How to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes?
The very first on the face appear wrinkles abouteye. This is due to the fact that very thin, delicate and dry skin is constantly exposed to high loads when expressing emotions. In addition, this area is most susceptible to harmful external influences. Therefore, the first mimic wrinkles are formed precisely here and at a fairly young age. In this regard, most women have the question: "How to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes?".
In some, these wrinkles appear earlier, in otherslater - everything depends on various factors. The early appearance of wrinkles in the eye area can be explained by diseases, bad habits, lack of sleep, mimic activity, unbalanced diet, heredity, improper removal of cosmetics from the eyes.
Any wrinkles are always very frustrating for women, so you need to struggle with them, both with the help of modern cosmetic preparations, and with home methods.
In order to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes,it is necessary to part with the habit of squinting, and in sunny weather it is mandatory to use sunglasses, since the sun not only makes you squint, but also damages the elasticity of the skin. Do not rub eyes and strongly move the delicate skin of eyelids when washing, removing makeup and applying a special cream.
Particular attention should be given to nutrition. With age, the production of collagen, responsible for the elasticity of the skin, gradually decreases, so it is necessary to stimulate its production with the help of useful products such as spinach, fresh carrots, red vegetables and fruits, salmon, salmon, sea kale.
Prevent the development of collagen stress and lack of sleep, therefore, sleep should last at least 8 hours a day.
From a young age, it is necessary to startcare for the delicate skin of the eyelids. For each age, you can choose a suitable cream for the eye area. Very useful for gentle skin light massage, firming exercises and constant moisturizing.
It is possible to entrust skin care to a professional cosmetologist, but good results are brought by simple folk methods. So, how to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes at home?
Excellent means for moisturizing the skin near the eyes- aloe vera. In order to get rid of the dryness in these areas, you need to wipe them overnight with freshly squeezed aloe juice. Well moisturizes the skin apricot or peach oil. Also, a compress from olive oil with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice acts well on the skin around the eyes. The compress is applied for about ten minutes, then the skin is soaked and lightly massaged.
How to get rid of wrinkles under the eyes withparsley and raw potatoes? To do this, you need to make a tincture: chopped parsley (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water (half a glass), insist for about fifteen minutes. Raw potatoes finely grate. Combine a tablespoon of grated potato with two tablespoons of warm parsley tincture. Add the vegetable oil (1 table spoon). The mixture is put on a folded a few times a cloth or gauze, attach to the eye area for about ten minutes.
A proven means for smoothing wrinkles under the eyes: slice the loaf in warm milk and put under the eyes for 15 minutes.
In older women, the question is howget rid of wrinkles under the eyes, if they are already deep enough. To do this, you can use the following recipe. Milk, melted honey, unrefined vegetable oil, fatty sour cream (all in a teaspoonful) mix and combine with egg yolk. The mask should be applied to the area around the eyes, after 10 minutes carefully remove the swab from cotton wool soaked in a mixture of warmed milk and water.
How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes with the help ofspecial gymnastics? To maintain the elasticity of the skin in the eye area, there are many exercises. Here is one of them that will not only save wrinkles, but also reduce bags and dark circles under the eyes. It is necessary to press the skin around the outer corners of the eyes with the cushions of the index fingers. Eyes to direct to the ceiling and try to squint. Perform daily at least fifteen times.