/ / Fashion Trends: how to tie a thin tie

Fashion trends: how to tie a thin tie

A man in a good classic suit withtie will not leave any woman indifferent. The costume has long been the attribute of a successful man. And if the variety of styles of classical costume leave not too much freedom for the manifestation of his individuality to a man, then the tie gives an opportunity to express himself fully.

Ties in their modern form appearedonly in the twentieth century, although they were known and popular even in ancient Greece. Over the years, ties have undergone changes, but never lost their relevance. The tie was very popular at the time of Louis XIV, who did not remain indifferent to such an interesting and unusual accessory of a man's suit. Then there were whole textbooks how to tie a thin tie, it was a real sacrament.

Today the following species are widespreadtie: classic, for important events, bow tie (aka bow) and tie Bolo. Each kind of tie is appropriate in a certain suit and event.

Bolo is a tie in the form of a thin leather lace with a movable brooch made of metal, expensive wood or stone. In the states of South America, Bolo's tie is part of the official costume.

A bow tie resembles a bow, as a rule, it is produced with a knotted knot. He is worn with a tuxedo, as well as waiters and maitres.

At important events, you can see ties of ascot, shar pei (ryush) and plastron. Each of them has its own unique look and is not worn in everyday life.

So, classic ties, those that weused to see on modern men, are also quite diverse. One of the specific varieties is a regatta tie, which is produced with a ready-made knot on a rubber band with a clasp. It, as a rule, is worn by the military and people whose profession requires wearing a special uniform.

Classic ties are also subject to fashiontrends. Recently, thin (narrow) ties have become increasingly popular. It is also called a herring tie. Designers recommend him to wear not only with a classic business suit, but also with summer shirts with short sleeves and polo shirts. The thin tie looks rather democratic, but the suit's formalism remains. How to tie a thin tie? In many different ways: it will look good and simple knot and conservative.

How to tie a tie with a triangle? There are a lot of variations how to tie a thin tie, but as a result, we still get a classic knot. So, the knot with a triangle is suitable for both classical wide and for thin ties, it's more correct to call this kind of Windsor knot or conservative. Basically, knot ties of diplomats are tied up. Tie a thin tie with a triangle is not difficult, for beginners "users" is a simplified version of Half Windsor.

How to tie a thin tie knot Half Windsor

First, cross the ends of the tie, arrangingwider end over thin and pointing to the left. We pass the wide end of the tie under the narrow one and put it into the neck loop. Then we bring it forward and wrap it behind the narrow end of the tie, pointing the wide end to the right. Then we wrap the narrow end and direct it into the neck loop, pull it up and pass it through the eye and pull the entire knot.
Thin neckties were popular in the 60-70sthe last century, they were worn by people who adhere to minimalism. Today, thin ties also need to skillfully combine not only with the color of the shirt and suit, but also to follow the stylistic direction. Modern youth fashion allows the presence of a tie in the ensemble with jeans and a jumper on the buttons. In this case, the conservative node Half Windsor will look very organic.

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