/ / We create a retro-image: dresses of style of 50's

We create a retro-image: dresses of style of 50's

dress style

Interest in the style of rebellious Soviet youththe fifties and sixties of the last century appeared after the film "The Dandies", released in theaters in 2008. Today the modern generation seeks to reproduce the fashion of those years in theme parties, flash mobs and even at wedding ceremonies. How do dresses look like, which elements should include your image in order to be as similar to the original as possible? We'll talk about this in our article.

The women of that time preferred eitherdresses that tightened the figure as much as possible, or dresses with very fluffy skirts-the sun is up to the knees. In the latter case, in order to achieve a greater effect, different styles were worn under the dresses of the style. As for the top, there could be sleeves-lanterns, thin straps, an American armhole or a bodice, which was buttoned. The result was a very feminine silhouette, emphasizing the beauty and softness of the lines of the girl's figure.

dress style

Very important elements of dress style areaccessories. For example, a contrasting color belt or belt that emphasizes the waistline. In color, lacquered shoes with a pointed or open nose should be matched to it. If you prefer more comfortable shoes, then your option is ballet shoes. In addition, do not forget about the bag-clutch of the corresponding tone.

Remember that style clothes are, first of all,a combination of bright colors and fabrics of different textures, as well as the most daring prints and patterns. In the cold season, stockings with a seam will help not to freeze and supplement the image, which our grandmothers often painted with black pencil. Another, no less important, detail is a massive plastic jewelry. They are not cheap, but they look great within the style.

When our dresses are ready, it's time.to go to make-up. We put bright shadows on the eyes, draw wide enough black arrows and finish all with several layers of carcass. On the lips make a clear outline and apply lipstick juicy tones. Hair in the fifties was used to curl into large curls or make a high "shell". Another option of the right hairstyle is to comb the roots on the vertex, and the ends to gather in the tail. Complemented the hair with ribbons, bows or a hoop.

style clothes
Now that your image is finished, you need to think about it.and about the attire for your companion. As for men, the first years of the style, they preferred to wear baggy-looking jackets, bright wide pants, no less flashy ties, colorful socks and wide-brimmed hats. A little later, the guys began to look more elegant, there were trousers-puffs, checkered shirts, narrow ties and a "kok" hairstyle.

Of course, in our time it is unlikely that anyone will be surprisedand indignant vivid girlish girls dresses or bright men's suits. But even fifty years on the streets of the city you can see young people who are trying to imitate this style, if not copying the whole image, then taking some details from it. Most importantly, do not be afraid to experiment and do not get hung up on one single image. Be different! Be beautiful!

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