How to dye eyelashes to look spectacular
Every female person knows that forthe completion of the make-up should emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes - make up eyelashes. After all, since their tips have absolutely no color, tinting will give them color and volume. As a rule, there are very few beautiful natural eyelashes that need not be taken care of, very few, that's why some girls and women use various tricks.
How to dye eyelashes to your eyesfascinated, were expressive and emphasized the extraordinary cut of the eyes? The answer is quite simple - to buy mascara. How to dye eyelashes with mascara to get the desired result? No doubt, any lady can answer this question. But here's the problem: many mistakenly think that they know absolutely everything. However, as in any other process, here there are some subtleties that some women do not adhere to or simply do not know.
So, after you have acquired the mascara, we proceed to the very process of painting. How to dye the eyelashes correctly? Here are some rules.
• If there are traces of fat on the cilia, the ink will not hold. After applying the cream on your face, you need to get your eyelashes wet with a napkin, and apply a little powder to your eyelids.
· Apply mascara to the eyelashes in the following order:
- In the first place, the lower cilia are painted. The brush should be in an upright position, the mascara is applied with the tip of a brush;
- Then return the brush to the horizontal position and paint the upper cilia. First we paint the middle of the century, then the outer part and only then the inner part;
- To paint eyelashes it is necessary, moving from rootsto the tips, along the entire length. Movement should be twirled, raised, lengthened eyelashes, each of the movements should be fixed for a few seconds;
- after the first layer of the carcass was applied, let it dry, then it is worth dyeing the eyelashes again.
· In order to lengthen the eyelashes, pull the brush along them upwards, slightly lifting the head.
· To obtain gracefully curved eyelashes, the eyes should be slightly covered and with light movements the brushes make eyelashes on the upper eyelid.
· If you want to emphasize the elegant lines of the eye itself, and make the eyelashes look like light butterfly wings - the movements should be slightly oblique, from the center of the century to the temple.
· To evenly distribute the carcasses before starting to color the eyelashes, you need to comb it with a special brush, thanks to which you separate them.
How to dye eyelashes and not reduce visuallysize of the eye? Most cosmetologists and makeup artists are not advised to paint the lower cilia, as it is supposedly visually reduces the eye. In fact, the lower cilia need to be painted, only this way you can get impeccably painted eyes. If you still think that after painting the lower cilia, the eye looks smaller than it actually is, proceed as follows: before applying the mascara to the eyelashes on the inner lower eyelid, apply a thin pencil in a white pencil that visually increases the eye.
If you suddenly in the process stained eyelid ink, do notdespair and apply all make-up again. You just need to wait a few seconds until the mascara on the eyelashes completely dry, then take the cotton swab and gently, lightly remove the excess paint. Remember: mascara should only be on eyelashes!
You can also dye the cilia with a special paint. Eyelashes color the same as hair, and the result, as a rule, is kept for a month.
Learn to properly dye your eyelashes is not on the day when you have to go on a date or a dinner party. Spend some time and practice correctly applying mascara.