/ Why are dental powders useful? Home cooking recipe

Than useful tooth powders? Home cooking recipe

How to keep your teeth healthy and white withoutuse of hazardous chemicals and expensive dental procedures? The answer is simple: to return to the experience of our ancestors who used tooth powders based on natural ingredients, such as wine vinegar and pumice. The composition also included crushed talc, egg shell, gypsum, salt, shells of snails and other components. In Europe, for example, funds were made on the basis of chalk and medicinal herbs.

tooth powders

Many years have passed since then, and even centuries, butmodern industry in the manufacture of such tools widely uses chalk, and for the flavor are added various oils (anise, eucalyptus, menthol). And there are tooth powders, whose composition includes sea salt, aluminum chloride, soda and useful trace elements, which have an adsorbing effect and impart freshness.

What is useful for dental powder?

Today, nanotechnology allowsmeans, completely consisting of derivatives of natural medicinal plants. For convenience of use, packages are supplied with special dispensers. Means help to cope with tooth decay, strengthen tooth enamel and gums, clean out qualitatively from stones, stains and raids. They whiten and polish teeth well, and also reduce the risk of gingivitis and periodontal disease.

how to use tooth powder

Use tooth powders to restoreacid-base balance in the mouth and reducing the gingival hemorrhage. In most modern cleaners are added crushed shells of sea crabs, which have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as protect the enamel from penetration of harmful microorganisms.

When buying, be sure to study the composition of dentalpowder. Medicinal properties will have a tool with white clay. Her healing qualities can be written endlessly - she strengthens the enamel, removes the stone, removes the unpleasant smell, especially for smokers and coffee lovers. Remove the inflammation will help the powder based on pink clay. It is very good, if the collection will contain the collection of medicinal plants and soda - these are faithful and devoted companions in the struggle for health.

How to use tooth powder in order to achieve the desired effect?

Before cleaning teeth, take a powder and dipin it a brush, then moisten it with water and apply to the destination twice a day. Means in the form of applications applied to the tooth enamel for 15 minutes, then carefully rinse the mouth. Whitening tooth powders are used no more often than 3 times a week. With their help you can get rid of yellowness, stains, tobacco, plaque from coffee and tea.

tooth powder composition

An effective and safe remedy can be prepared independently of the available and trusted components to strengthen the gums and enamel. You will need the following herbs (dessert spoon):

- liquorice root;

- leaves of peppermint;

- sage leaves;

- hop cones;

- nettle leaves;

- celandine;

- tansy;

- Thyme;

- violet (grass) and coltsfoot.

All listed plants need to grind inblender or coffee grinder. To the mixture add a small spoonful of pink and white clay, as well as 10 g of salt (only fine). Store the powder in a glass container. For prophylaxis, use once a week.

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