/ / Hairless (stone hair of Venus). Photos, properties and meaning

Hairless (stone hair of Venus). Photos, properties and meaning

One of the most famous semiprecious stonesis quartz. Its popularity is due to the aesthetics and rather low cost of the mineral. One of the most interesting varieties of quartz is the hairy, a stone with the poetic name of the hair of Venus.

The Legend of the Stone Hair of Venus

About the origin of the stone created a huge amountof legends. The most famous tells how the incomparable goddess of eternal beauty and love Venus, known in Greek mythology as Aphrodite, bathed in the purest spring on earth. But she was in a hurry and in a hurry lost a lock of golden hair.

hairy stone
After some time, the goddess discovered the loss anddecided to return the lost. But the time on Olympus is much slower than on the ground. Returning to the lock, Venus found a snowy winter. The goddess was fascinated by the sight of the hair, frozen into the ice, and decided to leave them forever in this form, turning into a hairy stone.

According to another version of the legend, the goddess was combing herelegant golden hair and lost a crest, for which a fierce fight was arranged by river nymphs. Since none of them could not win the battle, it was decided to put the comb in stone, so that he did not get to anyone.

Description of the mineral

The hairless (stone) is formed in the thickness of the earth andis a quartz, which includes the inclusion of other minerals, for example rutile, asbestos, sherla, tourmaline. Depending on the composition, the colors of the main mineral and the impregnations differ, which can take a variety and bizarre forms.

hairy stone photo

The rarest and most valuable is rutilehairy (stone), whose photo shows how chaotic the patterns of interspersions can be. The most valuable minerals have golden or dark inclusions in the form of needles, hairs, prisms and columns. Crystals can be of different shapes, and their thickness varies from a millimeter to a fairly serious size. The largest stone found weighed about a hundred kilograms.

Equally valuable is the stone with inclusions from tourmaline or black sherlock. Such a mineral is rarely found, which increases its value. Black threads are called Amur arrows.

hairy stone properties
In the East, this quartz is especially valued, as its name eloquently says - the sacred stone of the East.

The magical properties of the mineral

Hairless (stone), whose magical propertiesknown since the days of Ancient Egypt, is able to change the life of its owner. He is considered the most powerful love amulet, which increases the attractiveness and natural beauty of man. Long wearing of a stone will bring good luck in love affairs and will increase sensuality.

To negative properties of a stone carry an excessiveamorousness and changeability. It is recommended to wear ornaments with this quartz with interruptions, since prolonged contact gives the wearer incontinence, windiness and impermanence. Also a hairy (stone) can enhance the perception of a subtle and invisible world. And from ancient times it was worn by telepaths, magicians and people of creative professions.

The healing properties of the stone hair of Venus

Apart from aesthetic, has a hairy-stoneproperties and medicinal. It is believed that the pendants of rutile quartz slow the aging process, and also drive away longing and loneliness. In ancient times it was used as an antidote for snake bite. At present, the mineral hair of Venus is considered effective in fighting colds and nervous diseases. The stone enhances the immunity of the wearer and helps to remove radiation. Widely used properties of the mineral in the treatment of hormonal failures in women.

Compatibility of hair loss

Semi-precious stone is compatible with all signsthe zodiac, but it is most preferable to wear it to Cancers or Lions, to which he will help to find happiness in his personal life. Will help to solve personal problems and Gemini, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The strength of the stone gives the air.

hairy stone magic properties

The mineral is perfectly combined with pearls, amethyst, cubic zirconia and rhodochrosite. Suitable for people with names such as Roman, Anatoly, Constantine, Timothy, Anna, Lydia, Lily, Rose and Elena.

Hairy in jewelery

Transparent mineral with inimitable geometryimpregnations have always been in high esteem among jewelers. It is processed with the help of the cabochon technique, which emphasizes the purity of the mineral and brightly distinguishes the unique filaments of inclusions. Also for a stone facet faceting with wedges or classical round is used.

For stones with black threads,silver setting. To emphasize the golden threads of the mineral hair of Venus jewelers prefer gold. In most cases, the back of the product is not closed, so that the unique pattern of the stone is maximally viewed.

stone hairy photo property and value
Hairless - stone, photo of unique products fromwhich can be found in many jewelry catalogs. Most often it is used to create beads, bracelets, rings and pendants. From this mineral create a variety of interior decorations, souvenirs, figurines, paperweights and much more.

The stone of a hairy in history

To study this mineral began a long time ago. As early as the 11th century, a well-known philosopher and doctor studied the stone hairy, photo, properties and meaning of which you will find in the article. He compared the mineral with the hyacinth bud. Many famous people in history preferred this stone. The Russian Empress Catherine the Great adored this stone and called it fire. Large and interesting pebbles were mined on Lake Onega and were of great value.

The huge popularity in Europe of the stone hairVenus received in the 18th century. Then it was often used as medallions and given to people who wanted to bewitch. Often used this quartz in witchcraft rituals, and nowadays there are a lot of magic balls made of it. The mineral also left a trace in the Hermitage, in which a unique seal with the coat of arms of the old noble family of Chertkovs, made in the form of a bottle of perfume, is kept.

Interesting Facts

Currently, a semiprecious mineralIt is produced in many countries of the world, for example in Russia, India, Greece, Mexico, the USA and Kazakhstan. Hairless (stone), the properties, the photo of which we studied in the article, is mined in Brazil. The Brazilian hairless has interspersed in the form of a star with six rays.

At present, the mineral has acquired manyvarious names such as ezhovik, Veninine hair, Cupid's arrows, hair of angels, hedgehog and sagenite. The inhabitants of the East give the quartz a huge magical meaning and call it the beard of Mohammed or the hair of Ali's beard, where Ali is the cousin and the son-in-law of the prophet.

hairy stone properties photo

The name of the stone depends on its type. So, a mineral with golden inclusions is called Venus's hair, while black threads are called Amur's arrows. Ural miners (formerly called miners looking for gems) called crystals with impregnated swallows, believing that large stones swallow smaller ones. Stones with actinolite and epidote have long been called green hairy or malachite crystals, which is due to the green color of the minerals. The poetic name of such a crystal is the hair of Thetis, named after the daughter of the sea king Nereus.

Interest in this type of semi-precious mineral is nothas ceased for many centuries, which is due to its unique features, because each crystal has a unique form of dissemination, which is different, like fingerprints. Despite the fact that this type of quartz is the most expensive, it is purchased not only by collectors, but also by ordinary people who want to have a beautiful jewelry.

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