/ / Opposing is to object?

Opposing is to protest?

On public discussions of any problemusually there are two opposing sides representing opposing views on the proposed issue. If one group believes that the statement "A" is correct, then, therefore, it will be opposed by a group that considers the statement "B" to be true. As for the concept of "opposing," do people often think about its correct meaning? And do they use it right?

oppose it

The lexical meaning of the word "oppose"

This is a commonly used word hastwo basic values ​​fixed in dictionaries. Let's open, for example, the corresponding article in the Great Dictionary of Modern Russian. Unlike most multi-valued words, the word "oppose" is one of those whose lexical meanings are almost identical, only have their small details.

it means to oppose

The first lexical meaning is "to speak withobjections to someone on a dispute or in a public conversation. "It is narrower, but it is the main one because of what has arisen for such cases. There is also a second, similar meaning of the word" oppose. "This is" to object to someone , to challenge someone's opinion. "This meaning is broader, but it departs from the original sphere of its use.

Examples of use in the proposal

It is better to master the use of a word by building sentences with it. Below are some examples of sentences with the desired word:

  • To oppose him is not an easy task;
  • relativists, opposing This point of view argued that when light was scattered, it should have deviated, but this is not observed;
  • so, opposing popular in our time justifications of the existing order of references to Russian political culture, I specifically turned to the Russian tradition.

As can be seen from the examples above, all the meanings of the word "opposing" are close to each other.</ span </ p>

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