wait for the correct traffic light signal and do not use pedestrian crossings. The braking distance of the car in a golden pair increases approximately 10 times. This is due to the large amount of wet foliage on the roads and other natural phenomena.

Autumn and health

Important information is offered to prospective parents,thinking about the conception of the heir. Interesting facts about the fall claim that babies born between summer and winter have excellent immunity. The phenomenon is associated with the peculiarities of nutrition of pregnant women during this period. The last summer months are the time of natural vitamins, extracted from cheap fruits and vegetables.

interesting facts about the fall of children

Studies conducted by Americanscientists, give grounds to assume that the "autumn" babies have more chances to cross the threshold of the century than all the others. It is possible that this is also explained by the diet of future mothers.

The threat of a golden time is only fora man worried about meteorology. The number of magnetic storms is doubled in comparison with other periods. Those who are familiar with this problem should show increased interest in their state of health.

Scientific experiments

It is better to show interesting facts about autumn to children,and not to tell, that kids seriously took a great interest in riddles of the nature. Among the simplest tricks, one can mention a simple experiment with an egg. For its carrying out, it is enough to wait for the day of the autumnal equinox. This particular date is characterized by an astronomical change of time, with the duration of the day per day being compared with the length of the night.

scientific facts about the fall

Everyone knows that the hard-boiled egg does notcan stand on the tip. This rule does not work when the day of the autumn equinox comes. Children will be able to make sure that the product easily stands on the table without trying to roll. An experiment whose effectiveness is proved by scientific facts about the fall can be repeated in the spring. For this, the day of the equinox is also selected.

Autumn Psychology

In the fall not only scientists are interested,this time interval and psychologists. September is the month when many people face an inexplicable deterioration in mood. From the point of view of psychology, this can be explained as a longing for the end of the holiday period, the arrival of cold weather.

It is interesting that it is the golden time that is consideredthe ideal time for marriage. At this time of year, there is the smallest number of partings, less often divorces are registered. Sexologists talk about a certain increase in libido, characteristic for representatives of both sexes. The most obvious explanation for this phenomenon is the fall in the heat that disturbs people in the summer.

This is how the most entertaining "fall" facts look, which scientists and psychologists managed to collect thanks to various experiments.

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