/ / Simple ways on how to properly nail

Simple ways on how to properly nail up

Many women prefer to increaseDo not grow your nails. First, it is much simpler, secondly - stronger, and in some cases - faster. However, usually this procedure is required, when necessary, as soon as possible to give your hands a beautiful and neat appearance. Well, if you learn how to properly nail, they will not last a day, but a year, and even longer.

In general, there are several ways how to properly nail.
The first - the most simple and affordable -The use of false nails, which can be bought at almost any cosmetic store. They are made, as a rule, from plastic or nylon. Technology, how to properly nail the nails, is very simple: first degrease the "native", then apply a lacquer and glue. And only then you need to glue an artificial nail. The disadvantage is that it looks unnatural. Although the choice of such a method is quite popular.

Tissue build-up can also be used,which, however, is a bit dated. Scraps are cut out fabric (silk, linen, etc.), then impregnated with an adhesive. After that, it is strengthened with tips that are attached to the nails.
The most common method of building - using acrylic or a special gel. Consider these two methods separately.

To learn how to properly grow nails withUsing acrylic, contact a professional. How to properly handle nails before applying acrylic? Before applying this material, it is first mixed with a special liquid, resulting in a thick mixture. In the air, it quickly freezes and you get a beautiful, natural-looking nail. Roughly speaking, to get an acrylic nail, mix the polymer and monomer, and as a result, a new polymer is obtained. After the nail freezes, it is polished. Nails made of acrylic are very strong, but if they need to be removed, then it is easy to do with a special solvent.

The technology of gel building also requiresIntervention of the master - the gel freezes on tipsy under the influence of ultraviolet. Advantages of this method is very much: the result is natural and beautiful looking, allows the nails to breathe, prevents the formation of fungus, is durable, nails acquire elasticity. Perhaps, that is why nail extensions with the help of gel are very popular, which is growing every year. However, it is rather difficult to remove such a nail.

In principle, there is not much difference how rightto increase nails - gel or acrylic. Just need to decide which material is more suitable for you. In addition to the fact that acrylic nails are easier to remove, there are several more differences between these two ways:

1. Use acrylic nails to build up longer;
2. Acrylic nails require more frequent correction than gel (in general, accrued nails should be adjusted every 2-3 weeks);
3. Without varnish gel nails look more beautiful than acrylic (and all the rest) thanks to gloss;

To build, in addition to tipsy, use forms. And they can be used only if natural nails are at least a little long. They are simply lengthened, putting on a finger a special plate of foil. The form is needed when it is necessary to lengthen the nail.
Tipsy it is possible to use in those cases,when the nails are very short. They are glued on half of the nail with the help of glue or any other adhesive. It is made, as a rule, from plastic, nylon or acetate.

Do not forget:
· Extension can spoil the "native" nails;
· Tissue nails are not particularly strong, quickly crack;
· Holders of thin nails are not recommended gel build-up - you can get burns;
· It is better to remove the varnish with something that is not bezacetone;
· If there is a desire or need to saw your nails, you should not use an iron nail file and grind it.
To strengthen the quality of artificial nails, you need to use a special oil and do not forget to go for correction procedures.

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