/ / Salicylic peeling at home: prescription, description of the procedure

Salicylic peeling at home: prescription, description of the procedure

Acetylsalicylic acid has amazingproperties. It allows you to improve the recovery of cells, in addition, promotes rejuvenation and cleansing. The component is a part of many anti-acne remedies. In cosmetology, salicylone face peeling is often used.

salicylic peeling at home prescription

Salicylic peeling - what is it?

Enzyme salicylic peeling is a kind of procedurechemical exfoliation of the upper layer of the epidermis. During the procedure, the acid acts on the upper layers of the skin, penetrates gently into the skin, removes the upper keratinized cells. And due to this, the epidermis is renewed, the production of collagen and elastin is activated, the structure of the skin improves.

Salicylic peeling (before and after usephotos are given in the article below) has a strong anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect. It does not irritate the skin at all, does not penetrate into the deep layers, and does not have a comedogenic effect. Consequently, there is minimal risk of developing any side effects.


As a rule, when problems with the dermis are shownsalicylic peeling. The procedure can be prescribed to you, for example, with acne. But this is not one case in which a salicylic mask will be an excellent assistant in solving possible problems. In the reviews, many talk about eliminating the effects of sun burns, pigment spots, and other shortcomings.

salicylic acid solution

Peeling based on salicylic acid is shown:

  • with age-related changes, photoaging, wilting;
  • acne;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • black points;
  • age-related pigmentation;
  • postakne;
  • skin prone to acne, fat;
  • folliculitis;
  • actinic hyperkeratosis;
  • coarsening of the skin (including on the knees, elbows).


Salicylic acid solution has no special contraindications, they remind recommendations for other types of peeling:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • skin damage where necessary to perform the procedure;
  • allergy to the components that make up this peeling;
  • any inflammatory processes;
  • any kinds of burns;
  • excessive sensitivity of the skin;
  • strong solar activity.

It is also worth noting that before the proceduremeans with abrasive properties should not be used (scrubs, etc.). In addition, before peeling it is necessary to avoid the impact of hikes in the solarium, as well as direct sun rays.

Salicylic Saline Exfoliation

To make this peeling in the cabin,preparatory procedures will not be required, except for thorough skin cleansing. The master is applied salicylic acid (the price of the service depends on the region and the salon's salability) in the form of a solution or paste on the treated areas where it is for a while. Time is selected individually, and it depends on the concentration of the substance. Further the cosmetician neutralises it, smears a skin with serum or a cream.

peeling with salicylic acid at home

Salicylic acid: the price of peeling

Prices for this procedure for facial skin vary independing on the preparation of the master who makes it, as well as the quality of the substance used in the process. Part of the salons offer a peeling session for the stock at an inexpensive price, but you should remember that from such care the maximum effect will be only after the full course. The average cost is about 2000 rubles.

Types of salicylic peelings

In the store, a solution of salicylic acid can be found in various forms - with the addition of retinol, herbs, extracts and fruit acids. Each of them is suitable for a specific type of skin.

Choose a salicylic peel yourself

To make peeling with salicylic acid at home, you should consider its differences and features:

  1. If you have found yourself a home care prescription, you need to check on a small area of ​​the skin for its safety.
  2. All funds are divided into 2 main groups: surface peeling (in which up to 20% acid), as well as mid-surface (25-30% acid). For home use, the first remedy is suitable.
  3. Read as much as possible reviews about companies, andalso recommendations. Your skin may not come up with every mask that contains salicylic acid. The "Martinex" and "Stopproblem" means proved themselves well.
  4. All funds are produced in two forms: pasty and liquid. Cosmetologists advise using a paste for the body, and for the decollete zone and the face - liquid.


You can make peeling yourselfsalicylic acid at home. It should be noted that among the advantages of this tool are small cost and availability. Mix the ingredients according to the following recipe:

  • aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) - 1-2 tablets;
  • honey - 1 spoon;
  • fermented or kefir - 1 spoon.

Once salicylic peeling at home(the recipe is given above) will be prepared, apply it evenly to the cleansed skin, cover with a tissue thin napkin, then leave it for 10 minutes. Then massage the skin lightly until light foams appear and rinse with cold water. Face the face with a towel, then apply a light moisturizer. You should repeat the sessions for two weeks every other day. The second course can be held only after 2 months.

salicylic acid price


This procedure does not take much time, while salicylic peeling is performed in several stages, which we will consider in more detail:

  1. Make-up remover. This stage consists in the complete cleansing of the skin from cosmetics. Further on the dermis is applied a remedy, softening its upper layer. This skin will make it more susceptible, while the peeling components will work much more efficiently.
  2. Degreasing. Now a special disinfectant and degreasing solution is applied to the skin. This reduces the risk of adverse side effects.
  3. Exposure to acid. The skin is covered with a thin layer of salicylic acid paste or a solution. In this case, you can feel a slight tingling or burning. It's interesting, but it's a normal reaction to the chemicals that make up the drug. At the end of the allotted time, a special preparation of the active substance is neutralized.
  4. The end of the procedure. The last stage is the application of special creams on the surface of the skin. They should contain anti-inflammatory, soothing ingredients (for example, aloe, which in the post-peeling period helps the rapid recovery of cells, in addition, protects our skin from the adverse effects of the environment). In addition, some salons offer masks, whose action is aimed at restoring the skin.


Salicylic peeling at home, recipewhich is given above, it is quite easy to do. But it should be taken into account that it contains components, due to the effect of which the skin actually gets a chemical burn. At the same time, its intensity is affected by the concentration of substances present in the composition of the agent, as well as the individual susceptibility to these components.

salicylic peeling before and after

After salicylic peeling in the homeconditions (the recipe is quite simple), a small reddening is observed on the treated areas, which can gradually increase. Then, tightness and dryness of the skin are felt. To prevent the occurrence of these unpleasant phenomena should be applied to her cosmetic products that have the effect of moisturizing (lotions, creams, tonics, etc.).

After the procedure on the third day, the upper layers of the skinbegin to peel off (desquamation process). This is not a very pleasant moment, but it is inevitable. At this time, the skin should be carefully protected from direct sun rays, applying a special sunscreen. In this case, you should refrain from going out in sunny weather to the street, if there is such an opportunity.

As soon as the peeling is completed, noticeablythe skin will also change: its smoothness and elasticity will increase, the color and relief will improve, fine wrinkles will smooth out, while the deeper will not be so pronounced.

salicylic face peeling


Reviews of girls who did salicylic peeling at home (his recipe is elementary), talk about all sorts of his virtues:

  • effectively fights with various skin rashes, early aging and other defects;
  • the procedure is quite simple;
  • the possibility of holding it at any age and in different parts of the body;
  • absence of toxicity;
  • peeling has a low irritant ability;
  • when cleaning the skin, the deep layers of the epidermis are not affected.

The effect is visible after the first procedure:

  • the complexion is leveled;
  • the skin is elastic, taut and moisturized;
  • pores narrowed;
  • pigmented spots are brightened.

Possible complications

Sometimes salicylic face peeling can cause the development of some complications manifested:

  • redness of the skin;
  • excessive tightness, which is due to dehydration of cells;
  • inflammation and edema of affected areas;
  • skin peeling;
  • an allergic reaction;
  • sensation of burning and strong tingling of the epidermis;
  • exacerbation of herpes.

salicylic peeling procedure

Proper post-peel rehabilitation together withcorrectly conducted procedure allow the risk of these complications to be minimized. If nevertheless there were undesirable consequences, it is necessary to eliminate them immediately, and sometimes to address to doctors.

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