/ / Mysterious Chernobyl: interesting facts about the exclusion zone

Mysterious Chernobyl: interesting facts about the exclusion zone

In the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, there was something,that to this day keeps an atmosphere of secrecy around the alienation zone. At least that's what ordinary people think. And the reason for this was, rather, not a meeting with a couple of other zombies in the barbed wire, but a wild fantasy of science fiction writers. So what is Chernobyl? Interesting facts about this ghost town and other settlements that have fallen into a fenced off area from the world, we will consider.

interesting facts

The scale of the disaster

We will begin to study interesting facts about Chernobyl withthe moment of the catastrophe itself. Assessment of the scale of the Chernobyl disaster is also estimated by the amount of radioactive material released. To represent the consequences of an accident, the amount of discarded radioactive material is compared with the first use of nuclear weapons.

So, we know that the Japanese city of Hiroshima inIn 1945 an atomic bomb was dropped. The accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant released 500 times more destructive mass. The amount of radioactive materials was 50 million curies.

Victims of the accident

The first victims of radiation were the firemen, who went without special protection to extinguish the fire in the fourth reactor.

Since the station was operating at the time of the accident, therethere were many people. 134 of them received radiation sickness, being at work in the first time after the release. About 30 people died of radiation sickness within the first month. To eliminate the consequences of the accident, 600 thousand people were called up. Many of them received a greater or lesser dose of radiation.

Chernobyl interesting facts and photos

In addition to the liquidators,the number of inhabitants of the countries whose territories are closest to the current exclusion zone. In total, more than 8.4 million people were exposed to radiation in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia (then a single USSR). This is the scope of the consequences that the catastrophe entailed. Since then has become a ghost town of Chernobyl. Interesting facts, which we'll talk about later, are amazing.

Ways of Radiation Propagation

Although the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is located on the territory of Ukraine, most of the victims in Belarus. This was due to the direction of the wind at the time of the disaster.

The agricultural lands of Belarus turned out to beunsuitable for cultivation. The country had to abandon them, which led to a serious loss in the economy. What other interesting facts about Chernobyl and the entire exclusion zone are known to mankind?

Canned Danger

Under the Chernobyl sarcophagus (shelter overthe fourth power unit of nuclear power plants), more than 95% of the radioactive material has been mothballed. Given that the large-scale consequences of the accident are due to the spread of a small portion of hazardous substances, the importance of the sarcophagus is excessive.

The construction of a new shelter is already underway. Billions of dollars have been allocated for it. A modern construction will be erected over the fourth reactor and the old shelter in the next year.

Nature of Chernobyl

For those who do not know what Chernobyl is (alienation zone), interesting facts and, perhaps, discoveries will be a novelty.

interesting facts about Chernobyl

In the imagination of some people, the irradiatedradiation, the nature of the Chernobyl zone is dead and uninhabitable. However, it is not. Vegetation began to conquer its legitimate territories very soon. Nature rages in colors and greens in the summer, sleeps, as expected, in the winter season. Such an addition to the knowledge of the environment was thrown at us by the current Chernobyl. Interesting facts photo confirm. We brought in our article photographs taken recently in the exclusion zone.

The fauna of the zone has significantly expanded. The number of individuals increased. Especially it affected the population of wolves, eagles, moose.

The zone of alienation is inhabited!

In our perception, the exclusion zone is a territory,forbidden for people. In the case of Chernobyl, this is justified. People were waiting for people here and radiation danger is still waiting for them, so, according to the logic, they should not be here. But people live in the forbidden zone! Such are the interesting facts that gave us today's Chernobyl.

Chernobyl interesting facts photo

Those who ventured to return home to fenced offterritory, we today call self-residents. According to the data of 2014, about three hundred people live in Chernobyl and the settlements and villages belonging to this district. Mostly these are old people who did not want to change their place of residence in 1986.

Unexpected popularity

Zone of alienation around the center of the emission of radiationbecame a place attractive for tourists. As the agencies that organize tours of Chernobyl, Pripyat and other impressive places assure, the routes are absolutely safe.

A well-known worldwide edition of Forbes recognizedThe Chernobyl exclusion zone is one of the most unusual places for tourism. In their opinion, in Chernobyl you can see what is nowhere else in the corners of our planet.


In our article, we turned to such a disturbingtopic, like Chernobyl. Interesting facts and photos given in it - this is only a small part of the information about the restricted area, which was collected by bit all these years.

Chernobyl exclusion zone interesting facts

Now we know that flocks of zombies do not go underblackening trees of Chernobyl. There the beautiful nature and alive, in overwhelming quantity absolutely normal animals. Moreover, in the exclusion zone there are self-settlers - people who risked staying in their homes away from civilization.

On this note, we leave Chernobyl. Interesting facts do not end there, because the atmosphere of mystery is created by the visitors of the zone. It replenishes with graffiti, reflecting the imagination of people. And in these creations on the street walls there is definitely something sacred. Now it remains to be decided whether the city of Chernobyl, Pripyat and other places of the radiation zone are worth visiting, or should be left, as it should be, by a zone of alienation.

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