/ / How to remove grease stains from clothes? Means and methods

How to remove grease stains from clothes? Means and methods

Greasy stains

Often a great evening at a restaurant ora solemn reception on any occasion ends with a greasy spot on the festive attire, which is not even known when it was delivered. Naturally, because of one stain, it is not worth throwing away an expensive dress or a suit, so you need to know what to remove greasy stains from clothes. Fortunately, the means and methods for this are quite enough today, but the importance in this matter is how fast you spotted the stain, as well as the fabric from which your clothes are made.

Getting rid of fresh spots

It should be noted that it is easiest to fight withfresh spots. If the thing can be washed, treat the stain with any dish detergent and rinse it with clean water. If the clothes can not be washed, then for normal cleaning you can use ordinary kitchen salt. It must be applied to the stain and shaken off lightly. However, a fat stain is not always found on time, and even if so, there is often no opportunity to correct the situation, and one has to think at home about how to remove greasy stains from clothes.

Than to remove fat stains from clothes

It's enough simply to remove the fat stain from theusing potato starch. The contaminated area of ​​clothing should be placed on a flat surface and, placing a paper towel under its inside, pour a glass of starch on top and wait for 5 minutes. Then the starch should be shaken off, and if the stain does not disappear, repeat the procedure. So it should be done as many times as needed to completely disappear the traces of fat.

Greasy stains are also removed by a mixture of edible saltand ammonia in a ratio of 1:12. A beer way is considered a good way: you need to pour some beer on the stain and hold it for 30 minutes, then wash it by hand or in a washing machine.

How to remove an old greasy stain

Removing stains from woolen, silk and velvet clothes

If you have long been looking for an answer to the question of whatremove greasy stains from clothes made of silk or wool, then you found it. To combat the fat stain in this case, you will need talcum, blotting paper and an iron. A little talc should be poured on the contaminated area of ​​clothing, cover with paper and iron iron. It is important that the iron is not too hot. If the stain is left, then, shaking off talcum, it is necessary to rub the contamination with cotton wool soaked in refined gasoline.

It is also necessary to know what to remove greasy stains from clothes made from velvet. Here you will help a small piece of crumb of a warm roll, which should rub the stain.

Removal of old grease stains

It's not so bad to deal with a fresh fat stain. However, there are cases when contamination is detected after washing and drying the thing. Fortunately, with such a problem it is possible to fight, most importantly, to know how to remove an old fat stain. The "magic" strength of starch was already mentioned when it came to fresh, oily stains. However, with the help of this substance, it is possible to remove old contaminants, however, in this case it is necessary to use hot potato starch. To do this, it needs to be warmed, poured onto a stain and wait for cooling, and then wash the thing using detergent.

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