/ / Eyebrow tattoo. How much does beauty cost?

Eyebrow tattoo. How much does beauty cost?

Not everyone can boast of perfectdrawing eyebrows. It is known that the eyebrows of a man are slightly asymmetric. If you do not like the shape, thickness or color of your eyebrows - you can easily fix it with permanent make-up.

Types of tattooing

Today there are two types of eyebrow correction techniques: hair tattoos and soft feathering.

The technique of hair tattooing is thatlines of eyebrows are drawn strokes that will mimic natural hairs. After the procedure, the eyebrows look properly contoured and more dense, but at the same time, even at close range, they are difficult to distinguish from natural ones.

eyebrow tattoo how much is

Soft feathering, or shovotirovanie, is carried out by means of a line that creates an effect, as if you slightly tinted.

Cost of tattooing

Many people think that you need to shell out a lot,to do eyebrow tattoos. How much does such a pleasure? The price of tattooing depends on many factors: from materials, salon and skills of the master. On average, tattooing costs about 6 thousand rubles.

And what about anesthesia?

Permanent make-up - the procedure is prettypainful. Therefore, if you do tattoo without anesthesia, then you will have to wait a little. If you panic afraid of unpleasant sensations, then you will need anesthesia. Many masters of permanent makeup are advised to use an anesthetic gel before tattooing eyebrows. How much does this anesthesia cost? Anesthesia will cost 1000 rubles and more.

Care after tattooing

Immediately after eyebrow tattooinga few days will look very bright. Then their color will fade slightly and become like a natural color. The healing process, as a rule, takes 5-6 days.

tattoo of eyebrows at home

It should be noted that it lasts approximately 2-3 yearsEyebrow tattoo. At home, it is recommended to wash the skin area with chlorhexidine solution. After washing, anoint the eyebrow with ointment "Solcoseryl". For complete safety, these procedures should be repeated for a week three times a day.

Permanent Makeup Correction

If for some reason you still do notarrange your new eyebrows, you can correct them. The procedure is recommended to take place at the same master, from whom you have made permanent eyebrow makeup initially.

If you want to change the color, then the case iseasier. In this case, the master will be able to correct the work without removing the tattoo. If the case is in the form of eyebrows, then special techniques are used. To correct the shape, sometimes you have to completely remove the eyebrow tattoo. How much is the adjustment? Depending on the complexity of the work, the price for correction can be from 2500 rubles.

do tattoos eyebrows

Removal of tattooing

Unfortunately, there are situations when womenare completely unhappy with the result. Using a laser, you can remove an unsuccessful eyebrow tattoo. How much is getting rid of permanent makeup? Usually it costs the same price as its application. So in advance, think about whether to tattoo eyebrows or not.

Do not conduct the procedure, guided byfleeting desire. To introduce any changes in the appearance of your eyebrows is permissible only if they have a really wrong shape or there are other serious shortcomings that spoil your appearance. We wish you always to be beautiful and not succumb to the fleeting fashion trends!

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