/ How does peanuts grow? Technology of cultivation will allow everyone to grow peanuts on their site

How does peanuts grow? Technology of cultivation will allow everyone to grow peanuts on their site

Peanuts are a thermophilic and moisture-loving culture,so the countries where peanuts grow are located in the subtropical belt, but grow it in temperate climates. Homeland of peanuts is South America, where it came to Europe only 300 years ago. How does peanuts grow? It is known that this herbaceous plant also has shrub or creeping forms. It belongs to the family of legumes, but differs from its counterparts - beans, soybeans, peas, by that it ripens underground, that's why it is called peanut peanut. It looks like a silk cocoon. Contains easily digestible proteins (20-30%) and carbohydrates (up to 36%).

Groundnut peanuts are a valuable food andvery popular in Europe, refers to oilseeds. In addition to its use as candied or salted nuts or as an ingredient in confectionery baking, most of the crop is processed into butter. His taste is almost equal to the undisputed leader of vegetable oils - olive. The nutritional niche of peanut butter is the preparation of the best in the grade of canned fish, bakery products, chocolate, margarine. Lower grades of oil are used in soap making to produce high-quality soap. Waste after pressing (as well as sunflower) is used for cooking halva and as an excellent protein feed for cattle and poultry. No less valuable for the fattening of cattle is its haulm, the nutritional value is not inferior to alfalfa.

Where does peanuts grow? Today it is distributed throughout the world: in America, Asia, Africa. He learned to grow as an annual plant, even in countries where the frost-free period lasts only six months. It is suitable for chernozem medium-loamy soil, which has a good circulation of moisture. The plant is not very fastidious, so you do not risk anything if you try to grow peanuts yourself.

The question is, how does peanuts grow, are interested ingardeners-lovers. Propagate this culture with seeds (beans). Seeds can be sown early in the spring, after warming the soil to 12 degrees, you can pre-prepare seedlings, which is a more reliable way. The plant requires watering no more often than 2 times a week, but there should be no excess of moisture. Blossom peanuts somewhere in 1,5-2 months. One bush gives up to 40 beans, and the time to harvest is 3-4 months.

The most interesting thing about how peanuts grow isthe lifespan of its flowers. They live one day - they blossom in the morning, and during the day their pollination should occur, as by the evening they wither. And only a small part of the flowers forms the ovary, which grows, burrowing into the ground, where the fetus develops (those ovaries that remained on the surface do not develop).

For the cultivation of peanuts is very important light andloose soil, hilled for a season at least 2-3 times. The first hilling should be done after the ovaries fall on the soil, somewhere 10 days after flowering. Peanuts are regularly weed until the leaves close, and then the plant suppresses the growth of the weeds themselves.

Begin to harvest when the leaves of the plantyellowing. Complete maturation of beans is advisable to check before cleaning. Separation of grain from the shell indicates its maturity. In the land, the overripe peanuts begin to germinate. Peanut harvesting is performed in dry weather and is usually excavated with a shovel. Its uprooted bushes should dry out. Fruits are cut off only after the stem completely dries. And then they can be used for their intended purpose!

Knowing how peanuts grow, amateur gardeners,which tend to develop the cultivation of new interesting fruit plants, may well join the cultivation of peanuts in their plots.

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