Onion mask for hair: reviews and recipes for masks
Recently there has been an increased demand forcosmetic products from the field of folk (grandmother's) and home remedies. Interest in them shows the female part of the population, and according to her conclusions, this homemade cosmetics is sometimes more effective than the store. If you prepare a face cream for the time being is not so simple, then make the means to strengthen the hair under the power of each young lady.
"Grief onions": controversial issues
There are several well-established types of masks fromnatural ingredients. One is the onion hair mask. Reviews about it from those who used it, just polar: someone does not snore, and someone dreams of quickly forget that such a tool in general is. Almost everything is unanimous in that it gives a result.
In this case, no tricks in the form of adding to the maskvinegar, lemon, cognac or essential oils in shampoo in most cases are not saved. Perhaps, it's all about the peculiarities of some biochemical processes inherent in a specific girl? After all, there are those who coped with the smell, and onion hair mask reviews they received only positive.
What is the power: the value of onions for trichology
Such habitual, accessible and inconspicuousonions (it is from this make the therapeutic mask), it turns out, has useful properties not only for our internal organs, but is also the first tool in home trichology.
For hair and scalp in onions are valuablesuch elements as nitrogenous substances, phytoncides, vitamins of group B, PP, C, apple and citric acid. The main useful substances are sulfur and silicon. Sulfur is involved in the processes of collagen production, without which it is impossible to update the skin. Silicon is necessary for the structure of the hair, its growth and strengthening.
Regularly applying such a remedy as onion hair mask, reviews leave the following:
- markedly increases the volume of hair;
- there is shine and liveliness of the head of hear;
- Reduces hair loss;
- hair growth is accelerated;
- dandruff disappears;
- the structure of the hair changes positively.
Especially popular among girls onion mask for hair growth: reviews about it, despite the controversial moment by smell, are positive and encouraging.
Here's how the hair mask looks, reviews aboutwhich deserve to be made: a mush of 1 medium onion, 2 slices of garlic, a spoonful of honey and the same amount of apple vinegar, kefir and herbal infusion.
Ingredients mix and rub into the skin and hair forhour before washing. Cover the head with polyethylene and cover with a warm towel. Get a compress that activates the effect of nutrients. Wash off with warm water using shampoo (neither do nor regret it). To neutralize the odor during rinsing, you can add squeezed lemon juice or vinegar.