/ / How many vowel sounds in the Russian language - we study the Great and the Mighty

How many vowel sounds in the Russian language - we study the Great and the Mighty

how many vowels in Russian
The study of the Russian language begins with birth. It is then that the little man hears the first sounds that, over time, he puts into words, phrases and sentences. Then the child goes to school, where these familiar sounds from childhood are classified and divided into vowels and consonants. How easy to remember the basics of the Russian language and not to confuse anything, learn how many vowel sounds in the Russian language, and how many consonants? We learn together!

As you know, in our Great and Mighty 33 letters- 10 vowels and 23 consonants. Vowels are those sounds that are pronounced exclusively with the help of lips and tongue. The flow of air when pronouncing such sounds does not meet obstacles in the oral cavity, so vowels are always clean, they can be sung. But in their classification, everything is not so simple. The basis of this division are two groups of vowel sounds: conventional and iotated. Common vowels include a, o, u, y, e, s. To iotirovannymi - I, y, e, e. Thus, the question of how many vowel sounds in the Russian language, the answer will be 6 ordinary and 4 iotated sounds.

The sounds and letters in Russian
Iotirovannye vowels are those that are in threepositions simultaneously designate two sounds: [j] and [a] / [y] / [o] / [e]. These are positions where one of the iotated vowels is first in the word, after a vowel or after a soft or solid sign. Then the vowel sound is double.

Sounds and letters in Russian sometimes correlatevery unusual. So, in a word there can be 5 letters and 6 sounds. An example of such a word is a berry. If we perform a phonetic analysis, we have the following result: [yagoda].

Consonant letters are also divided into several categories: sonorous, deaf, sizzling and sonorous.

Deaf consonant sounds form pairs with voiced ones. In other words, when a voiced consonant stands at the end of a word or in front of a deaf consonant, it is pronounced as corresponding to it deaf. Such pairs of 6: ж-ш, в-ф, д-т, б-п, г-к, з-с.

It is not hard to guess what sounds are calledhissing. Those, in the pronunciation of which air passes through the oral cavity in such a way that hissing is obtained. To the sonor consonants are the letters l, m, n, p.

Some sounds and letters of the Russian language havecertain features. One of the most unique letters of the Great and the Mighty is e. This element of the alphabet differs from the other vowels, at least in that it is always a shock. Often on a letter, the letter is replaced by e. Such a tradition has appeared not so long ago, but it gradually eradicates the vowel from the Russian alphabet.

sounds and letters of the Russian language
Thus, the classification of vowels and consonants andsounds in the Russian alphabet at a glance may seem confusing and incomprehensible. But, knowing its main points, you can easily understand the structure of native speech. First of all, it is necessary to learn how many vowel sounds in the Russian language, and how many consonants, on which groups they are divided. Remember that a thorough study of any language begins with some basic information that is taught in the school. But in order not to depend on the school curriculum and independently learn our Great and Mighty, we need to learn the alphabet, its letters and their basic properties, to know how many vowels in the Russian language, and how many consonants.

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