/ / Popular Thai Fruits

Popular Thai Fruits

In spring, as is known, on the shelves of markets andshops there are the freshest vegetables and fruits. In Russia, both local products and those imported from abroad are popular. Often at the height of the summer season, you can meet on the shelves and some exotic fruits of Thailand. However, some species can be tried only by coming to this country.

exotic fruit thailand
Among the most interesting fruitsnote the mangosteen. It is considered one of the most powerful antioxidants. The pulp of mangosteen contains 43 xanthones. These active substances neutralize free radicals. For example, there is only one xanton in aloe.

The mangosteen tree grows to twenty-fivemeters in height. It can bear fruit for a hundred years. These Thai fruits are considered the most expensive. Mangostins are widespread in the forests of India, Cambodia, and Vietnam. The flesh of the fetus is used. It looks like garlic lobules. The pulp is juicy and sweet, has a pleasant aroma and a slight sourness. According to tourists, the taste of mangosteen is not confused with any other fruit. The pulp is also used in the preparation of juice, which is distinguished by its exquisite taste.

Over the centuries, the medicinal properties of mangosteen have been used in medicine. Fruits are used as an anesthetic and antipyretic.

Thai fruits often have an original externalview. For example, the Baltic herring looks very original. His thin skin is like a snake skin. For this, the herring is referred to as a "snake fruit". Its size is similar to a fig. A light flesh is used, which consists of two or one lobules.

fresh vegetables and fruits

The high content of tannin endows these Thaifruit astringent taste. Distantly it is similar to the taste of pineapple, but the fruits are not so juicy. The flesh can be dry and crumbly or crispy and moist with sourness.

Tamarinds are another Thai fruit. Fruits contain vitamins, organic acids, pectic substances, sugar. The pulp is represented by a brown viscous mass having a pleasant sour taste. These Thai fruits are used as an acidulant in the preparation of various dishes. It also gives a somewhat pungent taste. It should be said that the acid, which contains these Thai fruits, has a significant difference from citrus. Tamarinds are used in the preparation of marinades and sauces for fish and meat. Ripe Thai fruit is used in the preparation of drinks and desserts.

Thai fruit

Thai fruit is not only different from its externalview. The fruit of durians is peculiar. It is forbidden to transport it to airplanes, to bring it to many hotels. The fact is that this fetus produces a very unpleasant smell, very similar to the smell of sewage.

These Thai fruits have a fairly large shapewith spikes. It should be said that, despite the unpleasant smell, the taste of the fruit is excellent. These Thai fruits are considered to be some of the most expensive, but this does not prevent them from being the most popular.

Inconspicuous externally fruit long-tongue. It grows in the southern regions. This fruit is sold with large bunches. Its taste is neutral and watery. Thanks to this, you can quickly quench your thirst.

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