/ Tunnel in the ear: modern standards of beauty

Tunnel in the ear: modern standards of beauty

Modern beauty has almost norestrictions. At the same time, more people of the older generation completely disapprove of the fashion trends of young people. To date, piercing, tattoos and body modifications of steel

Tunnel in the ear
commonness. But in fact not so long ago decoration in the navel could be seen only with the most daring girls. As a rule, all were limited to a puncture of the ear lobe. But today progress in this area has gone even further. In addition to ordinary punctures, which, by the way, in the salon can be done absolutely on any part of the body, the tunnel has gained popularity in the ear.

The tendency to stretch the lobes came to us all fromthe same Africa. Tribes endowed such a procedure with a special sacral meaning. Almost every amateur piercer now has tunnels. However, in fact they are not so easy to acquire. The tunnel in the ear is an extreme type of piercing. And you can achieve the desired result in several ways. There are three methods in total:

  • Stretching an already existing puncture in the earlobe to the hole of the desired diameter.
  • The incision of the lobe.
  • Cutting a hole with a surgical scalpel.

The most popular is the first method. With due skill

Stretching for tunnels
stretch the tunnel in the ear from scratch to the rightdiameter can be and independently. But you need to act with extreme caution. Indeed, in the lobe there is a huge number of nerve endings and special points, the damage of which can harm the work of internal organs. Therefore, it will be most appropriate to contact a specialist who will not only perform the entire procedure on his own, but will also talk in detail about further care for this body modification. In one session, the tunnel in the ear can be stretched without harm to the lobule up to 10 mm. All other dimensions are obtained after several procedures.

If you still decided to acquire a similarbeauty at home, then for this you will need special tools. They are called stretch marks for tunnels. Such devices are sold in specialized stores, they are designed to gradually increase the existing puncture in the ear. Experts recommend that

Tunnel in the ear
the process of creating a tunnel to lubricate the skin with Vaseline. This will reduce friction from stretching, reduce pain and prevent possible tissue rupture.

The second way is more extreme and is appliednot so often. Usually it is used by those who do not want to spend a lot of time on gradual stretching. But this tunnel heals much longer. In addition, he will have to be carefully looked after. Although daily procedures are mandatory for all tunnels. Otherwise, there is a risk of formation of suppuration and even necrosis of tissues.

The third method is used extremely rarely. Only extremals who resort to a very large tunnel resort to it. No stretching will be inserted into the ear. The hole in the lobe is simply cut out with a scalpel, and then gradually stretched. This method allows you to achieve truly impressive results. But it is worth remembering that such jewelry rarely suits those around them. Employers from reputable companies react particularly negatively to the tunnels.

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